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DoomRL - Part 1 Youtube | Blip coming eventually

Alright so this is episode 1. A respectable start for sure. There was a large amount of explaining things in this video hopefully things don't get too dry. The goal here is to show off enough about the game that people who have never played it before could just watch this Let's Play and pick up the game without feeling too lost. I think a big problem with roguelikes is that the barrier to entrance is typically quite large and many people won't take the time to learn to play a really fun game. Fixing the world one video Let's Play at a time.

Alright now to help people who have never played a roguelike or are in general very unfamiliar with them I've made a guide. To preface it the general idea of roguelikes is you explore randomly generated levels and kill monsters and collect loot. Everything in DoomRL is represented by ASCII characters, in the future some of the games I play will use tile sets and things will look much more dungeon-like. DoomRL does not have a tile set mode currently out so we're stuck with ASCII. You're character is represented by the @ symbol so when you watch the video I am the one controlling and moving that symbol around while everything else is being controlled by the game. Here is a codex of what the other symbols are, the most important thing to realize is that letters are enemies and symbols are items are dungeon features. Walls are # and i is an imp demon for instance.


@ Me.

# Walls.

+ Closed Doors.

/ Open Doors.

 - Melee Weapons. Typically knives, purple is the chainsaw and green are unique.

} - Guns. Color tells you type or rarity, Purple are exotic and green are unique.

? - Ammo. the type is shown by the color, white is 10mm, grey is shells, dark yellow is rockets, blue is plasma.

+ - Health Packs, light red is small, dark red is large. You can carry these around and use them as needed.

& - Levers, these can have a number of random effects, some of which are pretty good and some of which are absolutely friggen horrible.

> - Stairs, white lead to the next normal floor while red lead to a special floor of some sort.

^ - Power Ups of some sort, red are health, dark red could be large health globes or perserk packs, green are maps, yellow is armor refills and white is invincibility. There are also Pink and Blue which are megaglobes and superglobes respectively though they are alot rarer.

0 - Barrels, thats a zero if you can't tell, in game they will have a / across them to differentiate themselves from the O enemies. Different colors are different barrel types.

Bestiary -

What roguelike doesn't have a good bestiary? Now you can identify all those pesky monsters you see in the videos. The list is not yet complete but it does cover every enemy you'll see in the video.


Firesplasma, far weaker in melee than it is at range.

Bruiser Brother -

Boss of the first dungeon of the game. Always 2 of them, total bitches to deal with.

Cacodemon -

Chocolate demon, they shoot shit at you and are typically the worst enemies you'll find in the first dungeon.

Demon -

Pinky, very strong in melee. Shotguns will help push them back and give you more time. Either a complete breeze or a terrible enemy depending on your build.

Former Captain -

Chaingun humans, can be fairly dangerous.

Former Human -

Normal human, uses pistols. Easiest enemy in the game.

Former Sergeant -

Shotgun humans, typicaly the worst enemy in the early game. Constantly annoying until they turn into complete chumps when you start to get some levels.

Hell Knight -

The work horse of the mid game. Quite tough.

imp -

The most common non-human enemy. Shoots fireballs but not too threatening.

Lost Soul -

Extremely fast enemies, no ranged attacks but they can swarm you pretty easily if you aren't careful.

Pain Elemental -

They release Lost Souls as an attack and upon death. A wizard did it.