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(Link to conversation with Central: HERE)

Last time

S...something happened. I concur, Regis.

- A security card. This man was custodial staff - a janitor.

And on this day, we learn that protagonists need to be VERY careful what they wish for. The universe is listening.

- Probably not our mindjacker's target, then.

Unless he has a KILLER recipe for floor wax...

- Still, I don't think this was an accident.

REALLY. You don't, huh? I can see why you don't need Central!

- We need to find out what's going on here.


- Well, he was definitely killed by the fall.

- Thanks. Real helpful.

- No, I mean he wasn't mindjacked. He doesn't have the same neuropathy associated with it. Or much of a face or head at all, at this point...

- Hmm... so maybe Central was wrong?

Leave it to us to find a happy ending in all this. It's all worth it as long as we can sneer at a computer. Go team.

- There's still a body though - we need to find out what's going on.

Understatement of the century. We've gotta act FAST! Before the mindjacker gets away!



Case file posted:


Beginning in March 2087, a string of data-theft attacks have been carried out within Newton.

Using a process of resonant modulation with subject's neural wetware, the data-contents of individual victims' brains are being destructively removed, with fatal consequences to targets.

Victims to Date:
- 18 (Newton)
- Unknown (Global Total)

Identity of Perpetrator:
Not known: subject appears exceptionally skilled at infiltration, and may have inside help from larger sponsor.


Case specialists Regis and Lao are assigned to compile all available data on Mindjacker's activity (including investigation of latest targets) for analysis by CENTRAL.

Sheesh, and most people burn out after 1 or 2 minds. This jerk's got at least 20 of the suckers flying around in there! Also: 18 is too high to count for Regis.


The News posted:

Continuing a long-standing process of standardization, the Parliament of the European Federation (EF) has today ratified the update of metric time across the 64-member union. The measure, signed into law by EF Prime Minister Jacqueline Santini at 06:52:80 (15:40 pm), is planned to be rolled out over the course of the next four years. Under the scheme, measure of the time of day is to be divided into ten hours, each with 100 minutes, made up of 100 seconds.

Santini, whose Federalist Party have been one of the keenest supporters of the new policy, greeted the change enthusiastically. 'Computing and commercial time measurement has long been carried out in a metric scale with atomic timing, and the division into 24 hours has itself merely been an arbitrary convention of history.'

While commonly referred to as 'metric' time, the measurement of a day into periods of ten should more accurately be known as 'decimal' time. Internationally the EF's policy has gained little traction, if not outright criticism, with some leaders condemning the changes as 'unnatural'. The Oceania Cooperative's government was less emotive, issuing a statement that though the change was 'one demanded by the European voter, which we will respect as a democratic institution', they made clear that the OC has no plans to adopt any similar measures.

Technobabylon... I'm halfway between impressed and baffled. That is a HUGE amount of content related to this throwaway article on metric time.

Now there's only sports...


kabaddi posted:

In the international team version of kabaddi, two teams of seven members each occupy opposite halves of a field of 10 m × 13 m in case of men and 8 m × 12 m in case of women. Each has three supplementary players held in reserve. The game is played with 20-minute halves and a five-minute halftime break during which the teams exchange sides.

The teams take turns sending a "raider" into the other half. To win a point, the raider must take a breath, run into the opposing half, tag one or more members of the opposite team, then return to his home half before inhaling again. The raider will chant "kabaddi, kabaddi" with his exhaling breath to show the referee he has not inhaled. The raider will be declared "out" and will not gain the point if he inhales before returning to his side, or returns without touching an opponent. The tagged defender(s) will be "out" if they do not succeed in catching the raider who tagged them. Wrestling the raider to the ground can prevent him escaping before he needs to inhale.

That... actually sounds awesome. I would 100% watch a pro-level game of kabaddi!

...and weather!

Alright. Now that we've wasted like 10 minutes, on that's let's GO INVESTIGATE THIS MURD... wait hold on... was that a game on there?

R...Regis. Maybe we should....



dumb game posted:

Or, if you want to play straight away, just go to the website and purchase some T.H.E. CREDITS to continue!

<T.H.E. Games: World Leaders in "Free" to Play since 2055>

Yes alright, very clever Technobabylon.

Now. At this point, there's only one other thing we can do on the Traveler:

Besides that!

And that is call Central and brief it on what's happened so far and ask it about its opinions.

And it's... worth a listen, I'd say. It's PRETTY similar to the conversation with Max, but there are a few important details:

1) I was right about the Markov chain, which I feel sassy about
2) Regis shows himself to be a bad detective for not wanting information like 3 times
3) Central drops that Regis doesn't have any implants.

I'm not going to transcribe the whole thing, in the interests of making this update more interesting, but I WILL post it on Youtube, separate from the big Longplay of the game.

Find it HERE if you wanna listen!


And only (checks watch) 45 minutes later, Let's GET IN THAT ELEVATOR!

- It's unlocked floor 26 for us.

- Must be where it's owner was working.

You know, I guess I don't know a ton about this, but I kind of think a fall from 26 floors up might have been a LITTLE messier than that.

Well, no time for such considerations. WE'VE GOT (maybe) A MINDJACKER TO STOP!

You gotta hand it to Technobabylon - that's a nifty transition.


As an ace detective, I have determined that this guy fell backwards in his chair, hitting his head and pushing the janitor guy out of the window. Let's call this one early!

- Burns all around the planar nodes in his wetware wiring.

- A planar node is a flat plane of space where there is absolutely no electron density, i.e. there will be no electrons found along that plane. So... I'm.... well, anyway, his head area is burnt!

- Yeah... this is our mind-jacking victim.

- Central was right...

Officer of the year, ladies and gentlemen. Upon finding two fresh corpses in the span of three minutes, his first thoughts are about how he was outwitted by a computer.

- There's only one other way out of here - to the roof.

- Well, I mean, surely we should... at least check the rest of this level? See if he's hiding somewhere? If there's no other way out, we should just go down to the ground floor and wait for backup, right?

- Max, let's let the seasoned veterans handle this.

It probably goes without saying that the stairs don't go DOWN from here. Nope! This high-rise consists of an elevator that can go to one floor per keycard, and stairs that start at floor 26 and go to the roof!

- We need to get up there, before he escapes again!

What, does he have a hang glider? Is he a fruit bat?

Look at body

- The attack was recent, maybe minute ago.

- The mindjacker was probably interrupted by the janitor. Didn't want any witnesses.

There's a joke about walking in on somebody mindjacking here, but I'm way too classy to make it.

- He probably didn't mean to send him out the window, either.

If we're taking this at face value, knocking a window out of a high-rise building is no joke. This guy is apparently a lowland gorilla that can fly. I'm... I'm not sure I want to catch him now.

This... this is a pretty weird target. Maybe the mindjacker got canned from his last place, and now he's taking revenge, ONE HR REP AT A TIME.

Also, speaking of Central...

Central is two lines. Two lines that we HATE.

- Much as I hate to say it, looks like you were right, Central. We've got a mindjacking victim in the offices.

- Avery Girbach, 32, regional HR supervisor.

- That's... correct...

Man, we are losing HARD to this AI, Regis. This isn't funny anymore.

- As expected. Attack patterns are matching probability mapping.

Attack... what?! Could we have, like, sent this guy an email? Closed this place off remotely and sent in stormtroopers? If the AI genuinely isn't surprised by the identity of the victim, SURELY that means something else could have been done, right? R...right?

- It doesn't look like the mindjacker's gotten far. I say, based again on no real evidence. He could have a personal teleporter for all we know! There's only one other way out besides the elevator.

- Please continue your investigation. Swift resolution of this case will greatly enhance civic welfare.

It's more a pursuit at this point, but I won't split hairs with an oracle AI, Central.

- Regis out.

Well, ego bruised but spirit still willing, let's check out Avery's computer, see if we can get any clues.

email posted:

Atwood, Roy - HR Management
09 July 2087
the roof...

There's a time and place for the Trance, and it's NOT up on the roof. Yes, it's private, but it's also extremely dangerous. Therefore, management's asked me to keep the roof access locked, unless it's an emergency. FYI, "Trance cravings' do not count as emergencies. Seriously Avery, you're great at your job, but you need help.

Apparently Avery can't quite kick the Something Awful habit, and sneaks up to the roof. Notice how it's portrayed as a horrible addiction, and cast your minds back to Mandala. Moving on...

email posted:

Animus - Customer Relations
09 July 2087
Public statements...

The management of ANIMUS ORGANICS would like to remind colleagues not to make statements to the press regarding product safety. An investigation into recent high-profile exponential wetware-growth (or, 'grey goo') accidents is underway, and will be released when completed.

-Publicity Management

You know, I'd make more fun of this, but at my last job there was literally a part of the training where we had to practice talking to reports who were calling to ask about various experiments. Let's just say I know how to say "I have no comment on this subject, either to confirm or deny" better than most people I know.

Further Email posted:

09 July 2087
Exposure Conditions

To: Avery Girbach

Please be aware that tomorrow's mid-day UV expose index is expected to peak at 8. Your genetic background indicates a propensity to melanoma; please take extra care in order to maintain long-term health.

The Newton CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT advises you to restrict outdoor movement to after sunset, except where vital.

- Also, we're pretty sure a mindjacker is going to assassinate you. Oh heck, just save that bit as a draft. I'll get around to sending it later.

Still further email posted:

Qutb, Salman
08 July 2087

Hey man, just wanted to say - big grats on the engagement. She's a really swell girl, and I know you guys are going to be so happy together. Catch you after work at the Den?


Just a tiny detail, but I really like that they included this to the UI. Even though you can't use it, it's nice that it's there - it's what you'd need in a real mail client. Of course, gmail is still a million times better, but whaddayagonnado.

Let me break it down for you. Down lines bad, up lines good.

The only other thing that really presents itself is that jangling yellow phone on the right.

This must be Avery's call list. There are absolutely dialogue choices for every number in here, and some of them are pretty funny. You can hear them all in the longplay video, but they're all basically...

If we paid attention to the emails, however, we remember that ROY ATWOOD is the HR manager, and so would probably have the rooftop code!

This is the first failable bit!

You're given... some pretty obvious instructions. Basically, there are three choices for how to deal with this guy: good cop, regular cop, violent cop. All you need to do is not mix responses. Be consistent! If you mix responses he'll shut down and not give you the code, and you'll waste time getting up to the roof that WE JUST DON'T HAVE (video game time doesn't count! BECAUSE IT DOESN'T, MAX)

- Mr. Atwood, my name is Dr. Regis. I'm an investigator for CEL.

- I... uh.... what? I mean... what's happened?

Nice is on top, intense is on bottom, middle of the road is in the middle. I'm going middle-of-the-road.

- We're investigating a serious incident at your workplace. I need to ask you a few questions.

- Oh nuke, what's happened?

- We need to get up to the roof from your office. We have reason to believe someone we're pursuing has made their way up.

- Oh jeez... well, uh, I'm the one with the code, but management's ordered me not to let people up there. That's why we've got the lock in the first place.

You know, I know this cog is just going his job, but I actually failed this bit the first time I played it, because I lost patience here and started yelling at him. YES WELL A MURDERMAN GOT THROUGH SOMEHOW, AND NOW THE POLICE MUST.

- This is a serious incident, Mr. Atwood. Time is slipping away, and a serial killer might be as well.

- Wha... really?

- We need your assistance to bring him in. Do you think you'll be able to help us?

- Sure, sure, I'll do what I can... You want the roof code? It's 6167

- Thanks. Other CEL agents may contact you later for more information.

- Sure. No problem.

Awww yes! Sure you're some kind of psychic genius, computer, but can you ENTER A CODE?

Now let's catch this jerk!


So, ok. This is why I like these adventure games. This is like, end of the first real chapter (I consider Mandy's thing to be a tutorial), and already we're getting curveball plot twists.

But it totally makes sense, right? This guy was complaining about headaches, and sure, I guess if you've absorbed like 30 other brains, you might well get them! No idea why he wants Mandala dead, but I SERIOUSLY WANT TO KNOW NOW!

- Freeze! You're under arrest!

- Does that ever work?

- Sometimes. It was worth a try!

I mean... does it NOT ever work? That would be insane, right? Probably MOST people surrender when confronted by the police. Actually, that probably depends on how brutal a reputation the police force has, but I'm getting a very "this is a good police department" vibe from Regis and Max so far, so my guess would be unless you're some corporate espionage super killer like this guy, it's probably best to turn yourself in. It's ALSO probably procedure!

- You are under arrest, on suspicion of illegal trafficking of neural data, breaking and entering, and homicide!

- Let's not forget SHOOTING AT CEL AGENTS!

With an apparently unlimited clip, too!

- CEL doesn't appreciate people shooting at its agents! So you better quit, or you'll hurt CEL's feelings!

- If you cut it out, maybe we'll put in a good word for you!


Max... does THAT ever work?

You know, honestly, we've already won. We just wait here until backup arrives, don't get blasted. This guy is a mindjacker, not some battle droid, so we should be fine.

- The only way off this rooftop is down. Either with us, or over the edge.

Regis, don't suggest suicide. This guy is worth a LOT for questioning, and...

- Frankly, the second one's fine by me!


Way to go, Max.

Well, so much for getting a confession out of this guy. Let's call this in, get back, and rep...



This guy.



Did you SEE that?!

First he was like.... then he was like....

Man we are... we are just BRUTALLY outclassed here.

Max and Regis share a 100% dumbfounded moment.

- What?! He had lifting gear?!

- He's escaping by aerostat... FROM a jetpack, TO a zeppelin. cool...

- Central! Our mindjacking suspect has fled the scene by air! It was AMAZING

- Interceptors dispatched. CEL corp officers have arrived on-scene at Animus. I am not presently entertaining questions about why I dispatched officers at a time-delay after you got there, and why I couldn't predict this escape.

- Please return to headquarters for debriefing.

- Nuke it... we were so close...

I don't really think you've shown yourselves to be in this guy's league so far. No offense. I mean, don't get me wrong, we're the protagonists, we'll have him hogtied before the end, but for now? We're the Keystone Kops.

Maybe next time, guys. Probably not, but maybe.