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Chapter 1: Adventure Start

Our fair Linoan is out to look for her friends. To prepare for the long road ahead, the go to Bulgar, the commercial center of Sacae. Though, Linoan is about to have more on her hands than she can handle...

: This town's always busy. I come here every now and then. We should purchase supplies for our journey.

This seems familiar. Could it be...?

: Hm?

Ah Christ. It is. Sain, ladies and gents! Yeah, not everyone's been substituted.

: Hm? Where are you from, that you would speak so freely to a stranger?

: Ha! I thought you'd never ask! I am from Lycia. I hail from the Caelin canton, home to men of passion and fire!

Some lines are unchanged. Makes sense when dealing with the same character.

Linoan is a little less eloquent than Lyn, but it comes across as an endearing curtness.

: Oooh... You're even lovely when you're cruel.

Like Lyn, Linoan is having none of it.

: Wait! Please...

Look who else is still here!

: Ah, Kent! My boon companion! Why so severe an expression?

: If your manner were more serious, I wouldn?t have to be so severe! We still have a mission to complete, Sain!

: I know that. But how could I remain silent in the presence of such beauty? It would have been discourteous!

: What do you know about courtesy!?

: If you would be so kind as to move your horses...

: Of course. My apologies...

: I beg your pardon?

: Hey! No, fair, Kent! I saw her first!

: Tsk!

: Let's go, Aranea!

: Wait, please! It's not like that. ? ? Sain, you lout!

: Huh? Not like that? I thought you were...

: I am NOT you!!! Come, we must follow her, it seems to me she's--

: She's what? Part of the conspiracy? You're joking! Wait!


: Could it be those knights from town? No... It's not them. These men are out for blood!

: Your name is Linoan, is it not?

: Such a waste. An absolute waste. The things I'll do for gold... Ah, well. Time to die, darlin'! C'mon out, boys!

: But I won't give up!

That's not true. If this were Hard Mode I'd solo the chapter with you.

: Huh?

: What?

: Hold! You there! What is your business? Such numbers against a girl? Cowards, every one of you!

: Ah! You're the--

: We can discuss that later. It appears these ruffians mean to do you harm. If it's a fight they want, let them look to me!

: Stand back! I'll take care of this!

: Y-You'll help us? Thank you!

: It is our honour, O beauteous one!

: You there, command us. I am Kent, a knight of Lycia. My companion is Sain. We will follow your orders in this battle. Is this acceptable, milady?

: Let's go!

Are you saying I'm not pretty.

Ahahahaha we all know where this is going.

Yeah yeah. Let's check out the map.

And our ?newbies?...

Sain is +1 everything except RES. He only has a lance because he's dumb.

Kent is +1 everything except LUK, which is +1, and RES which is again +0.

Iron swords are apparently the King of Swords.

Zugu, the boss, is +1 STR and SPD.

Sain does his usual thing and misses like a moron.

Blah blah blah weapon triangle blah.

Got an Iron sword.

...King of Swords...


Kent offers to make up for Sain flubbing his hit.

MK404 feels the same way I do.

Linoan with the finish!

Scripting rears its' ugly head again, because again, she really does. No ranged attacks for me!

Linoan killsteals, and Sain prepares to teach us about terrain.

By being woefully incompetent.

And so it was. Kent attacks, and...

But I want to feed you the kill Plop Linoan in the woods as usual, and Sain sort of redeems himself by counter-killing the weakened bandit. Next turn...

: Excuse me, Sain, was it not?

: Yes! Sain, the gallant man of Caelin, that's me!

: Sigh. Why have you not healed yourself?

Linoan is having none of this shit.

I imagined him saying this with a gushing torso wound and it amused me.

None. Of. Your. Shit.

Scripting again... we're not supposed to have healing at the minute. So we do the trading tutorial.

It must be annoying having to change all these. He could've just left 'em but I sorta like the 4th-wall-breaking meta-humour.

Oh boy wanton slaughter! I'm not going to use the cavaliers, in fact I'm not going to use any of the FE7 characters that remain in the game, except for Eliwood. You all know how those guys go now. So I'm going to feed the rest of the bandits to Linoan.

She one-rounds the lackeys... you're really not supposed to have magic here at all.



Linoan makes me regret my decision...

You're really not supposed to have range here either.

And since he doesn't move, next turn, he gets judged with divine fury.

: Blast...There was only...supposed to be a lone...girl...

...Oh god dammit.

: It's that... girl in the painting!

Meanwhile, in another reality...!

She saw a ghost! ...Poor Lyn.

: Oh no, I'm fine. Please, don't worry about me.

: If that is your wish... Now, if we may, could you tell us who you are, exactly?

: Ah, of course. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lady Linoan, the Duchess and sovereign of the city of Tahra.

Linoan puts on airs to impress the boys.

: Tahra? Isn't that in the far-off continent of Thracia?

: Correct, Sain. I'm here for a specific reason. A while ago, the Liberation Army had just succeeded in capturing Manster.

: Ah. That army was headed by Leaf, the crown prince of Lenster, correct?

: Yes. However, Tahra is still under southern Thracian control. The Grandbell Empire is also still intent on defeating us. Prince Leaf and I, and a few others, had fled here to Elibe to hide from them for the time being.

So that puts us right after the events of Thracia 776. Also, Leaf is in this game apparently! Feel free to speculate who he replaces!

: But now, I'm ready to fight them. I must search for Prince Leaf and the rest of my friends, so that I may reclaim my home!

: Unfortunately, we have our own problem occurring in Caelin.

: Oh? What would that be?

: Our marquess, Lord Hausen, is almost passing on in his time. Lord Lundgren, his younger brother, is heir to the title as Marquess. But he is a cruel man. Our people detest him greatly.

: He will do anything to inherit the title. Even go as far as hurting his own kin to do so.

: Th-that's horrible!

: Truth be told, milady, there are rumours that he is poisoning Marquess Hausen just to get the title.

: Barbaric! Do your people do anything to stop him?

: They all fear Lord Lundgren. They would not dare go against him. Especially without proof. We have tried quelling his ambitions in the past, but to no avail.

: What do you plan to do?

: If worse comes to worst, we will have no other choice but to confront him head on. The people love our Marquess, and wish to see no harm to him done.

: ...I understand completely.

: Hmm... Lady Linoan, a part of me feels you are connected to this in some way or another.

: Huh? What do you mean? ...Wait! That bandit! He knew who I was!

: What? How could he have--

: Something very fishy is going on here...

: Perhaps your involvement with this is true after all. But we can't be so sure.

: Maybe so...

: Well, we know each other's stories. Lady Linoan, what do you plan to do?

: Your predicament seems of urgence. Allow me to repay you for aiding me earlier. I also have a feeling that I may find some of my friends again. I won't be able to do anything on my own, so allow me to help you.

: Though it feels odd to push back my duties, I feel as is I should come along and help these two out. But, you'll still come along, right Aranea?

Hey, if this pays well...

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Next time;

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Characters Encountered:

Class: Cavalier > Paladin

HP 85%, STR 60%, SKL 40%, SPD 45%, LUK 35%, DEF 30%, RES 25%
E Swords, D Lances

Sain's gotten 5% HP, SKL, SPD and RES, and 10% DEF. I'm still not using him because that would be boring.

Class: Cavalier > Paladin

HP 85%, STR 40%, SKL 55%, SPD 45%, LUK 30%, DEF 30%, RES 30%
E Lances, D Swords

Kent has gained 5% SKL, DEF and RES and 10% LUK. He is being permabenched as soon as possible for the same reasons as Sain.