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HP: 140 | ATK: 70 | DEF: 45 | SP.ATK: 75 | SP.DEF: 50 | SPD: 45 | TOTAL: 425
Igglybuff analysis Jigglypuff analysis

Well that's definitely a big ol' sack of HP. And then we've got some passable attacking stats. Okay, we can work with this. Due to the sheer amount of TMs it can learn, there should not be a problem finding a moveset to suit your needs. Sure, Jigglypuff holds all the good STAB hostage until the late 30s, but you could just slap Return on. Yeah? Cool, now think of a good TM in this gen. Yeah, Wigglytuff learns it. So you can go fully special, or mixed, or... well there's not really much coverage to justify full physical, so the other two options are good. You might be tempted to go defensive with your incredible HP, but the pathetic defensive stats say otherwise. And since a lot of the total has been pumped into HP, it means your moves won't have the best kick to them later on in the game. But hey, how often is it you actually get TM options? Go nuts! Just remember they're one use. If you don't clone. Which you should, it's very easy.