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Aguija reports the success of the Hawaiian invasion, and the capture of Hickam. About 40% of the Earthling weaponry is still usable after the occupation. Wendolo informs her that he won't be able to teleport in reinforcements, but she's confident that she can hold the line against the Earthlings without the help.

That being said, Wendolo advises her that the Far East Base is mobilizing for a likely counterattack; perhaps it would be a good idea to go say hello?


Far East Base

Laker gives Lefina the bad news about Hawaii's capture, and about the need to move up the timetable for Operation Plantagenet. Luckily, the Hagane has finished its work in Africa and will be arriving later today. Lefina signs off, and a soldier comes in to inform Laker that he has a guest.


Laker: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Major. Things are a bit hectic..."
Ratsel: "I'm going by Ratsel - Ratsel Feinschmecker."
Laker: "Very well, Ratsel. As you requested, we've been refurbishing the Kurogane, but the work is only about 70% done."
Ratsel: "I'm grateful even for that."
Laker: "I'm sorry to say this, but there's trouble on the horizon. I'm going to have to ask you to depart ahead of schedule."
Ratsel: "I understand. How are my men?"
Laker: "Cooped up in the base for the past six months, but they're all aboard the Kurogane now, making ready for departure."
Ratsel: "Good."

Laker: "Then, the Kurogane is all yours. I'm sorry we can't give you a proper sendoff..."
Ratsel: "The Kurogane is the DCs' old flagship. It's best if it departs in the shadows - we can support the Hagane and Hiryu better that way."
Laker: "...Good. Take care."
Ratsel: "I will."

Mission 30: Another Shadow

The Kurogane has entered the region of Hachijojima. Ratsel asks the crew not to call him "Captain," since he's only taking care of the ship for the time being. But these are his old subordinates from the Divine Crusaders, and as far as they're concerned, he's always going to be their commander.

He asks if there's been any word from Sanger and Gilliam, and there has; Sanger will be waiting for him at the destination, while Gilliam will join them as soon as his current task is complete. Tesla Reich appears still to be active, though there's been no word. That means they have little time to waste, and Ratsel orders a course set through the Arctic Circle to avoid detection. He'll be going to Tesla alone, though; Laker has requested that the Kurogane remain out of sight for the time being.

The crew picks up Killer Whales on sonar, accompanied by a number of flying units; judging from their models, it's not an NDC force, but the Inspectors.

Aguija appears and identifies the Kurogane at once. This will be quite the souvenir for her, if they can capture it. Realizing that the other units intend to delay the Kurogane long enough for the submarines to engage, Ratsel tells the crew that he'll keep the task force occupied while they make their escape. The ship is too valuable to lose - and they shouldn't worry about his own safety, as he has a promise to keep.

Aguija immediately recognizes Ratsel's Huckebein from their last encounter ("You're that man who was with Cybuster!") She scoffs at the idea that a single mech will keep them at bay, but he stands firm; none of them will get by him.