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The battle is taking its toll, given that there wasn't time to properly calibrate the Huckebein before departure, but Ratsel still needs to buy more time. Frustrated by his continued resistance, Aguija decides to resort to more drastic measures.

Ratsel: "Ugh!"
Aguija: "Oh, you're still alive? You're as tough as my darling, aren't you?"
Ratsel: "T-Trombe...!"
Aguija: "Do you see yet? Last time was a fluke. Your mech can't compare to the Silbelwind's speed."
Ratsel: "....."
Aguija: "You did put on a good show, I'll say that much. But now you can die."

Well, this looks bad. All we need is some ominous organ music to make this scene complete.

Ah, there we go.

Why do they even bother hiding his face?

Aguija: "Th-this data... that's... the Granzon!"
Shu: "So... you do recognize my mech."

Aguija: "Shu Shirakawa! Is that really you!?"
Shu: "Yes. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Ratsel: "....."
Shu: "It's been quite a while, Major Elzam."
Ratsel: "Why are you here, Dr. Shirakawa?"
Shu: "The same reason you are, I expect."
Ratsel: "What...!?"
Shu: "It wouldn't suit me for the aliens to destroy any more of your key assets. And there's something I had to confirm for myself."
Ratsel: "And... what is that, exactly?"

Aguija: "Shu Shirakawa, I finally found you... your mech is mine!"
Shu: "Heh... such a crude tongue. You remind me of someone else I know."
Aguija: "What are you talking about!?"
Shu: "I'm talking about precisely this. Fighting you would be a waste of my time."
Aguija: "You'll eat those words! Give me the Granzon if you value your life!"

Shu: "And once you have my mech? What will you do with it then?"
Aguija: "You don't need to know that. If you know what's good for you, you'll shut your smug mouth and hand it over."
Shu: "...I see. So it's not yet time to reap the harvest. You're not the ones I was expecting."
Aguija: "What!?"
Shu: "In that case, there's no use in talking to you. And now they've arrived."

Ratsel: "The Hiryu Kai! You must have noticed the battle."
Sean: "Yes... we received word from Commander Laker on our way back to Izu."
Lefina: "All units---"

Shiro: "No doubt about it, Masaki! That's the Granzon!"
Masaki: "What the hell is that bastard doing here?"
Lefina: "U-um... I'm still giving orders..."
Sean: "What's done is done. We'll just have to look forward."
Lefina: "R... right! Everybody else, launch!"

Masaki: "Shu! I finally found you!"
Shu: "Come now, I've already had this conversation once today."

Aguija: "Tch... why would they show up now..."
Lune: "That mech... that's the old sourpuss from the Inspectors!"
Aguija: "Don't call me that! My name is Aguija! I told you not to forget it!"
Lune: "Oh, don't worry. I remember... and I remember I owe you some payback for the White Star!"
Shu: "Heh... they sound rather lively."

Lamia: (So that's the Granzon. I don't have any detailed data on the mech... and it's the same priority as Beowulf and Helios. I have to learn what I can.)

Shiro: "But why's Shu here?"
Masaki: "Don't tell me... you're with the Inspectors!?"
Shu: "I see you're as simpleminded as ever, Masaki."
Masaki: "Shut it! What are you plotting now?"
Shu: "You misunderstand. I'm here to assist you."
Masaki: "Like I'm gonna believe that!"

Ratsel quickly comes to Shu's defense, although Masaki still isn't inclined to take him at his word. He yells that they don't need Shu's help, to which Shu simply points out that if the Inspectors aren't stopped here, the Far East Base will be in danger later...

Excellen: "Besides, if we can take out one of the Inspectors' leaders here, it'll put a real pamper on their yams."
Tasuku: "That's hamper!"
Excellen: "Hey, it's just a joke."
Ryoto: "Don't you mean 'damper on their plans?'"
Excellen: "Nobody respects a comedienne."

Excellen's trying to say debana wo kujiku (出鼻をくじく), which, as the English version implies, basically means to upset somebody's plans, take the wind out of their sails, etc. Instead she says dejima wo kisukeru (出島を築ける) "pile up some islands." (Dejima being the name of an actual island used for trade with the west during the Edo period.)

Also, when Ryoto corrects her, she does her me-no-speak-japanese-good routine.

Sean: "Joking aside... there'll be trouble if this leads to Cybuster leaving us."
Lefina: "...Masaki, I know there's a lot between you."
Masaki: "....."
Lefina: "But we need your strength, and Cybuster's. I know I'm asking a lot of yuu..."
Masaki: "......"

Masaki: "...Oh, to hell with it. You're off the hook, Shu. For now."
Shu: "Heh... I suppose I should be grateful."
Masaki: "But don't you forget! If you try anything funny, I'm gonna be there to stop you!"
Shu: "If you can. But do as you like... now, Major, if you will, I'll see you on your way."
Ratsel: "...All right."

Shu: "Oh, yes. One last word of advice, Masaki."
Masaki: "Oh, what now!?"
Shu: "Be wary of the shadows lurking behind this incident."
Masaki: "Shadows?"
Shu: "You may be caught unawares, even from underfoot... but for now, I bid you adieu."

The Granzon and Huckebein depart, and the pilots try without success to make sense of the warning. Lamia worries that Shu noticed what she was doing...

...But Aguija is still in our way, and takes priority. Masaki's still in a sour mood over letting Shu go, but that doesn't change the mission; if we can bleed the Inspectors here, it may buy the Far East Base a little more time to prepare.