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Milady, they have all the exits sealed! This is a disgrace; every one of us has failed you.

Be at ease, Midir. ...You and your men did everything you could. You needn't worry about me. Save yourselves; do that, and I will have gone in peace.

No, milady. We live to guard you in all your paths; if one of those lead to mortal peril, then so be it!

Thank you, Midir. ...I'm so sorry.

Gandolf's army has already surrounded Junby; Aideen is in danger! Noish, guard Chalphy while I'm gone!

Hold, milord; surely you don't intend to go alone?

Everyone else has gone to Isaach; we have no one left to call on.
They may be savages, but Verdane's army is enormous. Why should I risk your lives as well?

Why? Because we're knights! So long as we live, we're sworn to fight and die in your name!
Allowing our lord to die alone would be an unspeakable sin. We shall be by your side, every step of the way! Alec, are we agreed?

Ha, you bet I am! But hey, we gotta check the villages first.
Those thugs'll loot, massacre, and burn everything alive if they beat us to 'em.
We've gotta help the civilians fortify their defenses!

Yes, we mustn't neglect them, especially not now. Good point Alec.

Actually, that was all Oifey's idea; kid's every bit as smart as you'd expect for Lord Cesare's grandson. Give him a few years, and he'll be as great a tactician as he was!

Oifey's still around, huh... Oifey! I know you're here. You can come out now!

My apologies, sire, but I must ask; may I join this battle? I cant just sit back while you risk your lives.

I don't know... Are you sure you're old enough for this?

Sire, I'm already fourteen... You've given me two years of tutelage already. Please, allow me to accompany you! I swear I wont let you down!

Perhaps. Real battlefield experience WOULD do you a world of good, but...I'm not comfortable having you fight just yet. What if you rode as my advisor instead?

Y-yes! Thank you, sire! Thank you!

Milord, what of Chalphy itself? Should the enemy slip past us and take it in our absence, our death will be all but assured.

Noish, I think we all know the perfect guy for THAT job... eh, Arden?

Hey, why me?!

"Sturdy as a brick wall, strong as an ox"...and slow as a turtle! Face it Arden, you were BORN for guard duty!

Pah... I'm strong and tough, but you don't need to call me slow!

Sorry, Arden, but he has a point. Would you? You're the most apt at guard duty.

Sigh... Fine. But you have to bring me with you at least once! I don't want to be left out of the action.

Alright men, MOVE OUT! First the villages, then Jungby!


Sire, might I recommend frequenting the town once you're rested? Your presence should help ameliorate the worries of the townsfolk.

And compare it to the script you have here...


Milady, the castle is completely surrounded! We've failed you...We couldn't do a thing to save you from them...

It's alright, Midir. ...Every one of you did the best you could do. Please, you needn't worry about me. You must ensure that as many of you survive this as possible.

No, milady. We might not stand a chance, but every last one of us will give our lives to protect you, right to the very end.

Thank you, Midir. ...I'm so sorry.

Gandolf's army already has Jungby surrounded. Aideen is in grave danger!
Noish, I'm going to help her. I'm leaving Chalphy in your hands.

Hold, milord. Surely you don't intend to go alone?

Nearly all of of our forces are already on the march to Isaach with Father. There's hardly anybody left to call upon. They may be simple savages, but Verdane's army is still huge. I cant risk your lives by forcing you to face them.

Perish the thought, milord! I was born a knight, and I will gladly risk dying a knight's death in your name. To allow our lord to die alone in battle would be an unspeakable disgrace. We shall be by your side, every step of the way. Alec, I trust that you're of the same mind?

Yeah, of course! But there's more than just Jungby at stake. We've got to stop by the nearby villages first.
Those thugs'll try to beat us to them, and they'll loot, massacre and burn them all down if they do.
We've gotta get there first, and lend the locals a hand in locking the villages down and fortifying their defenses.

Absolutely. We mustn't neglect our knightly duties to the people, especially not at a time like this. Good point, Alec.

Actually, that was all Oifey's idea. That kid's every bit the tactician they say he is. Give him a few years and he'll be a match for his old grandpa, Lord Cesare!

Oifey's still around the castle, huh... Oifey! I know you're here. You can come out now!

My apologies for still being here, sire.
Still, if you would allow it, Id like to join you in battle. I cant just sit back while you risk your lives.

I don't know... You're still so young. Are you sure you're ready for this?

I'm already fourteen, sire. I may not be battle-ready just yet, but there's still so much I can do to support you.
Please, allow me to accompany you. I swear I won't let you down.

Fair enough, Oifey. After all, you've already spent two years training as my squire.
Real battlefield experience would be fantastic for your training, but you're still definitely not up to actual combat duty for now.
How about you ride with me as my advisor instead?

Y-yes! Thank you, sire! Thank you!

Milord, what of the defence of Chalphy itself in our absence?
Leaving the castle unattended is risky. Should the enemy slip past us, an unguarded castle will fall easily and spell us a swift end.

Noish, I'd say there's only one man who we can call upon for that... Eh, Arden?

Hold on a moment! Why me, Alec?

Sturdy as a brick wall! Strong as an ox! Slow as a turtle! Face it, Arden, you were born for guard duty! Haha!

Pah... I'm strong and tough, I know, but you really don't need to call me slow!

He has a point, Arden. Would you? You're the most apt at guard duty.

Sigh... Fine, I'll do it. But you have to bring me with you at least once! I don't want to be left out of the action.

Right, men, it's time to set out. Lets start by assisting the villages, and then its onward to Jungby!

Event: Sigurd enters Chalphy

Sire, might I recommend stopping by the castle town once you're rested?
To see you unharmed should help to calm and reassure your citizens.