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Hello winter soldiers! And welcome to Let's Max Rank Fire Emblem 4!

Ready to put down Daccar once and for all? I know I sure am!

And these guys are just as excited as I am!

We weren't able to get both of these Blizzard mages, but that's ok. Only the bottom one was an immediate threat to the civilians; the OTHER guy can't do nothin'!

The citizens are just too far south for the guy to hit them!

The only person in range is Holyn. And this mage is no match for his electric sliiide!

Wooo, look at 'em go! THAT'S how you dodge a Blizzard !!

Donovan: Hey! You guys get it together. Don’t let ’em get anywhere near the castle!

No better musical finale than that! So on to our next turn!

There's no red X there, but Sigurd killed someone this turn; just take my word for it .

Also, Sylvia's getting the Defence Sword, so Dew's the first to go. Sylvia's needs to use her dance; once that happens, she's gonna get greyed out. So she'd just block the access point if I warped her first.

Fury here is still doing some warping of her own, btw. She goes from Level 22 to Level 28 in this update!

Come on Sylvy! Make Holyn proud!

There you go, THAT'S the way!

Behold the Jealousy Formation! Fury gets priority over every female except Tiltyu and Brigid! So you can use anyone who isn't from Chapter 3 as a Jealousy Bot!

And now, the cherry on top: Sir Sigurd!

See that? That's about all they were able to do to Goku !

Alright Donovan! You know what I'm going to say next?!

.......lucky guess.

Now, is Queen Rahna still alive?

Ah, good.

Rahna: I feel so useless. So many people have died… I can’t tell you how horrible I feel! And poor Mahnya...

The rest of the conversation actually has two different ways it can go:

(If Daccar is still alive)

Sigurd: Queen Rahna, don’t lose heart. I will personally take it upon myself to avenge her death. And Daccar has gone way too far! I request your permission to lay siege to Zaxon Castle.

Rahna: Lord Daccar has put the innocent citizens of Silesia through enough suffering. The man’s a murderer, nothing more. He must pay for his crimes.

Sigurd: Alright. Well, we’d better start making our way to Zaxon. Please get some rest.

Rahna: Sir Sigurd, you be especially careful. Let’s meet up after you get Zaxon under control.

(If Daccar is dead)

Sigurd: Queen Rahna, don’t lose heart. We were able to avenge Mahnya’s killer. I wish to apologise for moving my soldiers without your permission.

Rahna: That’s not a problem at all. I really appreciate all you’ve done. I’ll be by Zaxon Castle later. Let’s meet up again then.

Hear that? Pamela and Co. are now a complete non-issue. Why? Because Daccar is going to get all freaked out, and order Pamela to come storming back to Silesia...I dunno HOW he does that, what with them being on completely opposite sides of the mountain range...But hey, I'm not complainin'.

But, there's just one thing. The Pegasus Knights will still aggro to anyone in their attack range. So Sylvy and Dew are going to have to deal with this one next turn; otherwise, they're not gonna make it to the village.

So let's re-establish the Jealousy Formation...

Here we go! Next Enemy Phase!

Daccar: What the hell is Donovan doing out there!?

The cutscene ends there if none of the other commanders are alive. But if they ARE...

(If Lamia is alive)

Daccar: Damn, it’s inevitable. Order Lamia to attack them. We can’t let them get near the castle.

(If Pamela is alive)

Daccar: Tell Pamela’s unit to chase down Sigurd’s army. We’ll have to pull an all-out assault!

And THAT there is why we didn't need to worry about Pamela's raid on Thove. She and her units just double back the moment you conquer Silesia! So long as Sigurd is fast enough, they are a complete non-issue!

(Outside, if Lamia is alive)

Lamia: Why’s Daccar so damn freaked out? Okay, let’s go work up an appetite!

Then Lamia moves.

But again, that's not an issue...Oh don't get me wrong, Lamia and her units ARE formidable in their own right...

But there's just ONE li'l thing that brings them down...they're still foot units! So there's not really any complicated A.I. tactics that you need to do with them like there was with Eltshan; you can just have Sigurd go around them. And if you DID want to fight them?

You'd just use hit and run tactics. You wouldn't want to fight them all at once, but you CAN just pick them off one-by-one!

That's not relevant to us though; we're just gonna refill our HP by beating up Atlas. And repair our weapons while we're at it.

Ugh, LOVE that 12 Move!

This Pegasus Knight is the only one in range of our two kids, and the rest are going to be permanently out of range in the next turn.

So I take advantage of this opportunity to get 2000G for Dew!

Meanwhile, Tiltyu and Midir get themselves a free level off of a citizen.

And then Levin goes to be by her side. Now, he has a 290 Love Point conversation with Fury now. DO NOT TRIGGER THIS NEXT CONVO UNLESS YOU'RE TRYING TO PAIR THE TWO!!

Fury: What? Oh, about Mahnya...

Levin: …Yeah.

Fury: Ah, so you and her were… I’m sorry. I didn’t know.

Fury! You’ve got it all wrong. When I was a little kid I thought your sister was hot. But that was then. Now it’s you.

Fury: Eh!?

Levin: I love you, Fury...

And that's it; rather abrupt end to the conversation, but eh. But dang...that would've been really interesting. Imagine! Mahnya as a playable character! Mahnya as a possible 2nd option for Levin! THAT would've been pretty cool ...

That's not happening though, and neither is FuryXLevin. So she contents herself with using up the Return Staff and going back inside the castle.

Next Enemy Phase...

Sylvia dodges the Javelin throw!

Ergh...I mean, she DID...I think...?

Yeah, she did; and none of Pamela's other women are gonna bother her either.

Moving swiftly on...

Fury doesn't get ALL the Return charges back...

But she gets enough! I might've wanted to sell her Uber Slim Sword first, THEN repaired the staff...but whatever.

She's still got enough to easily cap in Chapter 5.

Midir's next level up will then conclude our business at Sailane. He's gonna be getting the rest of the citizens, because Tiltyu doesn't need any more of them.

As for the Thove group; Dew kills the Knight attacking his hubby!


...Granted, there probably wasn't much in there anyway...but still!

Now back to Sigurd. This move puts Sigurd in range of one of the Killer Bow archers. But that's ok; even if it's a critical hit...

Sigurd's still fine .

What a guy!

I could've put him somewhere where he wouldn't get attacked by the easternmost swordfighter; but that's alright. We'll be using the Hero Sword a lot in the future, so I'm willing to take the 10-12 second time loss. No one else can attack Sigurd, so he's in no danger.

HEYYY!! Lex and Aira are married now! Now I can use Lex as Return fodder!

And then the next Enemy Phase...

...passes without incident.

I'm hoping that I can conquer Zaxon this turn, so...

I'm having Holyn and Brigid go back inside; I need them to go through the Arena at SOME point!

And so does Beo, which is why he's leeching off his rich spouse.

Hmm...what-say we look at some castle conversations between lovers? Bookofholsety's script's been blocked since the Beta patch came out, so I had to translate these myself. Keep in mind that these are not totally literal translations! I was aiming to preserve the spirit of what was being said more than the grammar.

Lex: [lex_wife]! ...Er, t-there you are. You're late.

Lex: Ah...You were waiting for ME, eh [lex_wife]?

Aira: Phew...You were gone for a long time, [aira_husband]; you had me worried SICK about you!

Aira: [aira_husband]...You were waiting for me?

Beowulf: Aha, thought you'd be here.  Seems I was right.

Beowulf: [beowulf_wife]?  You were waiting for ME?

Lachesis: Good grief...Worrying for you has caused me such consternation...

Lachesis: Oh! [lachesis_husband]! You were waiting for me, dear?

Again, nothing REALLY important; I just enjoy including these small things.

Ok! Sylvy's almost there!

And soon, Daccar will fall! Be sure to get your Hero Sword up to 50+ kills before fighting him!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah.

Dude's not even worth a GIF...He's basically Maios, but with far fewer henchmen. It's just those three guys; and they don't even move unless he dies!

Now, before we finish up...

There's one village that we missed...

If Prince Kurth’s daughter were to bear a child, that child would become heir to the Grandbell Kingdom. That’d put the husband to be, Lord Alvis, into quite a position of power, I’d say.

Then Alvis's gonna be weeping big, salty tears into his pillow soon. Deirdre is OUR wife, not his! If he tries to resist, well...I ran some simulations on Sigurd vs. Alvis. If we assume that Sigurd reaches his Lvl 30 averages and has his best weapon equipped....Well, let's just say that things don't work out too well for him !



Round 1: Alvis goes first (93), Alvis does 46 to Sigurd (53), Alvis uses Continue (10), Alvis kills Sigurd (83)!

Round 2: Alvis goes first (61), Alvis does 46 to Sigurd (16), Continue doesn't activate (62), Sigurd does 36 (75), Sigurd kills Alvis!

Round 3: Sigurd goes first (18), Sigurd does 36 (68), Sigurd kills Alvis (61)!

Round 4: Sigurd goes first (39), Sigurd does 36 (27), Sigurd misses (93), Alvis does 46 (96), Continue doesn't activate (70), Sigurd kills Alvis (42)!

Round 5: Sigurd goes first (16), Sigurd does 36 (27), Sigurd kills Alvis (4)!

Round 6: Alvis goes first (76), Alvis does 46 Damage (29), Alvis uses Continue (33), Alvis kills Sigurd (76)!

Round 7: Sigurd goes first (5), Sigurd misses (87), Sigurd does 36 (4), Alvis does 46 (52), Continue doesn't activate (89), Sigurd kills Alvis (63)!

Round 8: Sigurd goes first (15), Sigurd does 36 (57), Sigurd kills Alvis (58)!

Round 9: Sigurd goes first (9), Sigurd does 36 (54), Sigurd misses (87), Alvis does 46 (67), Continue doesn't activate (94), Sigurd kills Alvis (57)!

Round 10: Sigurd goes first (9), Sigurd misses (91), Sigurd does 36 (23), Alvis does 46 (77), Continue doesn't activate (71), Sigurd kills Alvis (37)!

Round 11: Alvis goes first (93), Alvis does 46 (86), Alvis uses Continue (23), Alvis kills Sigurd (27)!

Round 12: Sigurd goes first (39), Sigurd misses (96), Sigurd misses (91), Alvis does 46 (74), Alvis uses Continue (13), Alvis kills Sigurd (16)!


Alvis won a few of them, sure. But he only did so through Continue; and that's nothing some good ol' RNG manipulation can't fix !

Now back to the home base; this here is our very last citizen! Midir gained himself 5 levels, and Tiltyu got herself 1. But before we finish up...

We've got three more units who need to go through the Arena. Beowulf here beats everyone up to Arena 5...

Get's himself a deceptively useful promotion (he also gets Charge from this)...

And then pwnstomps everyone else!

Brigid does the same (yes, she has the Elite Ring)...

And then Levin gets warped right on over to Silesia Castle. Why are we doing that? Because Sigurd says it's really, really, REALLY important!

Sigurd and Levin:

Sigurd: I never would have imagined Jungby’s archer brigade would be here.

Levin: Yeah. Well, I was the one who screwed up. I haven’t had my head on straight lately. I should’ve been protecting the country and helping my mother. But instead, I just took off. I really think Mahnya got herself killed doing my job.

Sigurd: Well, I wouldn’t go that far, Levin. You need to care for your mother now. You must make sure Mahnya didn’t die in vain.

Levin: Yeah, I know. You don’t have to tell me that.

Sigurd: …Well, alright then. Ah! One more thing. Have you been to see Queen Rahna yet? Don’t forget to go. It’s very important!

Man Sigurd; when you put it THAT way ...

Rahna: I think Sir Sigurd has had a good influence on you.

Levin: C’mon, give me a break. You’re treatin’ me like a kid or something. Sir Sigurd is NOT that much older than me, you know.

Rahna: Dear, Sir Sigurd is light-years ahead of you when it comes to responsibility. You still have much to learn from him. I need a prince who can put my mind at ease. Especially since Mahnya is no longer with us.

Levin: …That should’ve been me out there. Her death has really made me think, mum. Mother, I will protect you from here on out. I solemnly swear I will NEVER leave your side again.

Rahna: Levin… I never knew such endearing words could come out of your mouth. Well, that’s put me a bit at ease. But I want you to stay with Sir Sigurd. He needs your strength.

Levin: But what about you?

Rahna: I’ll be fine, Levin. You, as a descendant of the Wind Crusader, must guide the world onto the proper path. I believe the time has come for me to entrust you with the Sacred Wind Tome, Holsety. Here you go. It’s yours now.

Levin: So this is our family’s Book of Holsety! Eraagh… What power! Where’s this heat coming from?

Rahna: Levin, please remember the Wind Crusader flows like a cool breeze guiding all living beings to the path of peace. His way is never to be confused with violence.

Levin: Yes, I understand now. That is the only way I could hope to live my life.

Rahna: Hmm… You are without a doubt a child of the wind. Levin, you need to get going. Take care and use sound judgement out there.

Levin: But mother...

Rahna: Go! Please...

Levin: Okay. You take care.

Rahna: Levin...

YYYAAAYYYY!! It's the most awesome weapon in the game!!




Ohhhh Paaamela~...


Pamela: I finished off Mahnya, making me the highest ranked knight. Hahaha...

Levin: Argh, Pamela! You… you...

Pamela: Heh, you’re the bad guy in all this, Lord Levin...

Yeah,'re in no position to judge.

No really, you can't. Cuz you're dead.

And so's Daccar!

Hey, any plan that involved attacking Sigurd probably wasn't that good to start with .

Now let's wrap this up.

Rahna: If at all possible, I’d like you to station your troops here at Zaxon Castle. Duke Langbart of Grandbell brought in a large military force and overran Lubeck Castle. They’re a mere stone’s throw to the east. The citizens of Silesia are a bit uneasy right now. They don’t want a war with Grandbell.

Sigurd: Langbart’s military is here for us, not Silesia. The Silesians have been too kind to us. This my problem, and I can’t drag them into it. We need to move out of Zaxon Castle at once and settle this with Langbart.

Rahna: Wouldn’t that be a reckless move? I can’t see how you could win!

Sigurd: If we stay put, they’ll just attack us here. Queen Rahna, there’s no time to dispute this.

Rahna: You really think so? Oh, how sad this all is...

Sigurd: Queen Rahna, this year in Silesia has been wonderful for me. You’ve been like a second mother. You see, I lost my mother when I was very young. I grew up not knowing what a mother’s affection felt like. But for the first time I felt what that feels like through you. I’m sorry to leave so suddenly. I so look forward to the day we meet again. Until then...

Dang...that year in Silesia must have been one heck of a year. I wish we had gotten to see that, actually .

Rahna: The same goes for me, Sir Sigurd. You be careful and don’t push yourself too hard. I’ll be praying for Deirdre's safe return.

Actually, Deirdre HAS returned...and that's kind of the problem. Manfloy wiped out all her memories in Chapter 3, and now he's dropped her into Alvis's lap somehow. So between him, Duke Langbart, and Duke Reptor, we've got THREE Holy Weapon users to deal with ...

So what about it, guys? CAN we defeat them? Can we finally clear Sigurd's name? Can we stop the marriage before it's too late? Can we find a way to make Manfloy pay for his crimes? Or will our dastardly villains have the last laugh? Find out, on Chapter 5 of Let's Max Rank FE4! This is Fionordequester, signing out; have a nice day, and God bless you!


Time Taken This Update: ~37 minutes and 28 seconds

Total Time Elapsed Over the Run: 11 hours, 44 minutes, 23 seconds~

Turns Taken This Update: 7 Turns

Total Turns Elapsed Over The Run: 159 Turns

Levels Gained This Update: 31 Levels

Total Levels Gained: 417 Levels

Things I Regret: In the Prologue, I regret the fact that Noish had to hang back as I rigged levels for Sigurd in the Prologue.

In Chapter 1, I should've brought Midir to guarantee that Kinbois's men would be taken down without issue.

On Chapter 2, I regret the fact that Ardan built up so many love points with Aira even though that pairing's been written out of the route, I regret making that positioning mistake with Fin, and I wish I hadn't made that careless mistake with Sigurd attacking that guard near Boldo (even if it did end up working out). I regret deciding to not just get Deirdre to Level 30 by the end of Chapter 2. I regret wasting something like 12 minutes rigging Aideen a win against Keimos, when it ultimately didn't end up doing much for Jamka anyway. And I could have manipulated Dew's Gold a bit better so that Aira got just 18,000G instead of 22,470G.

On Chapter 3, I regret selling Deirdre's Aura tome! I'll bet she TOTALLY could've kicked Manfloy's butt, if ONLY I hadn't taken that away !!

On Chapter 4, I regret not having Claude turn around sooner. I also regret not repairing the Return Staff before giving it to Aideen.

Level 7-12: 35 > 40 HP, 9 > 12 Str, 0 > 1 Mag, 7 > 9 Skl, 10 > 14 Spd, 8 > 9 Def, 0 > 1 Res!

Level 23-24: 44 HP, 17 Str, 5 Mag, 17 Skl, 27 Spd, 22 Lck, 14 > 15 Def, 6 Res!

Level 29-30: 46 HP, 27 Str, 9 Mag, 20 Skl, 19 Spd, Lck 17, Def 17 > 18, Res 12!

Level 11-17: 39 > 44 HP, 1 > 2 Str, 13 > 15 Mag, 15 > 21 Skl, 20 > 25 Spd, 9 > 10 Lck, 6 > 7 Def, 11 Res!

Level 6-7: 32 > 33 HP, 3 Str, 1 Mag, 4 Skl, 12 > 13 Spd, 8 > 9 Lck, 2 Def, 6 > 7 Res!

Level 17-22: 43 > 48 HP, 15 > 19 Str, 0 Mag, 14 > 26 Skl, 14 Spd > 22 Spd, 4 > 7 Lck, 14 > 17 Def, 0 > 3 Res!

Level 22-28: 39 > 41 HP, 16 > 17 Str, 10 Mag, 19 Skl, 30 Spd, 11 > 13 Lck, 16 > 17 Def, 17 Res!

Level 17-22: 44 > 49 HP, 22 > 24 Str, 1 Mag, 22 > 23 Skl, 21 Spd, 12 > 17 Lck, 15 > 17 Def, 10 > 11 Res!

Level 14-15: 40 HP, 0 Str, 11 Mag, 23 Skl, 14 > 15(20) Spd, 16 > 17 Lck, 1 Def, 11 Res!