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Daemons and Night

Eos is plagued by hordes of daemons, vicious nocturnal creatures of various forms that strike fear into the hearts of even the most seasoned hunters.

Daemons are denizens of the night, and the more predatory among them are drawn to the roads after dark. People now dread the setting of the sun for fear of what monsters might be lurking in the shadows.

In the Recent years, the daemons have grown in number while the nights have grown longer. The correlation between the two phenomena is yet unproven, but scientists persist in their search for a link.

The Magic of the Lucii

The Crystal is the divine cornerstone of the Kingdom of Lucis. The Stone has a will of its own, and channels its scared power through the Ring of the Lucii to the monarch who bears it.

Monarchs in the line of Lucis have the innate ability to conjure magical weapons. A handful of close attendants are also afforded access to this selfsame power.

The Magical barrier known as the Wall has long kept the empire at bay, and thereby maintained the peace, yet not without struggle. Sustaining the Wall imposes an immense physical burden upon the king, but to let it fall for even a moment would be to invite total annihilation.

The Lands of Eos

Our story takes place in the lands of Eos. At present, the world is divided between two warring states.

Controlling a majority of the world's lands is the militarily might Niflheim, and aggressively expanding imperial war machine.

The Kingdom of Lucis continues to resist the empire's advance with magic. The Crown City of Insomnia stands proud as the kingdom's last bastion, but the empire has already made inroads on the outlying territories, including the primary regions of Leide, Duscae, and Cleigne.

The Six and the Oracle

Old tales tell of six gods who have stood watch over Eos since antiquity. It is said they now slumber, conserving their strength, waiting to awaken upon the coming of a plague known as The Starscourge.

She most pure of taith is the Oracle, a daughter in the line of those said to commue with the Six. Blessed by the astral gods, she calls forth the power of Eos to heal those who are suffering and afflicted. Her devotion to helping all those in need has inspired reverence for her among people from all over the world.