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bienvenue to skullhead's winter contest entry
what is a snow level anyways?
Put away your pommel-tops and blackjacks and kindly stow those nasty looks, for my pretension is not without merit:
Winter in computer simulation is an all or nothing affair, trek into to an area and suddenly the screen is covered in snow and ice while one screen over is the lush greenery of spring-time sits thumbing its nose at the totality of thermodynamics. But is snow is more than, cold damage, white-out visibility conditions? Is ice more than and semi-opaque walls, reflective blue white hues, and the frustrating reminder of inertia? Winter plays host to a kind of madness few simulate, this other time of the year when the snow has not quite melted the, cold is not quite gone and the fevered mind caged in wall of stone and mortar now flies free.
this is The Dark Mod, a former mod turned a free source port that aims to replicate looking glass studios Thief 1&2 gamplay in Doom3, being free and open source a variety of authors bring their expertise to the table, with this mission King of Diamonds Spooks stands out from the pack, like the original thief many level have horror elements or creepy atmosphere, some are even outright terrifying, Spooks, apt to his name, nails a unique perspective of the very worst of humanity.
Enjoy the very best of a different breed of frosty snow level:

this is Jack:

jack is a thief and an cutpruse and proud of that fact
see Bridgeport is a city comprised of two kinds people

honest hard working knuckle draggers left out in the cold and the people who prefer their hot meals with a view out of a second-story window
right now jack is neither he's just a man here to help his friend for entirely noble and selfless reasons.

where we find him our man birdie likes to think he's between those worlds on the make sitting in a dark corner of the upper floor balcony

the skippers tavern where Jack is meeting him just across form a builders church and full cemetery an incredibly bold choice for king and the tavern's owner

when we talk to him hes all flash and no substance and even less little pan

lord builder bless you on this quiet night brother, this your first time in this part of town? care for some pointers?
cut the pretense, i presume you have something to tell me, if so out with it
all right all right its all written down under the table
hey drinks for you by the way, courtesy of our friend king by the way, if you do get b:to see him tell'em birdie says 'hello'
here lies the last pure uncorruptible mote of icy winter: kings diamond

naturally jack aims to steal it out from long suffering Zachary's nose
never mind that he stole it form king who invariably stole it form someone else

this place is guarded pretty tight, I'd better not make a mess otherwise i might end up digging him in even deeper

now I know who ratted king out, mystery solved

Claude get your ass over here
what is it now
look who finally decides ot grace us with his presence, captain Leopold Porceus himself stalwart leader, punctual as always a standing ovation for our captain! please Claude!
quiet down you oaf hes not that far, he's gonna hear you
stations us out in the cold for two nights in a row no rations no extra pay, and he cant even bother to drag himself out of the whorehouse ot arrive on time, he can go taff himself for all I care
Ol'right ol'right, well he's here now what do we do?
we wait for Lewis to come down the street and tell us polly's down his business. then we pack up and leave.
and in the meantime?
in the meantime, you keep walking in circle and i sit here pretending to guard the market stalls
like a belchers prick i am, longs as I'm concerned if captain polly's here then es' not our problem any more es' his, I'm off to get drunk down a' tavern
sigh.. not again, isn't this a surprise where ever i go captain polly has to follow it's time to put you in your place Porceus six feet underground

this looks interesting, I'm no expert on the occult, but a little black magic shouldn't hurt, me, Leopold on the other hand
whoa okay never mind then I'll just be dousing this with blood now
Leoplod Porceus you death has been sealed, at least i hope it has, maybe I should go check on him