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Alright guys, we're making this a two-parter. This here's Part 1, and the next one'll be up tomorrow. So buckle down, because things are going to get nuts...

Now, Cuan's got himself in a wee bit of a predicament. This is where I ended things in the last update...

But guess what? This game had other ideas.

Yeah, I'll be honest; I wish this and Trabant's ambush had switched places. Cuan's ambush seems like it was designed to be a really hard, really sudden gut punch to the player. So having yet ANOTHER long-winded scene of exposition with Alvis and Friends immediately after Trabant arrives. I dunno; seems like it kind of breaks the narrative flow.

Reptor: You’re the one who said Sigurd wouldn’t pose any problems! You KNEW Langbart and I sent most of our military off with our sons to subdue other areas. You’ve explicitly gone against your word!

Alvis: Lord Reptor, calm down a second. I already have Velthomer troops positioned in the Yied Desert. And Thracia’s mercenaries should be here shortly. Reptor, as long as you and I engage our armies together, the rebels WILL fall.

Reptor: Alvis, you better be right this time. You can have the throne for all I care. But you best not forget about us once you become king.

Alvis: Don’t worry. When this war is finished, your family will take Agustria. And the Dozel family will take Isaac. Rest assured. Those countries are rightfully yours.

Reptor: Well, alright then. We’ll take on the rebels with all we’ve got.

And there's the REAL reason we occupied Agustria all those years ago. Sure, it was Shagaal himself who declared a war on Grandbell; but you just know that these guys saw an easy opportunity to "pacify" Agustria and "govern" it with "all laws that are deemed necessary and proper". Hence why the Grandbellian governors became "exceedingly reckless, and began to abuse the power they were entrusted with." Why exercise caution when you know that you have no intention of actually leaving?

Of course, indiscretions like this carry their own set of consequences. Like having to put up with this guy.

Alvis: Manfloy? How many times have I told you not to show yourself around here!? All members of your Lopt Sect must stay completely hidden until I’ve taken power!

Manfloy: Yes. You’re too weak to admit our presence, and you let that greedy Reptor and Langbart run all over you! The original plan was to dispose of those two once they proved useless and work through their sons instead!

Alvis: Hmph… Manfloy, I’ll say this once and only once, so listen good. I haven’t the slightest intention of rebuilding your Lopt Empire. I have no problem with your Lopt Sect existing, but I’m not leaving the world in the hands of the Dark Lord. You follow!? I don’t care if I have the Lopt Clan’s blood in me. I have Saint Maira’s blood and he fought for the good of the people. The Fire God Fala is also one of my ancestors. I will use my power to create a world which is free of prejudice. One where all peoples can live without fear of repression! Of course, Sigurd knows way too much. Consider him a sacrifice to the greater good.

"I will create a world where all people are free of repression! Except for anyone who threatens my rule; THEY must be REPRESSED!!"

Manfloy: Hohoho… I assume that greater good includes Deirdre as well! Lord Alvis, you’re afraid, aren’t you. Afraid her memories may be restored!

Alvis: Enough, Manfloy! We-are-in-love. And no one’s going to get in our way!

Manfloy: Hmhmhm… Well, the two of you need to get busy and bear a son. That child is certain to become a magnificent king! Heeheehee...

Ergh..."getting busy"? Was that really in the original script? I gotta know...

Original Script posted:


Basic Translation posted:

I suppose you'll be having a child soon.
I'm sure he'll grow to be a WONDERFUL king!

Yeah that's about what I thought. Boo just made a mistake; こと can mean about four different things when used at the end of a sentence, and he thought that Manfroy was giving a command. But, in actuality, he was using it as a way of softening a judgement or statement (otherwise, the statement would have read as "you'll be having a child soon").

Also, MAN! Alvis is being completely different here than he was in the Prologue! There, he was cool, calm, polite, and always very direct. No long-winded speeches, no speaking IN ALL CAPS, no temper tantrums about how he and another man's wife are totally BFF's...the change is stunning.


Except, IS it actually that stunning? One could say that he's changed since coming into contact with Manfloy...but...

Azel: I start to shake just when I’m around Alvis...[H]e always meant more to me than my dad did. But sometimes I feel like I don’t even know him. He can get pretty violent.

That's his own brother speaking right there. And then there's the guy's dad...

Treasure Special Column Designers Notes posted:

Although Victor got his hands on [Azel's mother, not Sigyn/Shigyun] from the momentum of being drunk, when he knew the girl got pregnant he yelled, cursed, used violence, and tried to drive her away. The person who scolded at this was Shigyun [yeah, this translation is kinda stiff], and the very child who this girl got pregnant with was in fact Azel. When Victor died, Azel was just born.

Who then committed suicide after finding out about the affair his wife was having with Prince Kurth. So the Alvis we saw in the Prologue? Probably a VERY different Alvis than the one his closest friends and family will see. Violence and torment seems to have a strong hold on this family.

But enough psycho-analysis; let's meet the Phinorans!

Vaha: This desert can be their grave!

I wouldn't go THAT far...but these guys CAN really ruin your day if you let them.

Yes, I'm incorporating Leadership Star and Castle bonuses into unit stats from now on. Now, that's the magic they'll be flinging every which way...and this is how far they can fling it:

...Owch. That's a minefield if I ever saw one. We're gonna need someone...tanky. Someone...who can resist their Sleep staves and take a magic blast to the face, like it ain't no thang. Where can we find someone like that? Let's find out!

Well, after Fury takes a hit from this guy I mean.

Not good enough Fury. I need someone 20+ Resistance to handle THIS job!

But we'll worry about that later. For now, I have Sigurd guard the castle; he'll want to buy some stuff before he can go to Phinora.

Fury then Returns Ardan to Zaxon, where he can finish his leveling...

And then flies toward Velthomer. Not Zaxon; Velthomer. The game WANTS you to use Fury to dispatch those Meteo users, but I have something far grander in mind.

. Ardan...

Ok, I'll be fair here. Those promotion gains...aren't actually that bad. The stat boosts leave something to be desired, but Ardan also gets 1-2, WTA on whoever he needs it on, the ability to ORKO flying units, and even a 20%+ chance of nullifying any attack that hits him. Combine that with his absurd Defense and HP, and you've got a pretty useful unit on your hands!


Except, we already got that from Cuan...and Lex...and Sigurd...and that's not even mentioning his laughably bad 5 Move. It's just too little, too late for this poor dude. There's just nothing he can do that's worth the hassle of training him.

Ergh, let me rephrase that. There's nothing he can do outside of an AAAA Rank Run that can justify his use. In one though?

He's pretty decent! I'd prefer it if he could more reliably survive his 1st wave of Slaydar's men, but oh well. It's hard to complain about 28 free levels .

This isn't the last time we'll be using Ardan this chapter, but it's the last time he'll ever need the Elite Ring, or any of that other swag.

Best give it to our OTHER winners!

Turn's almost over. But before we end things, Holyn will be wanting that Bargain Ring.

This here's the reason why Sigurd spends a turn at Lubeck. Holyn can't buy these two items AND the Elite Ring on the same turn, so he can't get to Level 30 until next Player Phase. I WANT Sigurd to give that Elite Ring to his son, so I'm not willing to move on till Sigurd's got it.

Speaking of moving on...

Well, things aren't looking good for them. Good thing the YELLOW guys can't get us, huh?

Now then, we've got two more guys to train before we can blitz through the rest of the Chapter.

First is Jamka. He's got a rougher path to victory than the Uber Hero Sword users, so beat the first three opponents with the Hero Bow...


Switch to the Killer Bow for this guy...

Save, and hope that the next warrior...

Doesn't critkill you before you can...


And breath a sigh of relief if you can get past Nazarl, because the guy after him is significantly easier.

There we go!

Now, Jamka's son, Lester, is going to have a harder time leveling than Brigid's son, and those two are the only Gen 2 archers. May as well buy Jammy everything I can!

And then help Holyn do the same thing!

After getting through the Arena, of course.

These animations are so great. They're so over the top !

But back to Holyn; I mentioned in the War Room that his daughter is going to be our next Dew. Like him, she is going to be dispensing money to EVERYONE in her Generation. But she can also get WALLED by the Arena in the same way Dew can. So we want her inheriting as much stuff from her father as possible!

So that's why I'm going out of my way to get him as much money as possible. And that's ALSO why...

I had Lachesis clear the Arena! Her daughter is a staff wielder, but her son is a melee combat unit.

Hence, we want her husband getting whatever Holyn doesn't get; gotta help our weaker Gen 2 units out!

Speaking of Inheritance...

Surprise! That Elite Ring's going to SIGURD of all people! Yes, Sigurd's son, Celice, doesn't start out quite as strong as Sigurd himself. In fact, he starts as a foot unit instead of a mounted unit; he's not gonna get a horse until Level 20! However, only he can capture castles, and he will eventually promote into the same class as his father. Therefore, Celice will save FAR more turns with the Elite and Leg Rings than anyone in Gen 2 ever could!

Now back to the game; we want to fix the Tyrfing. But each point of durability costs 1000G, and we only need two of them. So I spent all the money I had repairing the Light Sword...

Got 2500G by beating the first two Arena fighters...

And THEN fixed up the Tyrfing! It's offensive parameters are really good...

But it's defensive parameters are out of this world!

Look at these stats guys; look at them! +20 Resistance! And the Barrier Ring makes 25+ Resistance! That's MORE than enough for Vaha and her goons!

Still won't save Cuan though .

Yep. This is the end. No chance of survival for these two.

Only Sigurd can see his men through to the end.

In fact, he's one of the ONLY ones who's going to be doing much of anything for the rest of this update. Everything else...

Well, Holyn needs the village, and Fury's getting closer to where I need her to go, but...everything else is already done.

Grandbell used to be a peace loving country, but things have changed. They’ve been sending troops to each and every nation with the intention of overthrowing them. Prince Kurth would never have allowed any of this if he were around. Please do something! Please return to Grandbell and remove those who are responsible for all this!

Ah, and there's that to do as well.


Farewell, Ethlin. Your Staff Spamming made the EXP rank that much easier.

Trabant: You tell ‘im to hand over the Gaebolg, otherwise the little girl gets it. Heh heh… Cuan, whatcha gonna do?

Cuan: He can have the damn Gae Bolg, but he better not lay a finger on Altenna!

Another one of my favorite lines from this game ...

Yep; Cuan wasn't kidding when he said they could have the Gae Bolg. The A.I. is set to always kill Ethlin first, and Cuan will literally throw down his weapon and die. Like the Thracians needed EVEN MORE of an advantage.

Trabant: There’s a nice reward on their heads, so don’t let a single one slip by ya.

Magorn: Yes sir. What shall we do with the child? She won’t stop crying, and… um… none of the men know quite how to handle a child. Should I off her?

"Is THAT what you do with children? Hoo ugh, this is so confusing"

Trabant: No, give her to me. I’m takin’ her an’ the Gaebolg back to Thracia with me.

Magorn: This is unexpected. Why would you want to take her back to Thracia?

Trabant: Shut up! This ‘as got nothin’ t’do with ya! So keep yer trap shut.

Magorn: Ah, f, forgive me. I will… ah, lead the troops in pursuit of Sigurd then.

Trabant: Yeah, ya do that!

Ooooh, Trabant... wowww. He's got like, depths...and stuff .

Alright, that's it for Trabant. We won't be hearing anymore from him for a while, so, keep that last bit of dialogue in mind.

The Meteo mages technically take more shots at Sigurd, but, they aren't a concern.

BOOP! There goes the first Phinoran!

And these pack of idiots are now flying toward Sigurd. But we're not worrying about them right now; they aren't that big an issue.

'Course, Vaha ain't any big thing either.

Nothing they do can harm Sigurd now.

Now let's put them out of their misery.

See that Prayer Sword? That's why we need 2 Tyrfing uses instead of 1. Otherwise, we'd get trolled by Prayer.

Alright, let's put these guys out of their misery.

Sigurd: Oifaye… Celice… I wonder how they’re doing...

Welcome. You must be Sir Sigurd.

Sigurd: It’s unfortunate your town got caught up in the middle of all this.

Well, it can’t be helped. We just heard about another skirmish in the desert’s south end.

And then...silence.

...while coming north. Word is none of Lenster’s knights survived.

Sigurd: …are you sure about that!?

TV Tropes posted:

Funny Aneurysm Moment: A "funny aneurysm" moment is when a scene, joke, or offhand line that was originally meant to be funny or lighthearted becomes cringeworthy due to the unfortunate and/or traumatic events in future installments/episodes of a work or in real life...A "funny aneurysm" is an oxymoron since having an aneurysm isn't funny.

Granted, a lot of this SEEMS like it would have happened regardless of whether or not Deirdre had come...but...holy cow man! We talk about the light of the end of the tunnel, but...can his victory possibly be worth the sacrifices he had to make? I dunno, but I guess we'll find out in Part 2, won't we?

For now though...let's slow down a bit. There's are reams and REAMS of lover conversations that are unlocked by conquering Phinora, and even a secret event that we didn't go over yet. you go. Consider this the intermission before the exciting conclusion to Fire Emblem 4: Generation 1.

ARDAN'S DECISION (+5 SKILL; Activates at any point in Chapter 5, but only if Ardan has lover)

Ardan: Heh… I got married and got a kid! My family’s gotta come first, so I best not be dyin’. What’s dis ole book sittin’ here. Hmph… Dis is all gibber gabber. Eerrrr… mmmmnugh! What da… Wow! I feel all my senses done renovated!

ALEC & NOISH (probably not triggerable in-game, according to Serenes Forest. So I'm just guessing at what the music woulda been)

Alec: Noish, this is it, huh?

Noish: Mmm.

Alec: Hey, uh… I just wanna thank you for everything.

Noish: Sure thing. Same goes here, Alec.

Alec: It’s been a blast, huh?

Noish: Yep.

Alec: Well, take care then.

Noish: Yep. You too.


TILTYU WITH LEX (Wherein Lex acknowledges that the two married after like...two months):

Tiltyu: Lex, you just have t’fight, don’t ya.

Lex: Hey! You get to Silesia where you’ll be safe.

Tiltyu: You’re so cruel! You want me t’go all alone.

Lex: Hey, everyone in the Freege family is breakin’ their back lookin’ for you, girl. And I don’t want my kids goin’ with them or the Dozels. You understand me!?

Tiltyu: Yeah, but...

Lex: Look, we’ve both been dealt a crappy hand. I wish we could’ve been together longer. I will cherish every single moment we had.

Tiltyu: Oh, Lex...


Tiltyu: Claude, what should I do?

Claude: Well, you certainly can’t fight your father’s army. Go to Silesia. You’ll be safe there.

Tiltyu: But what are you going to do?

Claude: Well, it’s my duty to see this war out.

Tiltyu: How could you! Just how am I to raise our children without you!?

Claude: I know it is difficult, but please understand.

Tiltyu: …Claude!

TILTYU WITH AZEL (Azel tells a VERY insensitive joke):

Tiltyu: Azel, don’t go!

Azel: Tiltyu, you promised me you’d head for Silesia. I told you, I’ll come as soon as I can!

Tiltyu: But...

Azel: You can’t fight Freege’s army! What, are you going to kill your own father?

Tiltyu: Well, no, but...

Azel: Good. I’d have second thoughts about someone who’d kill their own dad. You take care of the kids, okay?

Tiltyu: …Azel!

SYLVIA WITH LEVIN (wherein Levin is still regretting his decision):

Sylvia: Hey, Levin!

Levin: Hey, Sylvia. What’s up?

Sylvia: You still like me?

Levin: C’mon. Give me a break, will you?

Sylvia: Well, do ya?

Levin: Yeah, I like you. That’s why we hooked up.

Sylvia: Good! That’s all I wanted to hear! ’cause I looooooove you! You are the only one… for me… Da-la-laa… la-la-laa!

Levin: Sylvia! You mind bringin’ it down a notch?

SYLVIA WITH CLAUDE (where the conversation ends very abruptly):

Sylvia: Claude, you okay?

Claude: Yes, I’m fine. But you cannot stay here. Now get going!

Sylvia: But...

Claude: You can’t stay with us. It’s too dangerous!

Sylvia: …Claude, I love you.

Claude: I love you too, but...

Sylvia: No! I’m not goin’. No way I’m leavin’ your side!

Claude: Sylvia, I can’t allow that! Please understand.

SYLVIA WITH ALEC (the case of the broken condom):

Sylvia: Alec, I’ve been lookin’ all over for ya.

Alec: Sylvia? You can’t be out here! Now get on back to the castle, will ya?

Sylvia: But I was gettin’ all worried ’bout you.

Alec: C’mon, Sylvia. You gotta start actin’ a bit more grown up. You are a full-blown mother now.

Sylvia: Don’t talk to me like you’re my father or somethin’! It was all your fault anyway.

Alec: Hey now! I think the, ah… willingness on both sides led to our little surprise, don’t you?

Sylvia: Yeah, right. Well, hurry back. Leen and I can’t live without ya forever. Okay? You gotta promise!

Alec: Yeah, I promise. I’ll come for you.

LACHESIS WITH NOISH (Surprise! Lachesis has a thing for blonde people):

Lachesis: Noish, wait!

Noish: Lachesis? You’re still here!? I told you to leave for Lenster.

Lachesis: I sent the kids already, but I’m staying to fight.

Noish: Why are you breaking your word with me? The kids need their mother. What if something were to happen to you? And you have King Eltshan’s child to consider, too.

Lachesis: I don’t know where Aless is anymore.

Noish: Well, Sir Sigurd is very concerned about Prince Aless. That boy has lost both of his parents. Aless must mean something to you, as well.

Lachesis: No, it’s just… Ah, nevermind. Look, I am your wife.

Noish: I know you are, and I love you dearly. Don’t you ever forget it.

Lachesis: I won’t. Sorry.

LACHESIS WITH DEW (No, seriously. She REEEALLY has a thing for blond people ):

Lachesis: Dew, what are you doing here!?

Dew: What gives? I can handle bein’ here now. I’m not the same Dew anymore.

Lachesis: I know. But this next battle isn’t going to be like the others! It’ll be way out of your league, Dew.

Dew: Everyone’s been sayin’ that crap. I’m not a kid anymore!

Lachesis: I can definitely vouch for that, Dew. Heheh… Especially after what we...

Dew: H, hey! You’re gettin’ red there, girl!

Lachesis: Oh, Dew!

Dew: Lachesis, it’s been great bein’ with you. You’re always nice to me.

Lachesis: Same goes to you, Dew.

LACHESIS WITH BEOWULF (Let's use the Bookofholsety script for this one. Beo's pretty vague here, so here's a fresh translation):

Lachesis: Beowulf...

Beowulf: Look, Raquesis. If somethin' happens t'me, I want ya to go to Leonster fer me. Quan's kids are there with Finn. Help em' out where I can't, yeah?

Lachesis: No! You mustn't say such things! If I go to Leonster, you will come with me!

Beowulf: Raquesis...I don't think I've done right by ya.

Lachesis: W-what? Why...?

Beowulf: I knew how ya really felt all along...

Lachesis: ...Oh!

Beowulf: Look after yerself, Raquesis. This was fun while it lasted.

Lachesis: Wait! Beowolf!


Fury: Oh, Noish, I’ve been looking for you!

Noish: Fury, you alright?

Fury: I’m fine.

Noish: Good. Fury, you be careful. You’re no longer caring for just yourself, you know.

Fury: I hope our kids back in Silesia are doing okay, as well. I’m dying to see them again.

Noish: Yep, me too. Let’s get this war over with quickly.

Fury: Yes, let’s do that. Noish, you be careful, too.

FURY WITH LEVIN (At least Fury's MOTHER is alive!):

Fury: So this is it, Levin.

Levin: Yeah. Fury, you keep your promise to me, okay?

Fury: Yes, I’m to return immediately to Silesia. I know.

Levin: Look, I’m not gonna die out here, and you best not go doin’ so either!

Fury: Yes. I can promise that! I’ve had my childhood dream realised. It would be just horrible to die now! I will always be with you.

Levin: Mother’s very anxious to see you again… more than she is me!

Fury: Yes. Well, I just hope I can make my new mother-in-law proud.

URY WITH ARDAN (wherein Ardan done hits his head and loses a hunnerd I.Q. points):

Fury: Ardan, you okay?

Ardan: I’ve had ‘nough of dis stupid desert!

Fury: Heheh! Too bad you can’t ride my pegasus with me out of here.

Ardan: Yeh. If only I’s ’bout a hunnerd pounds lighter.

Fury: Ardan, don’t you get yourself killed, okay?

Ardan: You can bet on dat! I ain’t dyin’. Not after gettin’ someone as perdy as you for my wife! When dis war’s done wit we’s headin’ back t’Silesia. We can open a little veggie stand!

Fury: Yes, that would be just fine with me.

BRIGID WITH MIDIR (Midir assures Brigid of his love):

Brigid: Midir, are you alright?

Midir: Yes, I’m fine. How are you doing, Brigid?

Brigid: I’m fine as long as you’re with me.

Midir: Brigid, I’m very happy I met you and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.

Brigid: Midir, you sound like you want to break up or something.

Midir: Ah, forgive me. Brigid, I wanted you to understand something.

Brigid: Look, Midir. I know you used to like Aideen. Do you think you’ll be happy with me?

Midir: Of course! Yes, I used to like Aideen… Like. But you are the only one I’ve ever loved.

Brigid: Midir, thanks! Don’t ever leave me.

BRIGID WITH JAMKA (Jamka tries hard to assure Brigid of his love...a little TOO hard ):

Brigid: Jamka, you okay? You must be beat.

Jamka: Ah… I’m alright. How about you?

Brigid: I’m fine as long as you’re with me.

Jamka: Brigid, you know I don’t want you fighting. You won’t consider calling it quits?

Brigid: No! I will not call it quits! And it’s too late to turn back now, anyway.

Jamka: Alright… alright.

Brigid: Jamka, are you happy with me?

Jamka: Huh?

Brigid: Are you happy with me? Because I know Aideen meant something...

Jamka: Brigid! Would you quit it!? I fell in love with you! And that’ll never change!

Brigid: Ah… S, sorry, Jamka. But I’m glad I asked...

BRIGID WITH ALEC (Wherein Alec tells an insensitive joke):

Brigid: Alec, we’re almost to Barhara.

Alec: Yeah. This is our grand return, huh.

Brigid: I wonder if I’ll be okay returning to the country I was born in. What is Jungby like?

Alec: Ahh… it’s a beautiful place with loads of beautiful women.

Brigid: Alec! I better not catch you cheating on me!

Alec: No way! You’d kill me if I did! Haha...

Brigid: That’s right! Besides, I want to keep you alive now. Your work with me has just begun! And for our children as well… I can’t let you die!

Alec: Don’t worry, I’ve got luck on my side. How else could I get such a beautiful bride!

Brigid: Alec...


Aira: Lex, things are coming to a peak, aren’t they.

Lex:Yep, looks that way. Aira, you are being damn stubborn. Why don’t you go back to Isaac?

Aira: Why? Because I’m a girl!? Our responsibility to our children is the same in my book.

Lex: Oops… you got me. Sorry. But you had the perfect chance to get out. Our kids are only...

Aira: Yeah, and that’s why we’ll go together, after we finish this war.

Lex: Right… right. C’mon, let’s go!

Aira: Lex, I’m sorry, but this is the only way I know how to be.

Lex: Hahaha! I know. I’m just teasin’. That’s what I like about you, Aira. I don’t know how things are going to turn out, Aira, but I’m in for the long haul.

AIRA WITH HOLYN (Ok... what the heck was he doing in Agustria then?):

Aira: Holyn, things are coming to a peak, aren’t they.

Holyn: Uh...

Aira: Holyn, I’ve got something I want to ask you. Is that alright?

Holyn: Yeah, what is it?

Aira: Why do you look out for me? Is there something you haven’t told me?

Holyn: Aira, I’ve known you since I was a kid. Keeping you safe means everything to me.

Aira: Eh!? Holyn… Hey, you weren’t that boy from...

Holyn: Yep. I’m the son of the lord of Sophara. You stole my heart at a tender young age, Aira.

AIRA WITH ARDAN (wherein Aira is surprised that the man who married her and knocked her up DOES, in fact, love her):

Aira: Ardan, you alright?

Ardan: Whew… I’m beat. This armour’s dang heavy.

Aira: Heh! But you look very manly. I like that about you.

Ardan: Oh! That’s nice of ya t’say.  I like you for bein’ all womanly like.

Aira: Me? Womanly? That’s almost funny.

Ardan: Yeah well, I think so at least. You’re the perdiest girl I can think of.

Aira: Ardan, are you sick or something?

Ardan: I might as well just blurt it out… Aira, I love you.

Aira: What’s that!?

AIDEEN WITH CLAUDE (gives the Rescue Staff to Aideen, and says a line so good that even BookofHolsety was jealous):

Claude: Aideen, this is to be our last battle.

Aideen: Yes, that’s what everyone’s saying.

Claude: Here, you should have this. Help our young soldiers with it.

Aideen: Oh, this is a Rescue Staff. Why me?

Claude: I have yet to speak a word of this, but you being my wife, well… I should probably tell you. This war will end in our defeat. All that is important to us will be lost.

Aideen: …What!?

Claude: I, too, had a difficult time believing the Lord’s words when I was at Blagi Tower. But this is how fate will have it. I also will not likely survive. That’s why I’m entrusting this staff to you.

Aideen: That can’t be true! I don’t believe any of what you’re saying!! Please… tell me it’s not true!

Claude: Aideen, there’s really nothing to be scared of. My death is really just a new beginning. As life embraces death, that with form is lost, yet something still remains. There’s nothing to fear in death. It is merely a transition to a more perfect form.

Aideen: But Claude…!

Claude: Just as I am to die, I shall also be reborn. Look, inside of you is a brand new life and I am a part of it. And that is why you must keep living.

Aideen: How could you! You tell me to keep living while you...

Claude: Aideen, I have been blessed to have met you. Forgive me if I have sounded insensitive.

Aideen: Claude...