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So, remember when I was talking about Alec? How his middling Strength and Defense growths and weak weapons severely limit him? Well, this guy has that exact same problem. In fact, he IS basically Alec, except he has Pursuit instead of Critical, and uses bows rather than swords and lances...

And yet...he's still a teensy bit more usable. In fact, Midir is actually kind of interesting character. See, Charge isn't as much a double-edged sword for ranged units as it is for melee units. Activating more rounds of combat is not a bad thing when you're attacking in a way that the enemy CAN'T counter-attack you, like Midir can to anyone who doesn't have 2 Range.

Plus, there's a weapon called a Killer Bow that weighs only 3 Weight (compared to 8 Weight for most other bows), automatically gives the Critical skill (yes, items can actually grant you skills when you have them equipped), and has a pretty good amount of Might! Granted, it's something that technically belongs to Jamka, but he's only a 6 Move foot unit.

So get him the Killer Bow, and watch his offense improve. He can critical, he's got 20 more Accuracy, he's got much more Might...he's actually pretty helpful, ESPECIALLY in low turn count playthroughs. Plus, MartytheDemonslayer points out that he's surprisingly useful at manipulating the A.I. Enemies in FE4 tend to REALLY target him often, and Hand Axe enemies in Chapter 1 and the Prologue have an odd habit of attacking him at 2-range, even when they can attack him at 1-range.

So he's pretty good! The only reason he didn't get more use in my LP is because mine was an AAAA ranked playthrough that made an Uber Slim Sword and Uber Brave Sword for people. Midir is one of the few units who can never use swords, so it was simply more convenient to train other people instead of him. Had it been an LTC run instead, Midir would have been far more helpful to me!


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