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Alright guys, the Gen 1 wrap-up has begun! Every hour or two, I'm going to post something in an attempt to address ALL the Gen 1 stuff that the game itself never directly addresses. No, don't worry, there's no major spoilers for Gen 2; all we're doing is filling in the blanks for Gen 1. As Onmi said, the game designers never got the chance to include everything they wanted to include in the actual game, so that's why these mini-updates are here.

So let's start this off with a bang, shall we?


So here's the deal, just for anyone who's not in the know. Lachesis is something of a running joke within the FE4 community, for a wide variety of reasons. First and foremost, the feelings she expresses for her brother in Chapter 2 go beyond just a li'l sister having a crush on her big brother; one of the conversations in Gen 2 outright confirm that she WAS, indeed, in love with her brother. In that way. So that's one strike against her.

The OTHER main strike against her is the Beo and Lachesis convo, and it's implications. Let's take a look at it again, shall we?



Lachesis: Beowulf...

Beowulf: Look, Raquesis. If somethin' happens t'me, I want ya to go to Leonster fer me. Quan's kids are there with Finn. Help em' out where I can't, yeah?

Lachesis: No! You mustn't say such things! If I go to Leonster, you will come with me!

Beowulf: Raquesis...I don't think I've done right by ya.

Lachesis: W-what? Why...?

Beowulf: I knew how ya really felt all along...

Lachesis: ...Oh!

Beowulf: Look after yerself, Raquesis. This was fun while it lasted.

Lachesis: Wait! Beowolf!

You'll note that Beowulf explicitly mentions Fin here, for some reason. Why is he doing that? Well... maybe the intro from FE5 will shed some light on things. It covers a lot of stuff that happened between Gen 1 and Gen 2, so, here you go. Credits to Cake Attack for creating the images I use in these next two blocks of text...


As ages passed and the 12 Crusaders became the talk of legends, a great rebellion arose and spread throughout the Land of Judgral.

While on the march through the Yied Desert, Cuan and Ethlin are suddenly attacked by the Thracian army and die far from their homeland.

Though King Lenster fights valiantly while grieving the loss of his sons he, too, meets a bitter end betrayed by his allies the Conote army.

The entire army of Thracia seizes upon this chance and assaults Lenster's castle.

As Lenster's army fights bravely in the face of merciless defeat one young knight, Fin, escapes with Prince Leaf [Leaf is the son of Cuan and Ethlin; Cuan mentioned that Ethlin had recently given birth to him in Chapter 5, right before Trabant ambushes them.]

As Leaf gazes up at the castle cradles in Fin's arms, can he even begin to understand the terrible sight that meets his eyes?

So there we go; more bad stuff happening in the land of Jugdral. Guess Trabant wasn't satisfied just killing Cuan and Ethlin. And NOW we get to the bit about Beowulf's kids...


After escaping with his life from the collapsing Lenster Castle, Leaf, together with his loyal knight Fin and his daughter Nanna, proceeded to defeat the-

WHOA HO HO THERE! So Nanna is FIN'S daughter now?! B, but...he's not even one of her pre-destined pairings! He doesn't even get a special conversation with her at any point! No conversations that boost their Love Points, no obscenely high love nothing. In fact, he and Lachesis are infamously hard to pair up due to them only sharing two chapters wait, was this just something Thracia 776 invented after the fact?

Maybe...except, FE4 DOES also have a special conversation between Fin and Nanna if you DID pair him with Lachesis...



Fin: Nanna, how’re you holding up?

Nanna: I’m fine, father. You don’t need to worry about me.

Fin: Your strong determination reminds me more of Lachesis each passing day, Nanna.

Nanna: Father, if you loved mother so much, how could you have let her go all by herself!?

Fin: To Isaac? Nanna, I’ve asked you before not to bring that up. …That’s between your mother and I.

Nanna: But…

Fin: You’ll understand someday. Just wait till you’re a little older.

So there you have it. Now, does Fin get any special conversations with any of the OTHER Gen 2 children? Yes...kind of...he has talks with Aideen's daughter and Aira's daughter too. But, it's immediately evident that there wasn't nearly as much time and care put into their conversations as there was with his talk with Nanna...



Fin: Who are you?

Lana: I’m Lana. You’re Fin, right?

Fin: You…

Lana: What’s the matter? Please don’t look at me like that. You’re embarrassing me!

Fin: Ah, forgive me. You just remind me so much of someone I once knew.

Lana: I do?

Fin: Yes. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you are the spitting image of a woman I once loved.

Lana: I see. Were you two a couple?

Fin: Yes, but we got separated during the war, and I haven’t seen her since.

Lana: Oh, how sad… What was the woman’s name?

Fin: Aideen… You’re the first I’ve met to parallel her beauty.

Lana: Aideen!? That’s my mother!



Fin: Who are you?

Lakche: Hm? I’m Lakche.

Fin: This can’t be…

Lakche: What’s the problem? Hey, don’t look at me like that. You’re embarrassing me!

Fin: Ah, forgive me. You just remind me so much of someone I once knew.

Lakche: I do?

Fin: Yes. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you are the spitting image of a woman I once loved.

Lakche: Oh. So were you two a couple?

Fin: Yes, but we got separated during the war, and I haven’t seen her since.

Lakche: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. What was her name?

Fin: Aira… You’re the first I’ve met to parallel her beauty.

Lakche: …Aira? You sure about that!?

So really, these conversations only exist because the writers felt the need for two other Talk options for Fin. Fin and Nanna is the one they put the actual thought into; so does this mean that Fin is Nanna's biological father? IT seems like that might be the case; after all, FE5 happened. FE5 seems to have made the pairing canon. And if THAT'S the case, does that mean Lachesis was CHEATING on Beowulf?! And THAT'S why he was all "I've known yer true feelings all along"?! Well...that's how many fans took it. Lachesis doesn't just have the hots for her brother; now she's sleeping around on top of it all!


Or is she? Me personally, I think the above theory is wrong, for several reasons. First of all, it goes against the character of both Fin and Lachesis, who are both generally portrayed as being very good people. Secondly, Lachesis doesn't even have any Talk or Lover conversations with Fin! She talks to Dew and Beo once in Chapter 2, talks to Eltshan in Chapter 3, and then has a Lover conversation with Dew, Noish, and Beo in Chapter 5; that's it. And finally, I've done some digging around. And word-of-mouth seems pretty consistent on two points...


1) Early versions of Nintendo's official website have directly stated that Beowulf is the canon father of both Delmud and Nanna.

2) The 20th Anniversary Artbook stated that the father of Nanna is "whoever you paired Lachesis with". While that's more ambigous than the above statement, it still doesn't leave room from two fathers

Now, do I have actual links to give you? not, unfortunately. It could all just be rumors and misinformation; so until someone can provide a link confirming either of those two statements, we'll never know for sure.

However, there are other points to consider. For example, FE5 has a "mother and daughter" relationship in the form of two characters named "Mareeta" and "Eveyle". However, it then reveals that Eveyle actually ADOPTED Mareeta; the two aren't actually biologically related. And yet, the game still constantly refers to Mareeta as Eveyle's "daughter"; so it could very easily be the same for Fin and Nanna. So instead, I posit an alternate theory that I found online:

Beowulf wasn't referring to any romantic feelings Lachesis had for Fin. He was ACTUALLY referring to Lachesis's incestuous feelings for her brother Eltshan. She was on the rebound after Eltshan's death, and that was why she latched onto Beowulf. Eltshan had already assigned him to be her protector, he was strong like her brother, he was blond like her brother, he was a sword-wielder like her brother, and most importantly, he was one of her brother's best friends. Remember?



Beowulf: Er… sorry. Beowulf’s the name. I’m just a mercenary, ma’am.

Lachesis: So what do you want?

Beowulf: Uh… I just came to tell you this is for real out here. This ain’t no fun’n games. And you inexperienced types ain’t makin’ things easy for the rest of us. Besides, this ain’t no place for a princess. Why don’t you get on back to your castle?

Lachesis: Where do you get off speaking to me like that!? What I do out here is no business of yours!

Beowulf: Heh heh… tough little cookie, ain’t ya. Remind me a bit of Eltshan.

Lachesis: Wait! You know my brother?

Beowulf: Sure do. We go way back. Don’t mean t’be so nosy, but he asked me t’check up on ya.

Lachesis: Oh, I didn’t realise. I’m sorry.

Beowulf: S’alright. Eltshan also asked me t’teach you a bit about warfare. How ’bout it?

Lachesis: That’d be great!

So not only are Beowulf and Eltshan old friends; Eltshan ALSO trusts Beowulf enough to look after his little sister. Know what that means? It means that Beowulf could very well be privvy to details about Eltshan's private life that may not have been as flattering as most would have liked. And again, we've seen a pattern of Lachesis glomping herself onto blonde sword-wielders in Chapter 5; and who better than the very man that Eltshan hired to protect her? The one who apparently went "way back" with him?

Plus, it also ties back into why Beowulf would want her to go to Lenster to start with. Because as we learn in Lachesis's conversation with Noish, Eltshan's son happens to be there...



Lachesis: Noish, wait!

Noish: Lachesis? You’re still here!? I told you to leave for Lenster.

Lachesis: I sent the kids already, but I’m staying to fight.

Noish: Why are you breaking your word with me? The kids need their mother. What if something were to happen to you? And you have King Eltshan’s child to consider, too.

Lachesis: I don’t know where Aless is anymore.

Noish: Well, Sir Sigurd is very concerned about Prince Aless. That boy has lost both of his parents [either this was a mistranslation, or it got retconned. Eltshan sent both his wife, "Grahnye", and Aless to Lenster, and Grahnye didn't end up dying till sometime after Lachesis got there]. Aless must mean something to you, as well.

Lachesis: No, it’s just… Ah, nevermind. Look, I am your wife.

Noish: I know you are, and I love you dearly. Don’t you ever forget it.

Lachesis: I won’t. Sorry.

So Prince Aless, the son of one of Beowulf's best friends, is now in Lenster; Beowulf is naturally going to be just a teensy bit concerned about him. Which raises the question: "Why did Eltshan send Aless and Grahnye there to start with?" Well, first of all, Grahnye originally came from Lenster according to the FEWiki...


Grahnye is Eldigan's wife and the mother of Ares [probably Aless's real name, but oh well], and was a citizen of Leonster before marrying her husband.

And guess who ELSE happens to be from Lenster, and is ALSO one of Eltshan's best friends? I'll give you a hint; he's also one of Sigurd's best friends, and the below quote has one bolded line that I want you to pay very close attention to!



Cuan: We heard about your skirmish with Verdane. We’re here to fight.

Sigurd: How about Lenster? Don’t you have Thracia to keep an eye on?

Cuan: We do. That’s why I only brought Fin. My father took command of the Lance Ritter.

Sigurd: I see...Geez, sorry to drag you in to all of this, Cuan.

Cuan: Sigurd! Did you already forget about our pact?

Sigurd: Huh?

Cuan: Remember the academy? We all met at the military academy back in Barhara. It was the three of us. You, me, and Eltshan. We were talking late that one night. And we took a vow to help each other out if one of us was ever in a bind.

Sigurd: That’s right. No...I haven’t forgotten.

Cuan: Ok, then. Let’s get to work and rid yourself of this little nuisance. Don’t forget, Sigurd. I’m always here for you. Especially in times like these.

Did you get that audience? Cuan and Eltshan are best buds! They literally swore to help each other in times of crisis! And what better way for Cuan to honor that pledge than to have his family and soldiers look after Eltshan's wife and child? Yes, he most likely acted as Aless's babysitter; and Fin just so happened to stay behind while he and Ethlin came to aid Sigurd. In other words...

There was absolutely nothing going on between Lachesis and Fin at the time Beowulf had that conversation with her. The only reason he mentioned Fin was because he just so happened to be stationed at Lenster. Cuan and Ethlin already got butchered by the time they had this conversation, and Fin was the only one left. He sent her to Fin because he, Cuan's loyal knight, was the only remaining person in Lenster.

However, that said, Lachesis and Fin DID eventually end up together. Because as Nanna asks in their conversation...

Nanna: Father, if you loved mother so much, how could you have let her go all by herself!?

So the two did become an item. I guess Fin was awesome enough to break Lachesis out of her "blonde-haired sword users" phase. So, to sum it all up...


1) Cuan is best buds with Eltshan, and is from Lenster.

2) Grahnye is Eltshan's wife, and she ALSO comes from Lenster.

3) Eltshan asks Beowulf, one of his OTHER best buds, to protect Lachesis.

4) Eltshan sends Grahnye and Aless to live under the protection of the Lenster Royal Family during the war between Grandbell and Agustria.

5) Eltshan dies, and Lachesis ends up on the rebound. Beowulf knows this, but chooses to accept her love anyway.

6) Cuan and Ethlin die by Trabant's hand.

7) Beowulf is aware of Aless and Grahnye's current plight, and also realizes that Fin is the only one alive to care for them.

8) Beowulf tries to get Lachesis to go there as well, but Lachesis refuses. It's at this point that...

9) Beowulf admits that he knows the REAL reason why Lachesis loves him; she's on the rebound from Eltshan, and he just so happens to be similar to him in some ways.

10) Beowulf dies, Lachesis goes to Lenster, and lives under Fin's protection.

11) Sometime later, she and Fin fall in love, and Fin adopts her and Nanna as his own [Delmud got separated from Lachesis before she got to Lenster]. After that...

12) Lachesis goes by herself to Isaac, and disappears for reasons that will be covered later.

There's also something about how there's a "Beo Sword" in FE5 that only Delmud and one of Beowulf's other (likely) sons can use. Nanna can't use it, so some take that as confirmation that Nanna is not Beo's child. But...there's no in-universe reason as to why the Beo Sword can only be used by Delmud and Fergus (the name of Beo's other likely son). And if we're going to go by game mechanics logic, then the argument fails even there. For example...


1) There's also an FE5 weapon called the Blaggi Sword; and only Leaf, Nanna, Delmud, and Fergus can use it. Does that mean ETHLIN was sleeping with Beo as well?! Was ETHLIN the true mother of Nanna, Delmud, and Fergus?!

2) Holy cow, Nanna, Delmud, and Fergus can ALL use the same sword, while other units can't! Does that mean they DO have the same father?!

3) Even if we ignored the above two points, we still don't even know WHY the Beo Sword is unique to Fergus and Delmud. The item description never says anything besides "Delmud Only"; and he and Fergus also but those two also happen to be the only two playable Free Knights in FE5. Perhaps the sword is also locked to the "Free Knight" class; Nanna could have been disqualified just out of virtue of being a "Troubador"? Or maybe it's just locked to the men? And Nanna can't use it because she's a woman? Maybe she fulfilled one requirement, but didn't fulfill another one.

And that, as they say, is that. Any questions or counter-arguments ?