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A hopefully better-to-understand version of the rules, including the expansion.

Victory Points
Actions (Summary)

Each turn you get three actions from the following:
Actions (Expanded)

Each player can take three actions a turn, and any amount of free abilities. Anything which costs an action on a Card or an Advance has the term AAA: against it; anything that does not may be used at any time with the exception of military skills on action cards, which can only be played during Combat (see below). Additionally, the following actions are always available:
Status Phase and Ending The Game

After every 3 turns, the Status Phase occurs. In order, players play any completed Objective cards they have, receive a free Advance (and an Event, if applicable), gain an extra Objective and Action card, and may choose to raze a single size 1 city in exchange for a Gold.

After the above, the first player for the next turn is worked out by adding together everyone's Mood and Culture levels. The highest total is the first player.

Finally, players may gain a new Leader if they desire.

After six Status Phases, the game ends.

Battles and Capturing

When two armies face off, they conduct battle in a series of combat rounds. Both players roll a number of dice equal to the number of units they're attacking with, plus any extra from advances or abilities from Action Cards, and the result is divided by 5 (rounded down) to equal the number of 'hits' they do. Both players then remove one Army or Ship unit per hit they took, and the attacking player can choose to retreat or continue to attack.

Players with the Tactics advance may play one Action card per combat round for its combat effect.

A city is captured if your Army units are alone in the city. When this happens:
Settlers cannot fight, and are defeated automatically if alone.


Wonders are revealed by the Engineering and Monuments advances. Once revealed, a Wonder may be built by paying the cost and spending an action to activate a non-angry city. The Wonder is placed in that city, and the player gets the effects and Victory Points at the end of the game. If another player takes that city over, they take the Wonder from you.


Trading comes in two forms - trading with other players, and Trade Routes.

During your turn, you may initiate Trades with other players. You may trade any number of Resources, Action Cards, Objective Cards, and Mood or Culture tokens. Trade deals involving an immediate transaction of the above must be fulfilled... but verbal agreements of diplomacy or loans are not guaranteed by the game rules. Only the players' conscience and goals determine the validity of such agreements.

If you research the Trade Routes technology, you will begin generating Food every turn for every Settler or Ship you have within 2 spaces of another non-angry player city. This may be upgraded to production of Gold if the Currency tech is researched.


Players will draw two Civilizations at the start of the game, and must choose one of them.

Civilizations list four Special advances; these provide unique benefits for that player. Each Special advance is earned immediately upon buying its related advance; they do not have to be purchased in order. Each Special advance acquired provides 1/2 VP just as normal advances do.


Each player will start the game with a Leader in their starting city, represented by a darker shade of Settler. Leaders do not count as units, but they may Move like one. Leaders do not fight on their own, but provide a benefit to an Army they travel with or a city they stay in.

Leaders do not count as an Army - they cannot fight on their own, and act like a Settler when it comes to being eliminated. If your Leader dies in a battle, the aggressor gains 2 VP.

Players may receive a new Leader at the end of the Status Phase. If the current Leader is still alive, it is discarded and a new one is drawn. Discarded or killed Leaders cannot return at a later point.


Barbarian camps may be spawned by regions or by Event cards. They follow the same rules of settlements, but do not belong to any specific player. They do not block collection of resources around them, only on the space in which they are placed.

Barbarian attacks occur when an appropriate Event card is drawn. If there are any Barbarian camps within 2 squares of your cities, the largest camp available attacks the closest city it can, with any tiebreakers decided by the defending player. The Barbarian attack lasts a single Turn, with the intention of damaging the city. Rather than capture a city, any additional hits beyond those needed to take out all defenders are applied instead to buildings, destroying one per hit (player's choice).

Barbarian camps may be attacked as per normal City rules. If they are successfully captured, the attacking player gets 1 Gold per Barbarian Army unit they killed this attack. The camp may then be captured, or razed for 1 Gold.


Pirate ships may be spawned by regions or by Event cards. Pirate ships block the collection of resources and the routing of trade routes in the Sea space they are in and all adjacent Sea spaces. Player Ships may not pass through spaces with Pirate Ships and must stop and fight them when entering.

Pirate Raids occur when an appropriate Event card is drawn. For each Pirate Ship you can pair with a coastal city of yours within 2 spaces, you must lose a Resource or a Mood. For each that you are unable to pay, you must reduce the mood of a coastal city if possible. Myths may not prevent this. After that, you may place an unused Pirate in any Sea space that does not contain a player Ship, or take an existing one if all four are used.

Defeating a Pirate Ship gives 1 Gold and 1 Mood.