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Kant was an 18th Century German philosophy, and this is one his more famous quotes about what constitutes good moral behaviour.

That's us on the left, looking fairly sinister, and we appear to be trapped on the worlds smallest blimp with a rat in plate armour.

Hello stranger! I see they didn't just come for me. They came to my house at night and locked me in this cage. I worry about my family, they're out there all by themselves. They come when the sky begins to cry fiery tears. They are said to take only those marked by evil. They use their airships to transport them to their castle, and nobody ever returns.

They arrived in our land a long time ago. It's ironic that our ancestors helped them raise their castle. Nobody in their worst nightmares could have foreseen their plans.

I don't deserve this, I'm not evil. I've always lived the life of a simple hunter, doing what I could to feed my family... Wait, I feel the machine descending. We'll reach the castle soon.

So these evil people take other evil people to this spooky castle (that was built by rodents of unusual size) and they are never heard from again. Does that mean we're evil? Is the rat evil too?

Nice armour mate.

nope, I'm sorry, your helmet is magnificent but it's all a mess proportion wise.

much better, sorry, you were saying mr Death Knight?

Foul Being, soon you will suffer the pain of torture... This place will purge you of all evil hatched within your bowels. As long as clay is being formed in the hands of the potter, anything is possible. We can still reform your corrupted soul in spite of the deeds that have shaped it in the past. Your fate is not yet sealed. Remember, the dagger of destiny has two edges. On one side torture, on the other, yourself. You may think nothing depends on you, but it is your actions alone on which everything depends. Soon we will meet again in the torture chamber...

Looks like we need to get out of here, so we'll have a quick look around. It's pretty easy to find what you need because all the items glow. First thing, that useful looking skeleton arm down there...

Spiked ears, spiked rib cage and teeth that point outwards? The hell was this guy?

This will be handy in a bit Let's check out that bird.

It's hiding from the meteors, and appears to have an adventure game item in it's beak

Someone left us an obvious clue!

Speaking of obvious clues, let's click the glowing skull.

First in a long line of skeleton abuse in this game, it looks like we've lost our item down the drain. No matter.

Hand gets the eye.

This plaque lies over the lock to our cell, let's get this off for starters.

I know nothing about how locks work, except that this is not how locks work

First among many fisher price puzzles in this game.

Before we go, that mirror beckons...

Only a piece though. Onto the next room

Holy shit. It's got a pretty big gap where a vital organ should be though.

Appears the wings move, just not yet

So it seems we need eyes, a heart and light in order to go any further. And look, another mirror piece in the bottom right corner! Now we need light, so let's check out those candles.

Done! That was easy.

Now for the light we need to fix this mirror, but we don't have all the pieces just yet. let's head to the right and see what we find.

Looks very familiar, and there is another mirror piece next to the well, and some glowing boards up the back there.

You have to click all these boards once. That's literally it.

Oh cool, here's that heart we were looking for.

Did they though? Onto the real puzzle in the room.

"X" marks the first one to lower, and you have to click them in the right order to lower them or they reset. It's trial and error.

Lowering the cages has raised the water level in the well, and there is something floating there...

That makes two crystal eyes.

Another cage holds the last mirror piece, we should have everything now.



I'm not sure why bones would need scales, but ok.

And done.

You get a prize if you guess what pattern you have to form by reflecting the beams.

Your prize is this metal album cover, you're welcome.

Now a door, although it's locked and we need to fix it (again)

I'm sorry random bird, how did you get part of a locking mechanism?

You have to shuffle these around so they fit.

And onto the next area...