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The save up top is the base for this New Game+ playthrough.

The only thing getting carried over for the LP are records of previously viewed cutscenes. Bravely Default has a ton of multi-choice cutscenes, meaning to catch them all you need multiple playthroughs.

Let's start.

The fairy is speaking directly to the player. This game breaks the fourth wall.

It won't come up often, but keep it in mind.

Usually games are a bit more subtle about massaging the player's ego.

there's something I'd very much like to show you.

The game asks to play an AR movie here. Although it asks for an AR marker, if you have none, the game will play the movie for you anyway. If you try it at home, prepare to have an anime character invade your personal space.

Can you hear my prayers?

Wherever you are
Whoever you are...
Please, you must listen!

Everything around her shakes, sending her into a panic.

I've no one to turn to now but you...
The walls of the world are falling down around us.

All of us were fools.
Such a base and hateful snare...
Yet none of us saw it!

But now... I cannot abandon my injured friends to death.
You who hear my prayer...
You whom I've yet to meet...

If there is still time yet, save them!
My friends. This world!

Everything quakes again and a crack opens below her, causing her to trip and fall into a newly made hole. She just catches herself on the edge.

I beg of you.
Become my warrior of light!

And then she falls. That was certainly all out of the blue.

Side note: Bravely Default has several AR movies. Aside from this one, five others are viewable using AR cards available on Nintendo's website. The other movies are just fluff character bits, there's no missable plot info or such.

Next is the third and final opening movie.