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A girl is being clothed while women speak in the background.

Something must be done!

The girl from the AR movie looks and sounds significantly less panicked here.

Servant and vestal to the crystal of wind.

Despite being a new series, this game remains firmly attached to Final Fantasy.

Lady Agnès!

That was character one. Three more to go.

I've no memory, you see.

But its pages hold no history--only the future.


Someone's popular with the ladies.

Character two, resident goofball. Two more to go.

Please do me this honor...
One final test of skill!

Yet, my father...

You've a long road ahead.

For your father,

you must apprehend her at all cost.

wear this at your side.
This is your finest blade. Ise-no-Kami.

We've switched from the sparring arena to Edea on the ship, being sent off by a cheering crowd of soldiers, including Master Kamiizumi and...

Dad's got a lion-like look to him.

Wait, what are the soldiers wearing...? I think their military needs a new armor designer.

One thing you can always count on Final Fantasy for -- fantastic looking but completely impractical airship designs. I don't want to imagine the wind chill she's facing up there.

We've got our priest-type, the Lothario, and the warrior-in-training. One more character to go.

Til is a ditz.

Tiz is acting appropriately like an older brother.


Run, Til! Just don't trip and fa... oh, right. Ditz.

A flash of light later:

Let me go! We'll both fall at this rate!
I'm not losing you. Ever!
Now hurry and give me your hand!

Another large quake, and...

Next, gameplay.