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The Order is proud to launch a revolutionary tool in our fight against the demonic conspiracy: The Eye of Dante. It will transform your cellphones into a lens of truth, and allow you to see the demonic puppetry that rules our reality.

You can download it here and ignite your spiritual insurrection.

Once you grabbed the app, get started by scanning the banner of this post.

Welcome to The Order.


We are The Order. We refuse to live on the margin of the state, on the margin of demonic theories and laws. Comrades, you are not alone in this fight.

The Eye of Dante will allow you to discern allies from threats, and trash from hope. The community will guide the way...




Listen to the ads. Keep drinking that coffee. That amazing kick in the grinder that gets you going for the rest of the day. It will chase all your worries away.

Do you still hear that nagging feeling that you?re sleepwalking through the days?

Get real. You need more than overpriced coffee to wake up from your life.

Scan this poster and see the truth beneath it.

We like our coffee the way we like our Citizens: strong and bitter.




This is how they watch your every move. A CC TV society. Our democracy has become a demonocracy. Use the Eye of Dante to see how the demons try and enslave you with morbid spectacles and illusions of truth.

It?s time wake up from this dead dream and fight back.