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Update 1: Introduction

What is Betrayal at Krondor?

Betrayal at Krondor is a DOS based game developed by Dynamix and published by Sierra back in 1993. The game is based directly on the world of Midkemia, created by the author Raymond E. Feist. Originally, the events that took place were non-canon. It just happened to take place in the same setting, as if it were historical fiction. However, Fiest did have final editorial say during production and later made the events of the game canon in his novel Krondor: The Betrayal. There were various differences between the game and the later novel, such as Owyn's last name being Belefote rather than Beleforte, and the towns of Tanneurs and Eggley changed to Tannerus and Eggly. Additionally, the novel covered the main plot of the game and ignored most of the sidequests.

What is the gameplay like?

The game designers created the game to present to the player a kind of interactive fantasy story, with nine chapters divided up as if you are reading a book. While each chapter has an overall goal that must be accomplished before there is plot progression, how the goal is accomplished is up to the player. The game therefore straddles the line between a completely open game world, and a linear world that railroads the player. Given that Fiest's world of Midkemia was originally created as an alternative to D&D and was the setting for a role-playing group, having the game be an open world to explore makes sense. Our 'narrator' is a kind of DM who describes the world, what you see and do as you go along. There are limits to where you can go and what you can do, but the game presents plenty of side quests, and in most cases you are by no means 'trapped' or are given a time limit on which to complete your goals.

That's right, there is no time limit. Players aren't punished by not taking the direct the direct route. In fact, the first chapter of the game probably allows the most freedom to explore the Kingdom. The game's manual even encourages players to grind by killing monsters and finding treasure to prepare them for the tougher opponents they'd face as they get closer to Krondor.

What if I don't know anything about Midkemia?

That's okay! I'll be discussing some lore both in the game updates and in special 'lore only' updates where I'll be talking about various characters (particularly the ones that we control), the cultures and peoples who inhabit Midkemia, and the tensions they face. Fair warning though, I am not a scholar on everything Fiest, nor am I expert on this game. If other people want to chime in then they are more then welcome, but hopefully I'll be able to give some context to those people who don't know anything some idea of who is important and why they are important. For now, just be aware this is a fantasy game. Your basic fantasy concepts such as magic exist in this world. Magic also serves as portals not between just different places in the Kingdom, but also between worlds. We also have mythological / fantasy creatures such as Goblins, Trolls, as well as Dwarfs and Elves to interact with. In the timeline here, there is a rising tension and conflict between the human kingdom and what are essentially this game's Dark Elves, known here as Moredhel.

Why LP Betrayal at Krondor?

When I was growing up and just beginning to explore fantasy literature, Fiest's books, especially his first two: Magician: Apprentice and it's companion Magician: Master were inspirational for me. The characters of Pug, and his friend Tomas, who grew up and took two vastly different paths in their coming of age was fascinating. When Betrayal at Krondor was released, I spent away many hours of the day playing it with my dad and my brothers and we'd try to work out the solution to many of the Moredhel wordlock chests. We'd also try to puzzle through some of the traps that the characters can encounter as well as fending off some very difficult monsters in the later chapters. Mind you, this was also back before you could simply Google the solution to many of the problems or enter a cheat code.

I also grew quite attached to the character portraits presented in the game, even and especially when they look completely ridiculous. There is a certain satisfaction in taking a neophyte like Owyn and turning him into quite a competent mage.

What do you intend to accomplish?

I'd like to show off the game and present the story. I hope you like it.

Another warning - I'm not playing it with the intent to break the game over my knee, and I won't show off absolutely everything there is to see. I am probably in way over my head already given just how large and long the game is. Hopefully with some audience participation, we'll be able to see the story through to the end, and you'll see just why this is such a fun game to play, and overall, just an enjoyable story.

Audience Participation?

Limited participation. Every now and then I might put some decisions up to a vote, but for the most part you guys are coming along for the ride.

Get on with it!

Okay! Here is a very quick summary of where things have last left off just before the game begins.

Ten years after the events in Fiest's 'A Darkness at Sethanon', Seigneur Locklear is serving at a northern Kingdom garrison when he saves Gorath of the Ardanien from an assassin. Gorath has brought a warning of an invasion planned by Delekhan, leader of the moredhel, so Locklear agrees to take him to see Prince Arutha in Krondor. Injured from numerous attacks, they ask for help from Owyn Beleforte, a young magician from Tiburn. The game begins in their camp north of LaMut.

In these cutscenes there is some animation that was breathtaking at the time back in 1993.

"You did --- fine," Seigneur Locklear replied, smiling approval before rolling down his sleeve. "it'll scar but it's good for a noble's reputation. Lets the kingdom folk know he isn't resting on his laurels and it impresses the ladies. I'll be sure to look you up in Tiburn if ever I need stitching up again."

The boy accepted the compliment with a humble nod while he packaged away the rest of his medical supplies, his thoughts focused instead on a third man who slumped in the shadows across from them. Despite the manacles that bound the stranger's hands and the distance that separated them, the boy felt dreadfully exposed, his avenues of escape limited should Locklear's elven-looking prisoner decide to liberate himself.

"What did he do?" Owyn whispered, jerking his head towards the man.

"Gorath? Let's just say that he had the disadvantage of being at the wrong place at the wrong time," Locklear said cautiously. He snatched a green apple out of his knapsack, offering one to Owyn. "I have to take him to Krondor."

"Did he kill someone?" Owyn asked.
"He attacked you."

The Seigneur wiped apple juice from his mouth, shook his head. "no, no, not exactly."

"Well, who cut you up then?"

Before Locklear could reply...

Here is the first glimpse of our playable characters in Chapter One. From left to right is Locklear, then Gorath in the cloak and then Owyn. The positioning is a bit odd, since it makes it look like Locklear and Owyn were "whispering" about Gorath while standing directly in front of the Moredhel. Well, Gorath doesn't put up with shit like that.

I love the expression on Owyn's face as Gorath pushes him out of frame.

Serious scene ahead, let's take a look...


We've just barely started the game, and it has already been established that Gorath is an amazing badass.

Fade to Black, and off to Chapter 1!

As you can see from that map, our position is the blue triangle, the direction it is pointing is the direction we are facing. The brown and blue dots on the map represent towns or villages, the brown ones being small places that we interact with directly, whereas the blue dots are larger cities with their own special screen.

According to this map, we are right next to a small village, Yabon while the first larger city, LaMut is directly to our south. For purposes of this first update, we'll be heading down to LaMut, but there is plenty to do from there and it's no problem to backtrack to check out Yabon.

What you see here is the opening screen of the game. We now have complete control, and can go just about anywhere we want. The portraits below of our active characters (Locklear, Owyn and Gorath) and right clicking on those portraits brings up their inventory screen.

Not that they have very much. Locklear and Gorath are your typical kind of fighters, and so have slots available to them to use crossbows, whereas Owyn, as a magician, cannot use a crossbow or a sword, but has a staff instead. That's okay though, because generally we want to keep Owyn in the back while Locklear and Gorath tank and deal out damage to the enemies.

The bubbles to the right of the portrait represent other commands, most of these are straightforward.

In order from the top to bottom, we have the road, although we don't see just yet because we aren't standing on a road yet. Clicking on this bubble will allow you to 'lock' on to the road that you standing on, which helps if you are just taking a straightforward path from one city to the other. The second bubble on the top row brings you to the magic screen, which is Owyn's forte. At that screen he can cast adventuring spells, which differ from the ones that he'll be casting in combat. The third bubble is the campfire, which allows you to decide when and for how long your characters are going to sleep. I'll just note right now that if you are playing, you'll be seeing plenty of this screen as the characters need to sleep and eat in this game. They 'consume' their rations at midnight, so make sure you have enough otherwise they will starve and lose health and stamina.

On the bottom row, starting from the left, are maps. Clicking on this will first bring you to see a map of the immediate area, which you can use for travel, but you can click again to bring up the world map to get a sense of where you are in the Kingdom. The next bubble is the bookmark, which is this game's quicksave option, and finally the scroll, which brings you to the main menu.

What we see in front of us is the dead assassin who is lying on the ground. To our right is considered a 'small road', being the light blue path. Often this small roads will lead to homes, campfires or even treasure, and they are worth exploring. Main roads are brown colored, and we'll be seeing plenty of them as we continue on to Krondor.

For now, let's loot Haseth's body, and then get to the main road.

Not impressive, just some lockpicks and rations. If you didn't know that, however, then you can always examine an item by right clicking on it in your inventory. Note that the 'right click as an examination' works on just about everything in the game, whereas a left click allows you to interact with the object or person.

We discover that these are indeed rations. The description and detail here is present for pretty much every item in the game. Of the items that you can examine, rations rank quite highly for reasons that we'll see later on in the game. Let's just say that you want to make sure that what you are eating is actually good for you. While I won't be showing descriptions for every item we pick up, I'll put up important items as well as descriptions on request if somebody wants to see it for whatever reason.

The game will select the active character who examines the item in their inventory. Here the lockpicks are in Locklear's pack, so he is checking them out. It's a nice bit of attention to detail that was put into the game. Now that we've looted Haseth's corpse, let's get to the main road and figure out where we'll be going. Of course, I only take a few steps and this pops up.

Looks like Gorath is all broody and has something on his mind. Hey Owyn, how about you see what is going on with him?

This is the the dialogue screen that characters will have with one another. When they speak with other non-party characters, you'll usually see a box of conversation topics to bring up, but for now, our characters are speaking to one another, and because it's plot, we should pay attention.

I'll generally transcribe these conversations, but I want you to see their 'full portraits' for these first few shots, because it's another glimpse to see just what they look like.

... "easier for you to defend yourself if your hands are free to swing a sword again."
"You're not just going to set him free are you? I thought you said he was your prisoner."
"He is my prisoner, Owyn, but the circumstances are terribly complicated. Even if he chose to sneak off, he'd be lucky to make it to the next town alive. This is the third such assassin we're run into since we left the Northland and I have a feeling that more will be waiting for us. He will be much safer with me and I with him."
"As the boy would be. If he were to whisper the wrong word in the wrong ear, he could easily be the death of us."
"Me? Who am I going to talk to? I'm not even heading in the same direction."
"It wouldn't be a matter of who you talked to, Owyn. There will be ears listening for word of a moredhel traveling with a noble. Damnation. I should have thought about this when you entered camp... For the time being, you're my squire. Once we arrive safely at the palace, you'll be free to go your own way."
"But I have pressing business in Tiburn..."
"This is not a subject of debate! We must get to Krondor. My mission is of critical importance and I don't have time to improvise an easy solution. The only other possible option would be to slit your throat and leave you dying. I have absolutely no desire to do that. Now let's get moving before Delekhan's assassins catch our scent again. They'll likely come looking when Haseth doesn't return from his mission.

Quite a introduction we have here. It is clear from Locklear that our goal is to take Gorath to Krondor, and looks like poor Owyn is along for the ride. Guess we better get started next time!

See you in Update 2: An Encounter with Squire Philip, finding some chests and our first battle.