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Act 1

When we left off, our hero had just arrived at the monastery on a sacred mission.

The Cardinal sent me on a secret mission to the monastery in the Alps of Lombardy. I have to investigate what has happened to Brother John and, perhaps more importantly, investigate wheter the reports of a weeping statue are truth or false. I arrived in time as expected. I must say that it is much colder at this elevation and the monastery is much larger than I had anticipated.

The obvious first thing to do is check out that weeping statue. Unfortunately, it isn't weeping.

There's nothing else to do except to approach the monastery, where an NPC with an exclamation point over his head waits to greet us. It is probably a miracle.

Brother Guido has a rather wonderfully fake Italian accent, by the way.

I am here to replace--
Aye, Aye. We know who you are. The cardinal sent a message with word of your impeding arrival after you departed from his Grave. We need you to start working immediately.

The Cardinal did say that we would be undercover, even though I don't really know why he would think that neccesary, so we have to play along.

What can I do?
Brother Boris in the greenhouse requires your assistance. Seek him out and he will tell you what he needs of you.

Brother Boris needs our help. Fuck that, though, we're going to the barn.

Here, we get an axe and some shears. We decide to hang out in the courtyard, where we find this bucket.

What is a bucket for? Getting water from the well, of course. So we use the bucket on the well on the right, there, which for some reason did not have a bucket before, and

Since the bucket is unusable, we go to the kitchen.

Here, we take the cabbage seeds from the table, the glove from the rack on the ceiling, and the brick on the left above the bucket. Please note that even though there is a bucket in the kitchen, we can never take it or use it. This is important.

Our monk's leisure opportunities exhausted, we head to the greenhouse.

This guy has a quest for us. It is Brother Boris whom Guido mentioned.

He can wait, though. We head left to the shed.

Here, we gain a shovel, a flint stone (1/2 flints), some hay, and another flint stone (2/2 flints). You may already be noticing how, even though this is ostensibly not a hidden object game, we have picked up a lot of dumb things hidden badly in the monastery. This is much better than that, though, because there's no way to know what to look for and items can be anywhere in the world.

And that's not enough, so we go further into the shed!

We obtain a basket and a sharpening stone. There's a hoe here too, which I forgot to grab at the time and had to go back for. Now we return to the outside of the shed, where a furnace lies in wait. There is also a stump. We could use the stump to chop wood but our axe is apparently quite dull and cannot split logs. Fortunately, applying the sharpening stone to the axe makes it usable, and we gain some firewood.

The hay goes in first. It just does. Next, the firewood. Finally, we use our flints on the furnace to get a nice fire.

We put the brick in the fire. Then we use the gloves to take the brick out of the fire. Now it is a hot brick.

We take the brick to the well, and use it there to defrost the well's mechanisms. Now we have water!

It might be worth actually talking to Boris, now. We can't procrastinate forever, after all.

I would like you to help me. Since Brother John disappeared, the garden has fallen into a dire state. I am unable to attend to all of the land by myself.
What would you require of me?
I would like you to tend to the tomatoes today. They are almost entirely frozen. We must protect them, posthaste. Also, I would like you to sow some cabbage seeds in this plot of land.

Let's deal with the cabbage first. Digging holes with a shovel is impossible, so we have to go back to the shed to grab that hoe. We dig with the hoe, plant the seeds, cover them with the shovel, and water them with our bucket of water. Well done!

Good, I see you sowed the cabbage seeds. Do not forget to tend to the tomatoes. Brother Ezio is preparing lunch in the kitchen and he will soon desire them.

Since picking tomatoes is impossible we use the shears to cut the tomatoes from the vine (20/20 tomatoes). We combine the tomatoes with the basket to create a basket of tomatoes. Yes.

Ah perfect thank you.
What happened to Brother John?
We are not sure. He was at work in the greenhouse as usual, and then he simply disappeared... Prior Pakal, our new leader, commanded us to put his memory out of our minjds. Perchance he traveled to the village below the cliffs then he was attacked by wolves. Prior Pakal forbade us from seeking his remains. He thinks it is far too dangerous and the climate too harsh. he does not wish to risk losing another brother. I bid you, what say you of our weeping statue? Never before has such a myserious happening occured in this place.
I cannot say. Perhaps it is a sign from the heavens.

Now we have finished our quests, and are free to explore the monastery. Except that it doesn't have anything in it, and we actually have to go and look at the statue again, which causes the Act to abruptly end.

See you next time, when we continue to fitfully investigate murders, probably!