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Well, let's pick up, um...

Here? Seems as good a place as any, I guess. Plus it's the plot area so it might be a fun challenge.

...Or it might just be a bunch of dogs. Swell. At least we can have a bit of fun with this one. See, the Bug and Clog are basically here as filler. The Golem and the Turbo at the bottom are going to destroy this map.

The Golem can normally only move one tile at a time, but the Turbo's a buffing unit. It sacrifices one of its remaining HP to increase the move speed of anything by one. And by anything, I mean anything. You'll see!

Golem meanwhile just hits stuff. Very, very hard.

Since it has a pretty decent max size (5) too, it doesn't go down very easily either. And it can singlehandedly block stuff like this for long enough to matter.

It kinda makes a joke out of the whole thing, really. If it ever needed to heal that'd be easy to pull off too but it's never really a concern. It's move stat's already been buffed so much that a single movement would take it to full even if it dwindled back down to 1.

Sometimes I almost feel sorry for how easy the game makes it for me.


Hmm, just keep hacking nodes to see if you can some more logs. Watch out for corporate , and don't for forget what you learned using Bit-Man. L8R.

Oh, right, we've still got some stuff down here to finish. Might as well get that out of the way now.

This fight's a bit trickier than the previous one. That police hat thing's a potential threat... y'know, if it ever touches us. So it's not going to. The Bug's just around to grab the free money and run decoy. The Turbo's pulling double duty to buff the golem and...

This thing. By default it's immobile. Its attack is just as good as the Golem's though, so we want it up and moving ASAP. The Turbo can make this happen.

With its job done, the Bug can die a noble death.

The Tower's attack range is obscene and it's going to murder that Watchdog in the bottom corner.

And then the other one too. Once we get this far, we've basically already won.

...Okay, scratch that. NOW we've already won. The Warden is the only thing here that can even really hurt us at the best of times. Now it's immobile and it can only hit adjacent tiles anyway.

Just to be safe, we're going to lockdown the Watchers but that's more of a technicality than anything else.

With the Warden now officially retired, we've just got what little cleanup remains to do.

Not much of a hassle, all things considered.

Good to see that S.M.A.R.T is fulfilling its professional responsibilities. Along those lines, I have a task for you to perform.

We need you to get that file. I have a backdoor route plotted out through a P.E.D. node. If you succeed, you get an experimental piece of software. I'm adding the archives node to your netmap. I'll contact you when you are in the vicinity of the node.

We, uh, we're not gonna worry about that one very much. It's kind of at the back end of Level 3. Not worth worrying very much about right now.

Speaking of experimental software, though, that reminds me of this thing what that kid mentioned. Let's go check it out.

...Umm, hmm. This one might require some actual thought put into it.