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Update 9 ? Onwards!

Well, now that the ghouls are gone from upstairs, I can steal their shit because no one is watching! (Besides the all-seeing Karma God of course)

Back to the basement. I do lots of looting but it just gives stuff I can craft with basically, nothing particularly cool here.

Anyway, the way forward is through where Davison was.

I let the ghouls get far ahead of me so the floor door is already open (but not the one in front of it? ) but it opens by an electrical switch on the wall.

Also there was just this quick easy way here this whole time

I want you to know that we will remember for all eternity how you delivered us to the threshold of the Great Journey. Our preparations are nearly complete, but the rockets that will carry us to salvation are yet missing vital components. If you would still help us, wanderer, speak to Chris. He can tell you what is missing. There is no way that we can thank you enough, wanderer. Your arrival here was a blessing. We will remember you always.

Let's talk about Chris.

When Chris came to us, we tried to convince him that he was human. But this only angered him. He seemed... lost. We decided to let him stay for a few days, over the course of which we learned that his technical skills far surpassed our own.

Equally clear was that Chris should labor in blessed ignorance of his humanity, and his inability to make the journey himself. It is no coincidence that two humans have been vital to the success of the Great Journey.

So you're going to leave Chris behind?

The radiation around the launch pad alone would kill Chris in minutes. The radioactivity of the Far Beyond is much stronger.

You've been using Chris. It's despicable.

Goodbye, Jason.

Chris finally arrives.

How can I help?

I was close to completing work on the rockets before we were driven into hiding on the top floor. Two components were missing: a quantity of Isotope-239 igniting agent, and a set of thrust control modules.

The igniting agent is highly radioactive, and decays quickly. That's why we can't use the drums that leaked down on the launch pad. It's no longer potent enough. I need you to find an intact, shielded container of the igniting agent.

As for the thrust control modules, they were custom-built for these rockets. They won't even launch without them.

About the igniting agent ? how about these rocket souvenirs? The stuff inside glows.

Yes, that's Isotope-239, all right. And there's enough here to launch the rockets. Now all I need is the thrust control modules.

Why won't they let you down on the launch pad?

When I joined the flock, Jason made it clear that he wanted me to supervise the repairs, not do them myself. It would be a waste of my gifts to work on just one system at a time. From up here, I've been able to supervise the entire project.

The radiation down there would kill you, Chris. Because you're human.

I was human once, you know. Grew up in Vault 34, northeast of here. Nice upbringing, if you like assault rifles and target practice. But oh, you prefer machines that don't shoot people? Not so nice then.

Haversam won't mind getting irradiate! Haversam won't mind mutating! He's already ugly as it is! Haversam won't mind when his hair starts falling out after a few years. There's no connection, Haversam! You're neurotic!

You left your Vault because you were going bald?

I'll just uh, go get those parts now.


we're so goddamn close

Welcome to the Gibson Scrap Yard, where the Magic Quest Compass pointed us.

You might have noticed the very large building just north of here. That's HELIOS One. The NCR runs the place, so it's off-limits to prospectors.

Do you have any thrust control modules from REPCONN in stock?

As it happens, I do have some thrust modules, but they're expensive. 500 caps worth of expensive.

500 caps it is, then.

Pleasure doing business with you.

I'm preeettty sure I was supposed to actually be asking her about things for this next thing to fire but hey, whatever, it fired.

My name is Whitley. I'm a researcher at Adams Air Force base. Until recently I was in charge of the Duraframe reinforcement project for the combat model Eyebots.

Eyebot Duraframe Subject E is both the prototype, and the last functional model in this test group. I was prepared to make several significant upgrades to the machines.

If you are listening to this log from one of our Enclave Outposts in Chicago, give this unit whatever repairs it needs so it can continue to Navarro.

Uhh, okay.

Back to REPCONN, down the hatch.

Nice goofy scifi space suit and helmet for our owning pleasure down here, by the way.


I can fix that though (I had to cheat here, PC gaming supremacy y'all )

Oh no! How could they do this to me? For two years? My god, I've been a joke to them! Do you have any idea how easy it'd be for me to sabotage those rockets? That'd be a joke, huh? One hell of a joke!

That'd be murder, Chris. And you're no murderer.

What, you think I'm too stupid to pull it off? I know enough to get their rockets working, don't I? So I can make them fail, too!

It's not a matter of smarts. You'd never forgive yourself.

They'd take you if they could, Chris, but you'd die.

And dying would be worse than this? Used up and thrown away like garbage?

They're going to revere you as a Saint, Chris!

Oh, so I've redeemed the human race, is that it? What a crock! The human race can't stand me!

That's not true, Chris. You're all right.

The sabotage line is a choice at every stage, I just think the timing of possibly saying it here is hilarious. What oh you come with me? Uhhh I think killin the ghouls is a great idea.

I can't believe I'm agreeing to this, but I'll give it a try. I'll get Jason and his flock on their way, and then I'll head for Novac.

You're doing the right thing, Chris. I have the thrust control modules, by the way.

So you do. And they seem to be in excellent condition. I can have the rockets ready momentarily.

The rockets are set to go, right?

Yes. I'll tell Jason that the Great Journey can begin.

Jason proceeds to give a long speech that doesn't subtitle properly (read ? at all). In it, he thanks Courier and Chris, and asks that Chris forgive him for his deception. Note ? he just asks forgiveness, he doesn't actually outright apolgize for lying for two years.

What a dick.

Anyway the thing won't work unless we walk up here following the pointer and flip a lever on this panel.

At the nearby panel, we can either sabotage the rockets ourselves (hah!) or find some navigation flaws and correct them to get the rockets closer to their destination (at a Science check of 65, which some Mentats and a Programmer's Digest juuuust get us to)

Well, let's launch these rockets


Well, let's go back to Novac.

We've talked to crazy mutants, religious ghouls, and a deluded scientist. But you know what we haven't talked to?

A good old fashioned crazy hobo, that's what!

I don't mean any harm.

We'll just see about that. You come any closer and I'm liable to stick you with my stickin' knife. Ol' Sticky's feeling mighty ornery this day.

We can talk from this distance.

You sure, now? It's kinda hard to hear you.

best option

What do you know about the abduction of Boone's wife?

Seen it all. Seen shadowy folk come to his room and leave again in the middle of the night. Thought one might've gone in the lobby, too, for a spell. Could be that person went in to get something. Oruse the john maybe. Mighty interesting either way, you ask me.

I thought it was cannibals, come to eat us all for sure, so I kept out of sight. But now I know better.

I uh, have to go now.

If anyone asks, we never spoke.

Well, No-Bark is crazy, but it can't hurt to look around.

Hey who's that?

Creepy-ass robot.

Let's just look at this safe, see what's inside.

I'm sure that bill of sale is for something totally innocuous, but let's be sure.

Oh my god what a bitch.

Let's just go see about that, though. See if she has anything to say about it.

What can you tell me about Boone's wife?

Come with me. There's something you should see, in front of the dinosaur.

Okay, if that's what you think.

Just put on this hat annd..

Let's go talk to Boone.

He celebrates by immediately glitching a little.

I found the bill of sale.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It'd be like them to keep paperwork. Here. This is all I can give. I think our dealings are done here.

What will you do after this?

I don't know. I won't be staying, I know that. Don't see much point in anything right now, except hunting legionaries. Maybe I'll wander, like you.

Come with me. Let's go after the Legion.

You don't want to do that.

Hnh. Yeah. Working on your own, you're a lot less effective. I've been there and paid for it. But this isn't gonna end well.


We got us a sniper buddy.

His hat is pretty sweet. We have a matching one.


I actually kinda like that look, as it turns out. Boone: Space Sniper.

I go hunting for critters. Here you can see a fire gecko glowing a bit red from Boone's perk.

A smidge northeast of Novac we find an old wind farm.

And Boone initiates dialogue while I'm zoomed in causing the green nightvision filter to be on this conversation.

No, that's not a problem. That's a solution.

Damn right. You and I, we're just a couple of problem solvers.



Crippling cazador wings is a good idea, it really slows them down. A lot. Like, a lot a lot.

Let's head into the maintenance shack for that wind farm though.

Permanent +3 repair shit yes

Little southeast of Novac is this area.

Golden geckos to snipe here.

This guy spawns in dead when Chris asks us to find the parts for the rockets.

He's one way to get the igniting agent.

He is also a god damn MORON.

Enough fucking around though. Let's go talk to Manny, find out about Mr Checkered Suit.

The ghouls are no longer at REPCONN.

Really? Unbelievable, man! I knew that wasn't gonna be easy. But I had a good feeling about you. You look like you been through a lot.

Now about the man I'm looking for...

Okay, I'll tell you everything I know, like I promised.

Any idea why they went that way?

No clue. I know Benny hadn't paid up yet. Maybe that was where they were supposed to get square.

Where is Boulder City?

It's straight up Route 93 from here. Just keep following the road north.

That's all I needed. Thanks a lot, Manny.

Hope that helps. I owed you.

We are popular in Novac

Hell, we even have a room of our own forever now. Nice.