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Update 24 - Dean Domino

Dean has been dragged to the theater!

Christ you're murder-happy, Elijah.

Dean, pre-Ghouling.

The front terminal is hackable. It nets you some old information, a security code, and an old message.

Oh my

It's also not necessary to hack at all because the password is right around the corner

Anyway you wanna head around to the left of where you come in since that's where the openable door is. There's a speaker right inside so shoot that fucker.

Red speakers. My fuckin' favorite.

Activate Vera's Partitures on the music stand to make things actually start happening!

This causes Dean to run out from backstage and start talking to us.

In a bit of a predicament here... had to duck backstage, take a powder, the audience is a little... murderous tonight.

How did you get up there?

No idea... woke up here, thought I was dreaming for a second... right back on stage, the mic... Thought I was back at the Fronds... well, except no audience, used to pack theaters back then... so stepped up on stage, check things out...

I didn't see any security coming in ? only the speakers.

Look... those ghosts are going to come out of the wings behind you in a second, the security types, not the "friendly" bald types. And if you got in here, the door's probably locked tight behind you ? so don't back up or run for the exit, you're not going to make it.

As bad as things are, it's going to get a lot worse if either of us pops ? so get backstage... until we get a better plan.

Hey EphemeralToast, I think this is where all of the possible alternate skill/stat checks for God and Dog got used. Right here. Right at this point.

...And we're taking them all because they give experience

...guess we need to start the show. Okay... so when they were setting this place up... we had rehearsals... and heh... Sinclair even set up hologram recordings of the shows so we could watch and critique our performances before a fake audience. Whatever.

So, find the music, get it to the projector room upstairs, then play it...? Might reset security, worth a shot.

The Theater piped music and sound backstage, which means those little squealers are in the corridors back there, too.

Calm down, think. Do you know specifically where?

Uh... let's see. Um, once you break right, watch each turn in the corridor, one'll be on your right past my dressing room ? and up. Oh, my dressing room ? may have left the radio on, right by the table... uh, if you could just shut it off instead of blowing it u... uh, never mind.

And there was a speaker in the prop room, too ? on the wall between the entrances. And... well, walk slow ? there's bound to be more.

That's the radios and speakers ? what about a central sound system? you'd need to do a full circuit of the corridor to get to it. Once there, you'll need to shut it down, and I don't have the code. If you have the code, you can turn off all the speakers, make them settle down. Getting backstage should buy us time, just take it slow.

It's most likely filled with toxins from the vents. So hug the wall, make as much space between you and the door... or it's Cloud Nine in a casket. Past that... is my dressing room. Under the table there's a footlocker. It's tucked back a bit, so you might miss it. Inside, a gun, some ammo.

This casino's security system is pissing me off.

You are preaching to the choir. Sinclair and his security... don't even get me started. Those Holograms...

Okay, so, since we are now done with the conversation time restarts. As Dean said, the holograms start coming out. Their timing is pretty damn generous so there is plenty of time to go to your right and through the door. Hell, there's enough time to go the wrong way first if you didn't have the Intelligence for that check.

Here we go.

Dean's door.

But it's actually a bit easier to go past it and shoot this speaker first, then run back to where the collar stops beeping.

We turn off Dean's radio because he asked so nicely.

A blackmail tape, ehhh? (It's just a few second clips of Dean saying "Pretty as a picture.")

He has a framed portrait of Vera back here.

Don't forget to grab this key!

Here's one door to the prop room that Dean mentioned.

And there's the speaker he also mentioned.

(He broke the terminal. Like a loser.) Also, a very sad set of skeletons. Notice the child skeleton. And the gun.

The door to Vera's dressing room won't open without that key, you see.

Turn off or shoot this radio, grab the holotape of Dean's performance.

Vera had a copy of the master key too apparently.

And she has a portrait of Dean.

Dean and Vera's pictures of each other are just clippings of stuff from promotional posters, Dean's is in the beginning of the update and here's Vera's. Asset reuse!

A terminal out in the hallway lets you power down the remaining (shielded) speakers! Handy.

Okay. Now we can use Vera's master key to get out quickly.

Ahhh shit. Oh well, run for it!

Straight up this staircase where we first saw the holograms coming down from.

Unlock the door with a key. Again.

Pop the tape into the projector!

What plays here is actually the same Bing Crosby rendition of "Once in a Blue Moon" that plays on the radio stations. Asset reuse

There's a copy of Lying, Congressional Style for +3 speech in the projector room also.

Oh shut up you angry old jerk

The door to Dean is now unlocked.

Don't even know how I ended up here... guess the casino still recognizes guests even after all this time, huh? How's that for history.

Are you all right?

Yeah, now. Talk about a captive audience. Or captive entertainer? Eh- whatever.

I know you didn't do it out of the goodness of your heart. So let me give you something a little more practical ? a way we both come out ahead.

What do you mean?

I'm not an idiot. I know the reason I'm in here now is because of the old guy ? and you.

Thing is, here's where being my partner pays off. See, I know how to get into the casino vault.

What do you mean?

There's a private elevator, Sinclair's elevator. It's up in the Executive Suites, in Vera's room. Not a coincidence.

How so?

Sinclair was already puppy-eyed, so all I had to do was the introductions. She smiled, fluttered her eyes, showed a little leg... and he built this whole place for her. Made her the key to his vault, like a joke, cause of her name. Her fake Hollywood name.

Go on.

All she had to do was get inside the Sierra Madre for the Gala, then use her voice to open the door. After that... smooth sailing. Would have been the biggest heist in history. Sinclair left holding the bag. Ruined.

So what happened?

Now we finish the job. Rob the Sierra Madre, rip out its heart. Last chapter of Frederick Sinclair, close the book.

What was your problem with Sinclair?

Never got mad at anything. Nothing seemed to shake him. Even after... his life kept getting dragged through the dirt. Always kept looking for the bright, shining future in everything. So... I decided to take everything from him.

But what did he do to you?

This big casino, this big colossal monument ? think it was for some woman? No, all ego, all self-righteousness-in-lights, fit him perfect.

jesus christ dean

So you're going to prove it now? How?

I didn't know at first. Then the old man showed up. You showed up. Then... that woman showed up, covered in scars. The one who makes all the hand signs, a little tight around the corners of her mouth.

JESUS CHRIST, DEAN This is, in some strange way, the single most unsettling thing in the entirety of Fallout: New Vegas for me

That is, if the Sierra Madre didn't get her. If it did... well, there's enough of Vera around for me to spend a few years piecing a book together.

And if she is alive?

So here's the short of it ? piece together Little Miss Vera Keyes' song in the right order? Sierra Madre opens its legs, we're in business.

All right, I'll head out and see what I can do on my end.

So yeah. Heavy shit. Dean may very well be the first person to become obsessed by the Sierra Madre ? even before Frederick Sinclair himself. Completely. Fucking. Batshit. There's a bit more to come on his story ? I honestly like where it goes from here ? but still. Elijah is still the craziest character we meet in the Sierra Madre, but Dean is a pretty close second. Dean Domino: entertainer, conman, a goddamn sociopath.

Oh, and in case you were wondering what Vera's Partitures we grabbed in the beginning of the update were.

Back in the lobby, the Ghost People came back. I still have mines around so I let them blow up like a jerk

Next time, what is oddly enough one of my favorite little touches to the entire DLC!