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If Palmtree Panic is the game's main Green area, this is the obligatory Pinball stage just like they say in the video: a bit of a mix between Spring Yard and Casino Night zones. Hit bumpers, get launched by flippers, jump around.

The video also shows some of the easy ways to go to the past or future: get trapped between two springs, use a whole lot of bumpers or fall into a half-pipe at high speed. The game features many areas like these if you can find them.

Bumpers give 100 points up to 5 times, when hit. Those round breakaway targets give 100 points each. And Zone 1 has two exits!


Ga (moth/cicada?)
Chills out on a wall, then zips away in a zig-zag pattern when Sonic gets close. The intact version leaves trails of harmless dust behind. Not named in the manual.

Tentou (ladybug)
Hovers along the ground, slowly flies away as Sonic approaches. The intact version drops mines on a timer when retreating. Not named in the manual.

Kama-kama (Praying mantis)
Rolls along the ground and flings its sickle arms towards Sonic. You can deflect the arms with a spin, leaving it helpless. Broken ones are slower and have no more arms. I'll be honest, they're a lot less menacing than I remember.

BOSS: Some kind of Pinball machine?

Eggman just waits for you, dropping stuff underneath him, until you enter his pinball arena. Once inside, you need to launch yourself to the top using the many flippers and breaking away any obstacles in your path. Eggman's machine will drop bombs which are harmless if Sonic is curled up. If you're really unlucky, some retractable spikes are found at the bottom. You can recover from falling there if you're quick about it and the spikes are retracted when you get there.

Get to the top and hit Eggman once to knock off his bomb dispenser; a platform will also appear under your feet. Jump up once more for more damage and another platform, and a third time to finish him off.

The difficult part is navigating the pinball area. Once that's done, destroying the boss is a piece of cake.