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And to finish off Sonic CD, the last bit!

aka welcome to an exercise in frustration. Tubes, obvious switching of background/foreground planes, etc.

There's not much more I can say except you should watch the video if you haven't. No, really.


Mecha-Bu (beetle)
Rolls slowly along the ground, lowering and raising its buzz saw helmet but never turning around. Damaged ones look the same but can't raise their blades.

Poh-Bee (bee)
Like in Wacky Workbench, but swings two spiked maces instead of shooting. Broken variants carry a single mace but don't look different.

Dango (pill bug)
As in Stardust Speedway, but they have a damaged form that rolls slower.

This badnik will try and grab Sonic, make him spin for a bit and shoot him off in the direction the badnik isn't facing. Occasionally holds item boxes. It moves slower when in its damaged form but looks the same. This enemy is not listed in the manual.

Get close and it goes boom, just like the small bomb from the original Sonic the Hedgehog. As shown in the video, really easy to avoid the projectiles if you know where to stand... This enemy is not listed in the manual.

I think this is the badnik we've seen the most of in-game, which isn't saying that much. Funny how that works...

Hotaru (firefly)
Same badnik as in Stardust Speedway, but different AI. Appears immediately before the boss, shooting a laser straight down then flying to a different part of the screen and repeating.

BOSS: Robotnik. Again. Were you expecting anything else?

Robotnik starts out with a round levitating craft, four blades/panels spinning around it. Hitting the round body destroys a panel each time, though the remaining panels start spinning faster; it will also start a new attack round, some of which behave differently. The fourth hit will destroy the boss. Hitting a panel will cause damage to Sonic.

In the first two rounds, Robotnik lowers himself to the ground and just rolls across the floor. He then flies out of reach and flings the panels into the air. They rain back down and fall narrow-side forward on the ground. Finally, he homes in on Sonic and stretches the panels outward for a damage-inflicting probe.

In round three (two panels left) he stops the rolling attack and the remaining panels fall broad-side forward, taking up more room.

In round four (one panel left) he also abandons the probing attack but he shoots out the remaining panel so it enters the arena at an angle. He also uses it as a pogo stick.

The first attack against the boss is the hardest in the entire fight since there's almost no opening. You can either get hit and use your invincibility frames, or wait until a moment when the panels separate and you have a small window. Because of this, some find this boss really hard and some find him too easy.