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Music: "Into the depths" --
The crater's depths
Seshat: Let me go!
Prometheus: And let you die? I need your help. I'm not letting go.
Prometheus: Get moving already!
Seshat: You cannot even imagine how much hate I have for you, asshole.
Seshat: You are leading us into a dead-end. There is no exit from here.
Prometheus: No matter. If we can get the power of the messenger then all will be all right.
Prometheus: Trust me. You will be greatful later.
Seshat: And what if I did not want my life saved? What if you aren't doing me a favour? Still think I will understand?
Music: "Saints" --
Prometheus: FUCK! Run!
Music: "The new Compassion" --
Prometheus: Ah... This must be the messenger. Finally. Do you know anything about--
Seshat: As a matter of fact, I do. Now, if you could shut up for a moment, it will amuse me to explain. My mother told me stories about this. Rebel Angels fell from the heavenly firnament and left gigantic craters where they hit the ground. Each of the punishment cities is built on top of such a crater.
Seshat: The name of this one is Lucifer, the prince of Pride. Yes, it is possible to gain enormous power by waking up a city's Angel. Through the glove and the dagger in front of him a pact can be made. People who do this meet a terrible fate. My mother never said what exactly. Probably their souls suffer enormously and everything they do causes only misfortune and suffering to everyone around them. Something like that. Hah! What now, mister "no matter"? Ha!
Prometheus: Look, I know you don't care for me, but this is pretty important information and you should have told me much earlier!
Music: "Holy, Holy, Holy!" --
The man who cast away the shroud: Keep your life free from love of evil, and be content with what you have.
Prometheus: Oh, it just gets better. You again. How did you get there? Who are you?
The Nazarene: And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, Father who now is not. And I came from Nazareth, where I had been brought up.
Prometheus: Ah, I see. So that would make you the Nazarene. What are you doing here?
The Nazarene: Your death is certain. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down her life with her friend. A sending I have issued, to bring your companion forth. From me, a gift to both of you: Together you shall die, because together you lived.
Prometheus: Companion? What are-- Pan. Oh, no. Not her. Not Pan. No. What have you done, you sick bastard? Do you think that it will make my life better, to know that she is dying together with--
Music: "Saints" --
Prometheus: No!
The Nazarene: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted.
Prometheus: No. I will not allow this.
Music: "The pact" --
The Nazarene: And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Prometheus: Shut up. If it were just me, maybe I would not do this. But Pan... I'm not going to let her die!
The Nazarene: Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity and passion.
Prometheus: You just don't get it, do you?
Prometheus: I love her. I would give my life for her. And thanks to your meddling it looks like I have to do just that.
The Nazarene: Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.
Music: "Lucifer" --
Prometheus: Ugh. Did it work?
Lucifer: Welcome, master. I have answered your call and came to bargain with you.
Prometheus: Lucifer... I need you. A friend of mine is going to die. This cannot happen.
Lucifer -- The Light-Bringer
Lucifer: I know of Pandora's plight. She is indeed fated to die. The one at fault is the Nazarene, driven mad with grief and existing in many places at once. He is leading her to a death by your side, with full honesty believing it to be great deed. Others also have followed behind and they too shall die. I can change Pandora's fate and this is what I offer to you as my side of the bargain.
Lucifer: There are two parts to the pact. First I must take your blood, and you must take mine. This will make us blood brothers and our destinies one. Draw your blade.
Lucifer: Do you know the your price of the bargain?
Prometheus: No, but I am willing to pay anything.
Lucifer: I will take your soul and use it to fuel the fire that rages within me. I will take your body and devour it. I will extinguish every bit of you. Nothing of you shall remain, exept for the pain. You will only feel the same pain that I have felt since the dawn of my punishment. That pain will not stop until the world is undone. Do you agree to those terms?
Prometheus: Yes.
Lucifer: So be it. Once you wish me to take action on your behalf, call out to me. I will take what is owed me and I will do as I promised. This will complete the second part of the pact.
Prometheus: Before I go, Lucifer... Tell me. What was my sin that brought me to be punished? Was there ever a way out?
Lucifer: You are blameless. Your soul is like a white lamb, without a speck of sin. You were a solitary philosopher that due to twisted circumstances never saw another human in your entire life. Raised by heartless machines, you did not learn of God, nor about his laws. You broke ten thousand rules that you did not know about. You had to be punished because of that, but God took pity on you. You were granted a watcher and the knowledge of heavenly speech. When God was defeated by the six Graces, you were forgotten and your punishment from temporary became permanent.
Lucifer: To answer your second question: What the Grace Wisdom said is true. The only punishment that exists is the punishment that one accepts. Anyone in here can depart for the heavenly gardens with just a wish. And yet no one does this. Everyone accepts their fate and does not try to fight it. People create each other's pain. Anyone can stop this, but no one does.
Lucifer: Complete the pact, and I will do as I promised.
Music: "The pact" --
Prometheus: Only one last step remains... Pan, this is for you.
The Nazarene: Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way.
The Nazarene: If you do this, you shall not at all sleep, but you shall completely be changed.
Prometheus: Lucifer, Morning Star, you who laid the nations low...
Seshat: Quick, hit him! There!
Seshat: Damnit! A direct hit, but... What is keeping him alive? Love? Lucifer?
Prometheus: ...take my life and fulfill the pact!
Music: "He who represents wisdom, not hypocrisy!" --
The Nazarene: It is done.
Chain: The old man and the lady were right, there is the Queen! I don't see the kid that is supposed to be here though.
Judas: Hold back. Lucifer is moving. Everything has gone wrong. Someone sacrificed themselves for--
Pandora: Someone... sacrificed? No... Please God, no. Please... God... Teddy... why...
Lucipheus: This is how we died. And this is how we were reborn together. The Nazarene got that right, nothing was the same for us ever again. Not that we are really a "we" in the usual sense of the word. However "I" does not do justice of the complexity of what we really are.
Lucipheus: A wish made out of desperate and self-less love twisted us and our pact. We could not devour ourselves completely. We were powerful, new and... confused.
Seshat: Aaaaaaaah!
Lucipheus: Pan? No, but... We must... I? No, You? ... Ah, later. Agatha!
Wisdom: Lucifer rises again... This is certainly not what usually happens. It seems like my message did not reach anyone. and now it isn't safe here with the beast unchained. Time to go, Agatha won't last long. What a failure. Although... maybe at least Beauty can accomplish the secondary objective.
Lucipheus: Agatha.
Lucipheus: Go back. You don't belong here. You know it. Drop your pride. Go.
Lucipheus: Agatha, if you won't listen then we will have to kill you. Shred you to pieces. Smash you. Turn back and go. Please. This land is no place for a Saint. We don't want to fight you.
Lucipheus: Our hands... Who are we?