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Update 6: Mac Mordain Cadall

Previously, on 'Betrayal at Krondor'...

Oh great. My characters have exploded into a zillion pieces and I'm given some conciliatory gold and a fucking shovel.

This Week...

"Can somebody please remind me why we are digging up the bodies in LaMut's graveyard again?"

"It's simple, Owyn. We examine the gravestones, and the descriptions clue us in as to what we might find inside."

"Ignoring the fact that what you just said makes no sense, how can we tell which ones are going to have anything worthwhile inside?"

"Eh, it's usually obvious, we'll dig them all up just to be sure."

"Really? Goldie Crowe?"

"You see what I mean? They'll get worse. Alright, put your back into it, lads!"

True enough, they buried Goldie Crowe with a handful of sovereigns. Fortunately our characters don't care much for morality or the sentimental items that people bury their loved ones with, so these coins are now ours.


Here are the rest of the gravestones that you can find by LaMut that are empty:

Michel Ambazac: "As you are, I once was. As I am, you will be."
Mirriam Haselcalph: "To the Drawer of Nets she took her key."
Victor Marmallion: "A cad. A cur. We loved him still."
Stranger: "His chest was opened by a moredhel."
Pargus Attacarper:"His fish didn't get away."
Hyden Miller:"A bone did him in."

Only three have items to take:

Rosel LaMutian: "Her face was sweet and her hands could heal.

Jad Peebles: "He engaged in his last undertaking."

A clue!

Klamontala Pechta: "Touched by flames for honor's sake."

Flame arrows are pretty good. At this stage I could just sell them off and I think I'd get a good price from Fletcher's, but I'm going to put them to use a little bit later on, so into Gorath's pack they go!

Now that we've finished our little interlude desecrating the dead, we head back into Mac Mordain Cadall to take care of unfinished business.From the map that I have above, we are at a crossroads.North is the deadend, while south brings us to the door with the lock that we can't open just yet.

The large chamber to the northwest was the one with the boobytrapped chest, but there is still more of the cavern to explore.

We come to a three way junction with a chest at the end of it, the chest is locked and Locklear gets a small increase to his lockpicking ability as result of picking it (which I didn't expect so quite so soon in the story). There is only a handful of royals in the chest, which we pocket.

We then enter into the junction and we look both ways, just like mom and dad taught us...

Nothing to the north, just another passageway.

But to the south is another encounter, and one that turns out to be the most difficult for me in the whole cavern.

Recommended listening.Apart from the introductory soundtrack, this particular combat theme is the one that I most associate with the game.

These guys seem a little hardcore. I'm a little worried.

For good reason too, they get the first movement and bum rush us. Already one guy scores a hit on Gorath while the others approach Owyn, preventing him from casting his blinding spell, which would have been real nice about now.Another concern is the rogue wearing the yellow pants.Those yellow pants indicate that he's a mage, and if we leave him alone, he'll cast spells at our guys (or protective ones on his allies) making the battle even more difficult.Gorath, Locklear (and even Owyn) spend a good portion of the battle running back and forth preventing him from casting any spells.

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

It was difficult to capture shots of characters being hit. You can take my word that for most of Part 1, everything was a
'miss' as far as what Locklear, Owyn and Gorath were putting out.

As result of the battle, Gorath gets a small increase in defense. I suppose this was because he was tanking a good portion of the time, though he didn't get hit nearly as often as Owyn did in the battle. We also get some pretty good loot off the corpses.Most of them had your standard armor, rations, few coins and a sword, but one guy stood out from the crowd.

A new key! One that will probably fit the lock that we couldn't open earlier. Additionally, we also have our first crossbow of the game. It doesn't do much damage, and is in pretty bad condition, but who cares, free crossbow!

As for the dragon stone, you can apply it to your armor and it can ward off some bad effects when enemies use treated weapons. Probably won't be used in this chapter.

We rest up for several days to get our guys back to health and then continue down the southern passage to explore.

It leads us to a door, but this one isn't locked. It opens as soon as I click on it.

Unfortunately, the giant chamber is completely empty.

Heading back the way we came, we gingerly step around the slain rogues and go into the north passage.

Further exploration leads me to this large chamber.Now at this point, I was trying to remember whether this was the room that the Brak Nurr was supposed to be in or not. I wanted to hold off on fighting him until last, and usually its okay to take a few steps into the room because you'll see him lumbering around and then can run away until later.

oopsie doodle!

The Brak Nurr. He looks intimidating, but this turned out to be a pretty easy fight. Want to see why?

This is part of the reason. He's got a lot of health, sure, but he is as slow as molasses.

This is the other reason. 'Despair Thy Eyes' works on The Brak Nurr and blinds him, meaning I can have Locklear and Gorath either pluck away at him with a crossbow and swing and thrust at him (it?) with their swords to their heart's content.

Brak Nurr Battle

Apologies that I missed the final hit/Brak's death animation. The battle ended up being more boring then I thought it'd be so I just didn't take as many screenshots in general.

When the Brak Nurr did have a chance to move, he'd attempt to punch Locklear, but he missed every single time. Apart from Owyn expending some stamina to spam 'Despair Thy Eyes' nobody lost any health in this battle.

<> He farted in your mouth, Locklear. That's what the "strange little cloud" is. It's gross, and is Brak's final 'fuck you'.

"Right now, I think we all could just use a rest..."

"A rest you'll have and you'll be a'needin' it! You'll 'ave to 'ave your strength to be carryin' about all the gold in rewards! Well done!"

"The dwarf handed Locklear a pouch of gold coins, then disappeared down the damp shaft of the time."

Let's see how much we got from killing poor old Brak. I'm sure that Naddur shafted us and gave us a paltry 20 gold or something...

I had about roughly 60 gold in party funds before this. An increase of 167 is quite nice indeed, and I'm not even done exploring the mines yet!

Alas, poor Brak. He wasn't much of a challenge.

Looks like there is a passageway behind him. Maybe he is guarding something awesome?

... and let us get about our work."

When the dwarf couldn't be reasoned with, Locklear loped back down the corridor.

Fine then! Let's explore the rest of the mines.

Hmm, some more rogues to fight, but no mage amongst them, so it shouldn't be too bad.But hey - what's this?

A treasure chest... I wonder, can we open it in front of them?

That would be a yes. Thanks guys!

"Don't mention it, we'll still be here after you solve the puzzle."

" Two legs it has, And this will confound: Only at rest, Do they touch the ground."


Fortunately I already know the answer, and took what was inside the chest. Now to fight the rogues. You guys ready?

"You guys sure you don't want to go out for a smoothie and then come back later? No? Well, we hope you had fun looting that treasure chest we've been guarding this entire time."

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

Locklear was getting pretty beat up during the fight, so at one point I opened his inventory to have him drink some restoratives. Better to waste a few sips of that to make sure he gets through the fight then to have him get killed and put at 'near-death' status.

With those guys defeated, I loot their weapons and armors and begin to head out of the mines.

Don't think that I've forgotten about the locked door though!

The new key fits perfectly, and opens up to a huge chamber.

No enemies to face in this part of the mines, but there are two wordlock chests with riddles to solve!

This was the riddle that confounded me when I was a kid. Could not, for the life of me, figure it out. CAN YOU?

"Round as an apple, Deep as a cup, All the Bitter Sea, Can't fill it up."


In an adjoining chamber, we find the second wordlock chest. This one is easier to solve.

"Although my cow is dead, I continue to beat her. What a racket she makes!"


With those riddles solved and the loot pocketed, I travel to the final remaining area of the mines that I haven't been to. Turns out there is another mob of rogues there to fight. As this update is getting a bit long, I won't gif this fight, but just show the highlights.

First highlight, a successful ambush!

Three on three, which isn't too bad.

The enemies have crossbows too now, which is good since crossbows generally give a decent amount of cash in town. They are still light crossbows so even when they do hit, it does about 7 damage, which isn't that bad.I have Gorath and Locklear snipe back and forth with the rogues in this battle while Owyn blinds them.

That gets boring after awhile though, so I send our fighters in for the kill.

Owyn even manages to kill one!

This however, is the real prize of the battle. New armor!

A nice improvement over your standard Kingdom armor. Fully repaired, it sells for a good price as well. This is going to go on Gorath.


With that combat finished, that finishes out Mac Mordain Cadall for this update. The other material I have relating to it right now is what is in those chests, so I'll show that off in the next update.For now, I send the characters back to LaMut to rest up and sell off the loot they've acquired in the Cadall.

Question still remains as to where we head next:

1. Head North, hitting Yabon and Tyr-Sog, and then head south to Loriel, Hawk's Hollow and then Zun.

2. Head North, hitting Yabon and Tyr-Sog, but keep on heading east to Highcastle.

3. Head South, hitting Zun, then down to Questor's View and Sarth.

4. Head South, hitting Zun, but then heading towards Hawk's Hollow and down towards Eggley.

5. Rush towards Dimwood and fuck around there for awhile.

And/Or: do we look for the missing ruby?

That's it for this post. See you in Update 7:Interlude 1: Treasures and Training