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Scenario 7
Rohga's Sister

Only moments before it was within Fighter's grasp, Egbert had snatched away the Dark Rod. With the companions' failure, Jessica left the entourage to seek potential allies for Kalxath in the coming war against Rayguard. With the Dark Rod in hand, the Empire was positioned to mount an invasion force and conquer the remaining El Sallain countryside.

Light's last hope is the power of a legendary holy sword, able to crush the powers of darkness, and with them the Kaiser's ambitions. Questing for the sword's barrow, the companions came upon a hamlet under raid by a band of marauding monsters. Unwilling to leave the villagers to their fate, Fighter and his companions dashed into the fray.

Only a few minor tweaks to our equipment since we can buy Platemail now. DF goes up and that's about all.

Here's our map - we can see a lot of wolfmen units and a few hellhounds on the west and an empty graveyard to the east. Hmmm... well, I'll say it straight - the graveyard will spawn undead units a bit of the way in and as such I want Hein & Liana there to rake in the sweet sweet turnings. Otherwise, Fighter and his new phalanxes will utterly crush these wolfmen and I'll leave clean up to Rohga and the others. Cherie will go west in support and Keith will go east. This is the strategy and I'm gonna stick to it this time.

Just showing off how much better Phalanxes are over Pikes, AT+5 & DF+8! That's nuts! This is why those Golems were so hard to punch through, because they were walls like these Phalanxes are going to be. That's before aura bonuses as well! Anyway, let's Sortie and begin the 'Night Fight in the Dark' TM.

I see. It's been a while since I've been back, hasn't it...

Eeek! Why are they doing this...?

That's what I despise about you humans! You're so selfish!
All of you, go kill as many as you like!


Not again! I'm starting to think we should avoid villages... Fighter, a group of monsters is attacking!

I've never seen such a huge horde of monsters... What the...?
That girl... she seems to be working on the side of the monsters.

Huh? Here come some tougher humans! I'm tired of killing humans who don't put up a fight.
Let's have some fun with them!

...? I sense something more than demon tribe in her...

...? Impossible...! Could she be...?

...? Who?

...? Her?

...? I'm a pirate.

...? Rohga, what's the matter?

Oh... it's nothing.

Anyway, we must protect the villagers!


Here's Sonya, she's a Silver Knight with a bit of a difference - she essentially rides a Rhyhorn into battle, which I think is very She's actually quite the pushover for this stage of the game. Plus all her allies are all Cavalry/Dragoon which means Fighter is going to shred them to pieces. This level is great for any and all Lords in your team, like how scenario 6 was great for holy units like Liana & Hein. On that note, the graveyard is gonna be great for them too. Anyway, everyone moves up but nothing special happens at all. Turn 1 complete.

Fighter, I have a request...

...? What's wrong?

That girl commanding the monsters, I think she's my younger sister...


I need to be sure. Let me get close to her.

It's dangerous. Are you sure?


I understand. I'll try to get you as close as I can.

Damn straight, we are going to do Rohga a total solid here, because he has stuck with us through thick and thin. We owe him that much. But first secret tile and to attack the Teen Wolves.

Will you try to eat them?
Yes No

Delicious mushrooms and forest fun times, let's go kill Teen Wolf and kick some ass

This and another kill (that looked exactly the same - my sense of timing is weirdly good...) nets Fighter a level!

Level up! AT+1, DF+1, MP+1

Rohga and Lester tag team to destroy this wayward Hellhound

Pew pew! Two more hellhounds get some free acupunture service which softens them up.

Level up! AT+1, DF+1

Level up! DF+1

Whilst Keroberos still stands, the Hellhounds have fallen and our commanders are gaining levels. The Elves are being quite effective under Lester's leadership... I must say this strategy is going well in the West as you see by our map shots below.

Some of those Barbarians are in danger, but still Barbarians are quite expendable compared to our many other troops. The trick will be allowing Fighter to soak up as much of the combat as possible since he just rips through these monsters. Clearly, the power of love and muscles runs strong in this young one. Once we open a hole in their lines, we'll push Rohga through to Sonya. Otherwise, nothing has happened yet in the East, but stay calm there will be our very own Night of the Dead situation soon. Turn 2 is over.

Two Barbarians gone... so long Boyd & Gonzalez. We hardly knew ye. In honour of their sacrifice, let's keep Dark Princess going and just grit our teeth through the pain and slaughter them post-haste. Fighter, taking a hint from his opponents, goes for the throat. Rip out those jugulars, dear Fighter, rip them good. Also, Phalanxes just explode their opponents... it's great


Yeah... Fighter is just ridiculous. He really breaks the game at this point being as strong as an Aniki. Still this bodes well if we want to Runestone him or he ends up being alone again. Cherie moves in to kill that Keroberos and the Lester/Rohga combo continues.

That's all from Cherie for now, but she'll push in harder if Sonya decides to rambo into our wall of forces. Now the R/L combo can continue it's rampage. Trick is, soften them up with Elves then finish them with Barbarians... and then Elves if need be as well as the commanders OHKOing dudes as need be. It's a great combo but there are a lot of images, so I'll condense them to their essence.

Beautiful, is it not? Another few Barbarians may die for this though, as Sonya doesn't exactly show mercy on us humanfolk - even the fringe elements won't escape her wrath. Is Turn 3 over? Yes... yes, it is.

Sonya!? I knew it, Sonya! Sonya! It's me, Rohga! Have you forgotten me?


Hah hah hah hah... Enjoy the pain. You humans are not qualified to live on this earth.

Shit... we lost Legolas! Oh well... it probably could have been worse. Let's move, the graveyard minions moved towards Hein and we can turn them good.

Rohga, was she really your sister?

Yeah... I'm positive. But why is she doing this...?
I can't believe Sonya could ever kill someone...

Then she must be someone else with the same name!

Oh Hein... you're back in the good books again

Could I mistake my own sister for someone else? Sonya's father was a man of the demon tribe.
She had always been shunned for that.

Is that why she has a grudge against humans? How sad it is, being unable to trust people...

That's right. This is the village where Sonya and I were brought up.

What was so terrible that these people did to her?

I don't know exactly. While I was out of the village on work, she left.
But I never thought we'd meet again like this...

Her heart is full of hatred for people now. Let's do what we can... It's still too early to give up.

Sorry, I really appreciate this.

Another hell hound pack runs straight into the phalanx formation. It... doesn't go well for them.

Level up!

Fighter cleans up very nicely. The L/R combo continues... it works well - go Rohga, fight to your sister.

When Lester attacks Sonya...

Who the hell are you!? You humans are challenging us!? Damn you!
Damn you, you mean, powerless... humans! (CC:38)

Ah... I sense a dark, cold feeling pouring in...

When Rohga attacks Sonya...

Sonya! You're Sonya, aren't you!?


Why are you trying to kill these villagers? I have to stop you by any means... even if I have to use force!

What are you doing!? These people have to die! What do you think they did while you were gone!?
I knew it, no one believes anything I say! Even my own brother... I hate humans!


Things are going very well, let's push on and try to keep our men safe. No more men left behind.

As you can see, I've sealed in our wounded men and they should be safe. This is excellent, we're very close to defeating Sonya - I'll leave her for Rohga. He'll probably be able to hold back and not kill her... Fighter... doesn't know his own strength. Back to the Eastern graveyard!

Level up! MP+1, Class Change!

I'm going to make Hein a Priest - better heals, more MP, better auras and whilst Sleep can be a bit broken and the AT/DF boosts are worse, Freyja is a much better spell since it's a summon. Still not as broken as Valkyrie but having a summon is better then no summons at all. Hence, Hein is now a Priest and also, Crusaders are a pretty sweet unit - both, visually and in-game since they are a quite good upgrade to Monks.

Hein... has grown strong. All that by himself. I'll discuss the Ogres when I go in to kill them with Keith next turn, but we are really close to wrapping this up. Turn 4 was straight up TNT... it was dynamite... TNT and I'll win the fight. It's a power load and now... watch me explode~

We get attacked by Ogres during the Enemy Phase... and here's the thing... they are sloooooowwww... especially when it comes to their anti-air attack. I'm going to put the two gifs side by side (one attacking a Fairy, the other a Monk) and you'll see exactly what I mean.

Fighter's men take out the last remaining hell hound and leave the coup de grace to Rohga - cause family, y'know?

I will have my revenge...


She's gone.

Level up! AT+1

The Western threat of Sonya has been entirely removed. All that's left is purifying the graveyard of the Lich threat, so lets head back to Hein, Liana & Keith. First step - get another Valkyrie in play, then we roast up some ogres.

Liana goes in to kill a Zombie. Then Keith will strike out at the Ogres.

They throw their hands! Some of these animations are just really great - especially that they bothered to have an anti-air animation as well as a ground combat animation. Hein's men moves in to finish off the remaining Zombie and Liches. Go go Priest Hein, cleanse this land for glory of Lushiris!

Such a loyal Lich... I'mma call him, Sir Daniels. Return to your eternal rest, Sir Daniels. Float on my man.

We've got trouble! It's the Blue Dragon Knights!

Leon and Laird? At a time like this...

Yes. I came here only because something seemed amiss... I didn't expect to meet them in a place like this...
Fighter, was it? So you're the ones who protected the villagers.

Yes, that's right.

That girl leading the monsters is an ally of the Empire.

So you're going to take revenge on us for her?

No, I want to express my gratitude. We have no intention of killing helpless people.
I would have stopped her if you hadn't.

Level up! MP+1, Freyja was learned!

Level up! AT+1, MP+1

Level up! MP+1

Level up! AT+1

Level up! MP+1

Sonya! What the hell was that? Gentle Sonya couldn't do this!
Why...? Damn! (CC:39)

Leon... I have a question for you.


Why would a man like you, a man who hates these empty, pointless wars, join the army?
You know that war only brings sadness, don't you?

I can't stand it. Seeing women and children sacrificed on the battlefield...
Someone has to take action to rid the world of war. If you hope for peace from the sidelines, it will never come.
The only way war will ever end is when the continent is unified under one man... Even through bloody conquest.
Surely it might not be called true peace... But it must be better than this war-torn age.

That's one way of looking at it.

Fighter...! One man's strength alone can't rid this continent of war.
The unity of El Sallia under a strong state could stop this pointless bloodshed.
What do you think? Will you join my side in ending this war-torn era?

Make your choice at the next vote, goons! We'll start Scenario 8 with the wrap up of Scenario 7.