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Digital Devolver is the publisher, Vagabond Dog is the developer.

Music: Pressure Cooking
Let's begin.

Music: Sunglass Hutttt
We start with a man storming out in the rain,

Being chased by an older man.

: Where the hell do you think you're running off to without me?! I'm the boss, so you don't make a move until I tell you what to do. Got it?!

: Once I'm paid, then we're through. I don't need you controlling me anymore!
The man in black turns to leave.
: No, you ain't finished working yet! There's plenty of people I still need killed. You don't get a say in anything until I decide you're done spilling blood. You checked that privilege at the door when you signed up for this job. Here I make the rules, here I decide what happens. That's what you signed up for, right?
We're given control of the man in black here. We can continue walking away, but if we stop to talk to the man in white first...
: Look, if it's more money you want all you've gotta do is ask for it. Name your price, I'll pay it. Whatever it takes to knock some sense into your head.
: I don't want any more of your money. I already have more than I need. Why can't you understand why someone might not want to do this anymore?

As we leave, he keeps following.
: You ain't going anywhere unless I say so!
Another moment of control, another quick conversation before leaving.
: Alright, I'll play ball. How do I convince you not to make a very stupid decision right now?
: What do I want?! I want my God damned freedom back. No more telling me what to do, where to go, who to kill. I'm deciding for myself from now on.

Once again, he keeps following.
: Don't do something we'll all regret.
Once again, a moment of control. Once again, a quick conversation before leaving.
: Come on and quit playing around. You won't last a minute without me!

For once, when we walk away the man in white doesn't yell at us. Instead, this homeless person stops us on our way to freedom.
: Excuse me sirs, got a minute or a dollar? Hard times all around.
: Smelly vagabond fuck, get the hell out of my way! We don't have anything for you.
: Oh, I've heard that one before! Probably from you too! Different day, different street. Who knows, maybe we used to know each other? Heh, can you imagine that? Winding up back here again!
: God damned schizo, are you fucked in the head?! Get the hell outta my way!
: Right, we gotta keep things moving along! Before you go though, there's something I think you ought to take a look at.

Without warning, the vagabond pulls out a gun.
: What the hell is this?!
: Well, you might say I've been expecting you. Does it feel familiar standing on this end of the barrel? Or would you feel more comfortable with your own piece drawn? Go ahead, I'll wait.

: What the hell do you want, you nut job?!
: What do I want? I like playing games, don't you? What do you say to giving mine a spin?
: I don't know what this fool's smoking but if he doesn't put that gun down right now you put a hole in his head!
: Of course, you can hurry this along if you like and we can all be done with it if you wish. Like any of this matters anyway. I want to tell you a story though, one about the many choices we all make. At the end of it, you can decide what to do. The only rule in the game? Let me finish, no interruptions.

: Or we can pull the trigger right now. Sounds a lot less time consuming, doesn't it?

Here we go, our first choice, and quite possibly one of the most important choices you shall ever make. Shall we Shoot the vagabond right now or Listen to what they have to say?

* * *

: If you won't put that gun down, fine. Talk fast.
Staring down Chekov's gun, the story begins...

Music: 3_4_Deck
I can't seem to find the song for the party, but here's a background song that is similar in style.

What if the party was like life itself?
Led by the nose, barely wanting to take part.
Did you even have the choice not to go?
It would take something miraculous to change you.
But would you know the opportunity when it knocked?

One such man of opportunity threw a party.
He was looking for someone special, important.
Not a lover, not a friend.
He was looking for someone of substance.

That night they toasted ambition, success, and more.
Little did they know how steep the mountain was.

: Or did you change your mind? You can't invite all these people over and just leave me to take care of them, Larry. They're all weird.
: Why can't you have normal friends?!

Meet Larry, the man of the hour, and the man we'll be in control of for a little bit.
: Writers, artists, wannabes. You know, like the one I was telling you about? Boss wants me to sign someone by next week, but I still haven't got a clue what I'm looking for.
: Well, just pick someone who's gonna do a good job. I don't want you getting fired over some fuck up! This apartment's way too nice for that.
: Yeah, okay, I love you too.
We can move around again, but Larry's wife has a few more things to say.
: Hey, go easy on the booze tonight, alright? One drink limit, okay?
And now we have to talk to our party guests. I'll be going around the room counterclockwise.

: Really glad I could make it!
: Well, I'm glad you're here too.
: Did I tell you about this red wine I found? Give me a second, I'll go get some for you! We can toast, it'll be great!
: The wife says I can't have more than one tonight.

Many of the party guests will offer us a drink, but we can only take one tonight. I'll show you the rest before you make your choice.
: (Toast) | (Maybe Later)
: Maybe later. Gotta see who else is here!

: Congratulations on the new job.
: Thanks, it's been a long time coming.
: Well earned, though! What do you say to toasting? I've got this gin I wanted to polish off.
: Takin' it easy tonight, only one drink. Gin does sound like a good choice though.
: (Toast) | (Maybe Later)
: Maybe later. Gotta see who else is here!

: I heard about the new job!
: Well, there's still a lot to do.
: Nonsense, let's toast to your success! Can I interest you in some white wine?
: I'll only be having one drink tonight. White wine does sound lovely though.
: (Toast) | (Maybe Later)
: Maybe later. Gotta see who else is here!

: Hmmm, nice kitty.

: Other than the new job, you get anything else? Anything from the wife?
: Do lectures count?
: Don't bother with that, live it up! I've got this bottle of bourbon we could toast!
: I'm only allowed one drink tonight. Perhaps bourbon could be it?
: (Toast) | (Maybe Later)
: Maybe later. Gotta see who else is here!

: That food from earlier, where did you get it?!
: You'd have to ask Belinda, I've got no idea.
: You're really lucky to have her! We should toast, celebrate the night! I've bought a bottle of tequila!
: Trying to take it easy tonight with one drink. Tequila would be a good way to make it count.
: (Toast) | (Maybe Later)
: Maybe later. Gotta see who else is here!

: How old are you now anyway?
: I prefer not to check.
: Well then let's toast to ignorance! I've got a couple of beers if you're interested!
: Tonight I'll only be having one drink. Maybe keep it simple with a beer?
: (Toast) | (Maybe Later)
: Maybe later. Gotta see who else is here!

: Happy birthday, dude! Hope you don't mind, I brought you a gift!
: That's really kind of you.
: Absinthe, man. Good shit, imported from France!
: Well, I'm only having one tonight. I've never had real absinthe before though.
: (Toast) | (Maybe Later)
: Maybe later. Gotta see who else is here!

: The party's pretty packed!
: You don't say!
: Why don't we take a second and toast? I've got this bottle of whisky.
: I'm not drinking much tonight, only one. A good whisky would be nice though.
: (Toast) | (Maybe Later)
: Maybe later. Gotta see who else is here!

: Yeah, I am! Can I get you anything?
: Well, I was wondering if you had any unoccupied bedrooms around here.
: Uh, I don't think so, why? No, definitely not.
: Oh, nevermind!
: Darkeff's brought his van anyway!
: Great! Uh, have fun?
: Oh, I will!
Why even ask for a room if you were just going know what nevermind.

: Help us settle a debate!

: Are you guys talking about that game thing again?
: All we want to know is if you'd ever play a game where you might not wind up being the hero.

Well, it sounds like we're playing that already!
: Yeah, Why Not? I'm up for a challenge!
: See, I told you people would love it!
: Oh, that's just one opinion! Plus, Larry doesn't count. No offense.
: None taken?
Anyway, goons, meet Justin and Jake, the Vagabond Dogs. These two self-inserted themselves into the game, and we'll be seeing a lot more of them in the future. But they have a few more things to say when we talk to the other one.
: Hey, Larry! I see you've got a cat runnin' around here like it owns the place. How come you told me I couldn't bring my dog?!
: Firstly, I have no idea whose cat that is. Secondly, the last time you brought your dogs around they cornered me and wouldn't stop barking until you fed them those donuts!
: Don't worry dude, they used to hate me too.
: That's because they don't like assholes, Justin. Larry, I think they can smell your fear. Next time, I'll let you feed them the donut!

: Great apartment!
: Ah, the wife picked it out.
: She doing well? We should toast to her health! I've brought this rum for you!
: I'm cutting it down to one drink tonight. But, rum does do wonderful things to me.
: (Toast) | (Maybe Later)
: Maybe later. Gotta see who else is here!

: What's happening?
: It's all good. Just enjoying the party.
: Right on, let's celebrate! I've got some vodka we can toast!
: One drink maximum tonight. Vodka would be a good choice though.
: (Toast) | (Maybe Later)
: Maybe later. Gotta see who else is here!

: It's been too long since we've caught up!
: Hopefully the next time it won't be so long!
: Well, while I've got your attention. I've got this bottle of scotch, wanna help?
: Trying to keep it slow tonight, one drink only. Scotch would hit the spot though!
: (Toast) | (Maybe Later)
: Maybe later. Gotta see who else is here!

: Happy birthday, man!
: Thank you, is your night alright?
: Yeah, great party. Just sipping on this bottle of brandy. Did you want some?
: I promised myself I'd only have one tonight. Brandy's a pretty solid choice though.
: (Toast) | (Maybe Later)
: Maybe later. Gotta see who else is here!
And that's everybody. There's just one quick thing first...

There's more people outside, but we can't meet them until we make a choice first.

So tell me, What shall Larry drink tonight?

: Did I tell you about this red wine I found?
: I've got this gin I wanted to polish off.
: Can I interest you in some white wine?
: I've got this bottle of bourbon we could toast!
: I've bought a bottle of tequila!
: I've got a couple of beers if you're interested!
: Absinthe, man. Good shit, imported from France!
: Why don't we take a second and toast? I've got this bottle of whisky.
: I've brought this rum for you!
: I've got some vodka we can toast!
: I've got this bottle of scotch, wanna help?
: Just sipping on this bottle of brandy. Did you want some?

Stupid game. No hard cider? Really?

* * *

Scotch had an early lead, and though we had some late pressure by Absinthe and Whiskey, Scotch still managed to pull through in the end.
: Alright, let's drink!
: Give me a second to run to the patio. There's someone I want you to meet!
: Always happy to meet the ball and chain!

The game does a quick fade to black as Larry and Scotch Girl switch places. We're now in control of her, and we will be for most of the game from now on.
: Don't go anywhere Larry! I'll be back from the patio before you know it!

We can go around and talk to everyone. I'm not going to talk to the other potential main characters since they have nothing much to say and I'm transcribing the dialogue by hand. Everyone else though is interesting.
: Nice to meet you!
: Larry mentioned me, huh?
: You're all he could talk about the other night. You're writing a book, with your friend?
: Yeah, my buddy Sam. He told you all that? I'd love to show Larry an outline. You think he'll have a minute or two tonight?
: You don't want the minute, you want the contract. Trust me, be up-front about it and you'll get further.
: Well, I guess there's no harm in asking.

: I can just feel it!

: Ugh, that's terrible! Naming things is hard.
No matter which one you talk to, it shows Justin's portrait. They'll also randomly say a bunch of other titles if you keep pestering them.
: Adventures of a Crazy Homeless Man? Bleh, that's ridiculous.
: The Littlest Hobo Part Deux? I doubt we could get the licensing.
: Almost Something Monster? That doesn't even make sense!
: Sometimes Badguy? No, that's not it!

Welcome to the patio, there's a ton more people for us to talk to! So let's get to work talking by to the most important one around.


Anyway, the couple of guys to the most left are unique, so let's take care of them.

: Robot suits?! Amazing.

: How'd we look? We sound okay?
: Yeah, it was great don't worry!
: Thanks, how you doin?
: Eh, can't complain. What're you and Darkeff up to?
: Nothing too much. You didn't tell me he was a musician!
: Dude, we should jam or something!
: Hell yeah, for sure! We could totally throw a killer show together!
And now for Darkeff himself.

: How are you?
: Shit Darkeff, don't let Viper hear you say that! She'll be after my head!
: Speaking of my little she-devil, have you seen her?
: We were supposed to go and uh, do something.

: No details, please! Yeah, I saw her inside.
: Right on, thanks for the heads up.
: Hey, what are best friends for?

Everyone else in the room says the same thing...

...which leads to our new vote. One of the other twelve people in the room is our partner. I hid the choice for our main character with the alcohol, since for the most part we can't pick what we look like, but we have more control over who we let into our heart. So tell me, Which one of them is us, so to speak?

I'm going to try something different here since there are so many choices (and maybe something I should have done last vote but too late now), instead of voting for one, select as many as you like and I'll take the top-rated one. Just vote them by gender and number, starting 1 at the left, 6 at the right. So Mr. Muscle Man in the bottom left would be Male 1

And since the game asks it immediately after, What are our names? That is, the name of our character and our love interest. We have a whopping 12 characters for both names. For our partner, submit a male name and a female name, and I'll take the top rate of whoever we end up with.

Then maybe we can finally be out of the prologue and onto actual game play where I can use a save button and not have to repeat this section multiple times.

* * *

Female #2 had the lead, so we're going with her.
: Yeah, I just spoke to him!
: He's waiting on me | He's waiting on us
: We gotta go though, he's waiting on us! We're going to toast that bottle we brought!
: That's amazing! What are you waiting for?!

: Do you think Sam will mind me pitching our book alone? I mean, I'd be kind of pissed if I was left out of the negotiations.
: You can worry about that later. If you don't get in there and butter him up now, you two'll be drafting forever!
: I guess you're right, but we gotta make it happen first. C'mon, you got the gift?
: Shit! We forgot to sign the card!
: Here, give it to me. I'll sign it first.

No one really agreed on any names for the characters, so I picked out my favorite ones. Out of all of the main character names, Destiny just struck me as perfect.
: Okay, my turn.

Same with the love interests. Actually Isabel and Wendy got mentioned twice, and I was more fond of Isabel, so that's her name.
: Best wishes, Isabel and Destiny. Let me see that for a second?
: Sounds perfect | Not quite right
Our choices are set in stone, no take backs.
: Alright Isabel, let's go!
: Wait, kiss me first!

Anyway, for those of you reading this later, I did give away a little bit about the nature of the game during voting.

Krysmphoenix" post="434082741 posted:

I'll be honest and say straight up the choice we make for our self and our partner is somewhat cosmetic. Different characters don't get different dialogue unique to them, but it says on the Steam page that our gender, race, and sexuality will influence the dialogue. We're already a black woman, and if you guys pick a female partner, you can officially kiss most of our privilege goodbye.

Hitlers Gay Secret" post="434091474 posted:

Ah so I see we're going for hard mode.

Yup. Hard Mode Activated! We're fucked. Seriously though, social inequality sucks.
: Good luck!

Hey look, we have a title to our game now! Quick, someone tell the Vagabond Dog guys!

Music: GiGi and Sam
: Let me guess, you've got a book you wanted to pitch?
: Just hear me out!
: No need, Destiny. There's a reason I'm toasting with you, I've seen your stuff. You've got talent, a lot of potential, but you're rough. I want to put a good word in with the boss, see if we can get you an advance?
: That's... That's crazy! Seriously, thank you so much. I'll get you something to show him in the morning!
: This is too exciting. Let's toast!

: To success!
: To getting rich!

This choice doesn't affect anything, but to me there's only one option.
: To not screwing up!

The landslide had started long before that night.
This version of the story needed a hero though.
Would this be the one?

Yes | No
The game gives you another chance to redo everything. I completely forgot this was here, but regardless we can't do it. Life only gives you one shot to do things right. This makes the end of the Prologue, and onto a future with free saving anywhere.