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Wow, it's so pretty...

So this is Youkau Mountain. The air's clear and the autumn scenery is beautiful.

Well we did just fight the people in charge of autumn.

? What do you mean?

The two goddesses from earlier govern autumn. These leaves you see, those persimmons growing over there, they're all the blessing of those two... apparently.

Is that so? They weren't much in a danmaku battle, but I suppose there's all sorts of gods.

So what kind of power does Reimu's god hold?

Search me. Why don't you buy a talisman and find out?

Sounds pretty fishy to me. What if you end up calling on some really suspicious gods?

What happens at the shrine has nothing to do with you.


In any case, let me explain the plan once again. From here on out, we will split into two groups. One will act as a decoy while the other will take a different route to the shrine. If something happens on either side, use the transceiver to communicate. It is essential that we reunite.

Understood. So, how are we splitting up?

The decoy group should be as flashy as possible. It'll be dangerous, so I'd prefer this side to have more people. As for the other group, expediency is the key. I think it would be best if it was just Reimu and a few others.

Then I'll be going with the decoys. Flashy's my middle name.

I will also be a decoy. It would be helpful if we had people specialized in frontal assaults as well.

If that's what you need, I'll go. Sakuya, Elly, how about you?

I don't mind.

As former co-workers, it'd be easy to work together.

I think I'll go with the other group. The members should be Reimu, I, an-

I'll go with Keine.

What should I do... which side would be better?

Let's see... it'll be less dangerous with Keine, so how about you go with her?

I'm good at hiding, so I'll go with Keine too~.

You're the only one left. Who will you go with?

Huh, good question. Your group has more familiar faces so... hmm?

...What, do you need something?

Now that I'm looking more closely, are you... really human?


Wait, what?

I wanna hear about this. What are you?


W, well, we don't have the time to talk about something so complicated. Why don't we do this later?

...Fine. But I'll be going with you.

Okay, that's everyone. Reimu, you can take the transceiver, so drop and break it.

Somewhere, Rinnosuke feels a chill down go his spine.

...Got it. I'll use it appropriately.

Alright, may I have your attention? If we lose this chance to reach Moriya shrine, I don't know if we can get another. For the sake of finding their true intentions, everyone, please do your best.

Well you heard her. Don't get bored and back out midway now.

What, don't you have any trust in us?

Not really. I still don't even know why you're so intent on helping.

I'm always full of motivation. Not that I'm interested!

I don't think you can say something that proud.

In any case, it's alright if we all have our own motivations. Don't let your worries hinder you.

Everyone's motivations posted:

Doesn't really have one, which is kind of the issue.

Saving Reimu's shrine.

Finding Cirno.

Making sure Keine doesn't do something stupid.

Following orders.

Looking for souvenirs for Flandre.

Needed an excuse to skip work.

Got caught up in all of this.

...Fair enough.

There's a brief pause here.


(Hey, Keine.)

(...What is it? It's rare for you to want a private conversation.)

(Well, don't you think Reimu's acting strange? Her usual conviction is gone, and she's so nervous.)

(...That's true, she's been like this ever since this issue with the shrine started. Resolving this incident doesn't seem to be helping.)

(I suppose. Maybe it's because this issue doesn't have anything to do with Gensokyo at large... well, if she's with you I think it'll be alright. Be careful.)

I guess Keine specializes in moody red-whites.

(You can leave it to me.)

What are you two muttering about? Keine, are you coming or not?

...You have to go now. Stay safe.

You as well.