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...So it looks like we're going this way. What do you think?


Hey, are you listening?

Oh, excuse me! Do you need something?

We were wondering what direction to go to reach Moriya Shrine. Are you perhaps still looking for Cirno?

Yes, I think she might have come to Youkai Mountain...

Is Cirno the name of this fairy's friend?

Correct, though she's a little different from Daiyousei. She's the reckless type who'd pick a fight with youkai.

She's not nearly as smart too~.

Heh, she sounds interesting. You'll have to introduce me.

...A-alright, um...

Well don't you look stiff. What's wrong?

She's just being cautious since you're holding that big weapon.

Oh, this scythe? I just carry it around because it makes me look like a shinigami. Hey, I'll give you some Rod of Remorse rice crackers so don't be scared.

Should you really just hand out souvenirs like that?

Hell's fallen on some hard times too, so it's also my job to advertise our specialities. By the way, any of you have water? These crackers really make you thirsty.

They say that when you take a bite, it feels like you've been scolding someone for hours.

In that case, have some of this tea~.

Is this the tea Cirno had? It smells good...

I know, right? That devil from last time left this behind. This lunchbox is really good too~.

She's talking about when Remilia visited for 13R, not when Cirno's group snuck into Remilia's kitchen in 12.

Rumia, don't tell me you stole this!

Also poor Kurumi.

Now, now, don't just lay into Rumia like that. Why don't you try some of the food she worked so hard to get?

...You're hopeless. Oh whatever, give me some rice crackers too. I'll see if Mokou wants any.

Once Keine leaves, Komachi goes for the elephant in the room.

...So, what's up with that Mokou person?

Hm? What about her?

What kind of person is she?

Oh. Well we only met yesterday, so I can't really say. All I know is that she doesn't like humans and she's always living in the bamboo forest.

And for some reason, I feel like I shouldn't eat her.

Gotcha, thanks. ...Guess I should have figured doing this indirectly wouldn't work.

I'm guessing she mutters that last part.

...What a weirdo. Hey, Rumia, that tea's mine!

Cut to a different area.


So you were over here.

...Keine. You need something?

Oh right, that shinigami from earlier had some souvenir rice crackers. I was thinking we could eat them together.

I'll pass. You're all so carefree, so someone has to be careful. Honestly, when it comes to that lot it's like you're babysitting them.

Mokou is in a direct competition with Reimu for who can be the biggest drama queen.

I figured you'd think that. But their cheer is a good thing. And Komachi, she wants to meet you, so maybe you could be frie-

I won't.


I can work with either that carefree shrine maiden or that careless shinigami, but I don't feel like making friends with them. Sorry Keine.

...No, that's fine. It's more than enough that you're lending us your strength today. Thank you, Mokou.
