Toggle Background Color

"Baltisches Auge - Patrouilllengebiet"
"Baltic Eye - Patrol Area"

Top right corner of the screen:
"Leichtes Risiko" (the rest is unreadable, "Geringes" or "Niedriges" would also be better than "Leichtes" in my opinion)
"Low Risk"

Far right: "Achtung! Baltisches Auge Patrouillengebiet" (same as the first)
"Caution! Baltic Eye Patrol Area"

Right: "Hinweis: Bereicht wird ?berwacht!" (appears very often)
"Caution: Area Under Surveillance!"

"Achtung! Schutzausr?stung tragen oder stets beim Spannungsableiter aufhalten!"
"Caution! Wear protective equipment or (always) stay near voltage arrestor!" (I?m not sure if "voltage arrestor" exists as a word)

"Sch?tzengraben - Sektor S?d"
"Trench - Southern Sector" ("Sector South" would be a more direct translation)

Right edge of the screen:
"Warnung! Mechanischer Kampfhund"
"Warning! Mechanical Attack Dog"

"Empfindlich - Mit vorsicht handhaben"
First mistake: it should be "Vorsicht" with a capital "V", since it?s a noun. It also not common to write "empfindlich" on crates since it would translate to "sensitive", "zerbrechlich" would be "fragile". The whole thing has a strong smell of directly-translated-from-English, because nobody would say or write it this way.

"Fragile - Handle with care"

"Hohes Risiko" (rest is unreadable)
"High Risk"

"Mond - Die Zeit ist gekommen! - Abenteuer Mondflug - Tragen Sie sich bei der n?chsten Anmeldestelle ein"
"Moon - The time has come! - Adventure Moon Flight - Enlist at your nearest recruitment center"

A personal favorite so far
"Achtung! Inhalte k?nnen empfindlich auf St??e und grobe Behandlung [reagieren] - Milit?risches Material" (this one is missing a verb "reagieren", not taking into account that nobody would say it like that)

"Caution! Contents can [react] sensitively to shocks and rough handling - Military Mat?riel"

"Achtung! Stromschlaggefahr!"
"Caution! Danger of Electric Shock!"

"Generator - Hochspannung - Gefahr!"
"Generator - High Voltage - Danger!"

"Hohes Risiko!"
"High Risk!"

"Stets die Schutzausr?stung tragen!"
"Always wear protective gear!"

"Haupstadtm?dels" (should be "Hauptstadtm?dels", a "t" went missing here)
"Capital Girls" (I would prefer "gals" instead of "girls", but lets not get to picky)

"Er kann nicht allein... zum Mond! - Das staatliche Mondkolonisierungsprogramm - Hilf deinem Land auf dem Weg in die Zukunft! - Jetzt anmelden!"
"He can?t go to the moon alone [on his own]! - The national moon colonisation program - Help your country on the way to the future! Enlist now!"

"Oben. Nicht werfen!"
"Top. Do not throw!"

Blue boxes in the background:
"Super Beton"
"Super Concrete"


"Sch?tze Dein Heim immer! - Schliessen Sie das Teslakabel an - Auch wenn Sie nur f?r kurze Zeit Ihr Heim verlassen" (This one is funny, because it changes the way it addresses people from the first sentence to the rest. "Dein" is much more personal than "Ihr". Semantically it is the same, but if you do not know someone you would always use "Ihr")

"Always protect your home! - Connect the Tesla cable - Even if you?re just leaving your home for a short time"

Same as number nine.

"Die Westgrenze ist sicher! - Die Frontlinien sind ?berwacht"
"The western border is secure! - The front lines are under surveillance"