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GDI Mission Three

Latvia this time.
It's actually 24,938 sq mi, population was 300k less than this in 1995.

Mission Briefing


I know I promised more deep background on Kane and NOD but there will be time for that later.
Carter says you hit the ground fighting, nice job. Now we need that again.
Somewhere in this section is a NOD base, it's protected against airstrikes by NOD SAM sites.
Knock them out so Colonel Morelli can provide air support. That should make it easier for you to take out the base.
I'll be... out of the loop for a few days doing civvie time at the UN, don't let me down


Let's go east and setup next to the tiberium field and secure the surrounding area.

We've spotted our first SAM site.

One of the quality of life improvements in Red Alert was being able to place buildings one square away.

That's our refinery setup, we've also got access to the comm center for the first time.

With our barracks setup we can now start pooping out the only unit we'll need this mission, grenade infantry.

The ones we started with are making short work of this SAM site.

However, because minigunners have to attack for the adjacent square to their target and grenades have splash damage, we're slowly killing our own troops. Infantry have 5 positions on each square in an X, the furthest 2 positions don't take as much damage from grenades. But in general, don't mix minigunners and grenade infantry.


Some rocket soldiers show up too late to stop us.

We can see the next SAM site up on that 'cliff'. It's actually all the same level, the cliff is just a sprite that has some minor effects on directional fire.
But first we have a new building to place.

Behold the great British invention, wadar!

Now we can start cheesing these SAM sites with grenades.

In what is an annoying AI habit, it repairs the SAM sites.

Hard to see but we're blown it up.

This mission basically teaches you to use massed grenade infantry.

What's this?

Ah, thank you rocket soldier for firing at us and revealing the map. Enemies hidden by fog of war that fire at you reveal an area around themselves.

Something I've never worked out is if repairing actually costs the AI credits like it does the for the player.

Some rocket soldiers trying to go after us.


The game devs have this habit of using the tree sprites to shit the player off by hiding units behind the trees. It gets really bad in Red Alert.

Ah, turret has revealed the base by firing at us.

Let's have a look around.

Another turret!

Really the only weakness of grenade infantry is that when they die they cause splash damage around themselves, if you get unlucky can kill a couple others close to death.

By the time we get close enough we've only got 3 left. You'd think this was fixed in Red Alert when they added the medic infantry, but medics are allied only and grenade infantry are soviet only.

They can blow up the sand bags.

And dead.

I regret making it easier for the AI's harvester to get to the tiberium.

Let's go find the last SAM site.

If you didn't know where it was you'd probably have trouble finding it.

Another turret is revealed.

And that was the last SAM site. EVA: Airstrike ready

Lets see our first 'super weapon'

At this point in the game we get a single A10. Later that increases.

It drops napalm, which as you can imagine...

Does very little to turrets.

Grenades are much better.

If I was playing better I'd have waited until now to use the airstrike.


Next group is up.

Let's deal with this turret.


Here come some buggies.

One down.


This mission goes much quicker if you save up and get a second refinery.

Let's get rid of this patrol.

And try and stem the tide of infantry.

Getting closer...

Oh god look at their health.

Christ we pulled another buggie.

Thankfully they have no armor.


Airstrike, take 2.

The rocket soldiers can take a shot at the A10.

Not a huge amount, but helpful.

Hopefully the final charge.

Humvees about to get trashed.

Grenade infantry catches up.

Yep that'll do it.

Now we gotta trash the hand of nod while it's still pooping out infantry every 7-17 seconds.


Let's get the con-yard before it rebuilds (yes it does this)

And it's all downhill from here.


Bombs away!

1% efficiency!

New units!

Comm Center
Cost: $1000
Build time: 1:06
Hit points: 500
Sight range: 10 <<< This can be handy
Power usage 40
Provides radar when powered.

Sam Site
Hit points: 200
Armor: Wood
Attack: 21
Range: 15
Power usage: 20

A-10 Thunderbolt
Armor: Heavy
Hit points: 60
Attack: 19
Speed: 40

Grenade Infantry
Cost: $160
Build time: 0:07
Hit points: 50
Armor: Light
Attack: 8
Speed: 10

Rocket Infantry
Cost: $300
Build time: 0:17
Hit points: 25
Armor: None
Attack: 4
Speed: 6

I'm going to be showing the alternative missions after all, it's pretty easy to do.