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Few special waypoints here.
26 we've seen before, that's the top left corner of the screen when the mission starts.
27 is the default dropzone for a chinook if not specified.

heli sends a chinook to waypoint 24, more on this later.
rein2 gives us 2 minigunners and a grenadier, moving to wp 7.
reinfor gives us 4 grenadier and an apc, moving to wp 0. Because they're in the same group the grenadier arrive inside the apc.
air1 has a minigunner and 2 rocket soldiers that arrive in a chinook, they move to wp 10 (the middle) and unload then attack.
air2 has 5 minigunners in a chinook that unload at wp 11 (top left) and attack
air3 has 2 minigunners and a rocket soldier that unload at wp 12 (which doesn't exist) and attack. I believe this is broken and never happens.
auto1 is 2 minigunners and a rocket soldier that attack us.
nod1 is 3 minigunners and 2 rocket soliders that do nothing.

air1, air2 and air3 trigger their namesake groups every 55, 64 and 76 time units, looping forever. air3 as we saw is likely broken.
These three basically mean if you piss around too much you'll eventually get overrun.
auto triggers on those celltriggers on the right hand side pass, triggers a random teamtype.
heli is the cell triggers around the crate, it causes a chinook to fly in. but you basically win the mission immediately after it triggers. I'm guessing at one point you were meant to load a unit into it to extract the fuel rods but they couldn't make it work nicely so it got cut, but this trigger got left in.
lose makes us lose if we lose all our shit.
prod makes the AI rebuild the base structures below:



rein triggers reinfor giving us an apc with 4 grenadiers when we've lost 8 units.
win is a cell trigger when we get the crate.