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Oh, the tengu. Keep up the good work~.

...Um, excuse me, does that big bump hurt?

Clam it and get lost! My scoop got away from me, I'm in a bad mood.

Well these two took a while to wake up.

...Ugh, I didn't think those humans could get that far.

Hmph, it's your fault for being so willful. I told you to call for reinforcements.

Oh, who cares. Our mission's already over, it's too late to talk about it now. And according to the great tengus' commands, we can just let those humans go.

Uh, excuse me, are you saying those humans are still on the mountain?

Seems so. Well, it's that god's problem now, so this'll get resolved one way or another.

Aren't you carefree. What if those intruders are rampaging through the mountain?

Wasn't Lady Yasaka their target? We were just in the way. But whatever happens, it'll be fine with me as long as I get some interesting photos and the details on this incident.

Cut to further up Youkai Mountain.

So afterwards, the humans headed for the Waterfall of Nine Heavens.

Y-yes. We tried to stop them, but got stopped ourselves...

Hoho, I'm getting a better and better picture of their trail... Thanks, with this I should be able to write a detailed article.

No, no, I'm glad I could help! Anyway, I'll be off no-

Buuuut, I wonder how they knew to head for the Waterfall of Nine Heavens. Don't tell me somebody leaked information...


...Interviewing at a time like this? You're the same as ever.

Oh, Momiji, you're back too.

Oooh, thank goodness! You're my savior!

A savior, huh? Well, putting this kappa aside... Aya, are you sure you should write an article about this?

What do you mean by that?

If the outside youkai read an article about the humans invading us, we'd be laughingstocks. We patrol tengu wouldn't exactly appreciate our internal struggles being exposed either.

This and that are different problems. If there's an incident, it's a reporter's duty to cover it. All we can do now is hope that at least the conclusion to the article is happier.

I suppose so. It's out of our hands now... though to be honest, if this incident lets us grow closer to Moriya shrine, than that's not too bad.

Oh my, I never thought I'd hear you say something like that.

I don't care that much, but the current relationship isn't very desirable. And having seen Lady Kochiya's tenacity... I think I'd like to have a more relaxed conversation with her.

It sounds like somebody's got a crush~.

I have no such intentions, I just appreciate her diligence. But once you sit down and eat at the same table, it's only natural that you'd want to try speaking.

I think everyone would relax if we got that close. Well, everything depends on how those humans and the Moriya shrine settle things.

What kind of wind will this battle bring to the mountain? We're all waiting warmly.
i'm sorry


Oh, you're already stopping? Well I guess that's alright... but I can't hold a service for you because of that weird god. So hurry up and play again.