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NOD Mission Two Part One


Interesting departure from GDI's country stats.



Back so soon? Hmmm... let's see how you do with something important.
For too many years GDI have maintained a stranglehold on Egypt. It's falled upon us to liberate these citizens crying out for a better way of life.
Kane wants to establish a base here to eliminate the smothering presence of GDI.
It's too risky to move our heavy forces in, so we want you to sneak in with a few expendable troops and setup a forward attack post.
Uh, by the way, there's more than enough tiberium for you to harvest that should easily pay your expenses.
If you're detected, you fail. If you fail, you die.

Siege again

First NOD MCV.

We can do these missions quite quickly, the key is to be aggressive.

And keep an eye out for surprises.

Probably could have built a bit closer to the tiberium.

Gonna use an engineer.

Base is up there.

We'll need more minigunners.

Fucking range on those humvees.

Thankfully it came down so we could blow it up.

Another humvee.

Let's get that engineer up there.


Solve a lot of the problems caused by the barracks vomiting out minigunners.

Let's get that silo for some more money. More hands of nod means quicker build time.

We got an engineer worth of money.

And again.

Game over.

My only regret is I didn't capture the refinery with the harvester inside.

The base is ours.

But we don't need it.

The troops are handy.

Now we just need to kill the harvester.

Mission accomplished (that bug is happening still).


We did pretty well.