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Ending B (Choice A) "Resolution"

"...Harry...? Harry!"

Harry did not speak or respond again.

Cybil, who had been unable to accept the incomprehensible events that had
occurred around her up to this point, was unable to believe that the man
in front of her was dead.

The wind seems to be blowing outside.

Cybil stared at her hands, which had become covered with blood.
Instead of trying to wipe them off, she firmly grasped her handgun.

Something like a kind of resolution arose in Cybil's stern look.
I must find her, and then take her home."

"Just who was the girl...?
Cheryl? Or...
Was it that woman's daughter...?

Concerning the incidents that have occurred in this town...
No, they cannot be called incidents, but instead
concerning this enigmatic situation, I have not found one piece of
conclusive evidence and that irritates me.

And there is uneasiness about the loss of my only partner.

She must be frightened somewhere, Cheryl.

That eerie figure of the girl..."

Several feelings of discontent run throughout Cybil's mind.

"That Dahlia might know something.
However...the destination that she indicated is this place.
Rather than returning to the church it would be best to search here."

Cybil had returned to the first floor to get the key to the hospital rooms,
but then she noticed a door that had been left open.

The door sways on its hinges as the result of wind blowing from somewhere.

This draws Cybil's attention, and she moves toward the door.

"This is..."

This door was unmistakably locked and not open just before.

Cybil looks in the doorway...and at the same time gasps.

Inside the door there is...


A ) There is a staircase leading to the basement.

B ) There is a blinding light. Cybil covers her eyes in reaction to it.