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Cybil summons her courage and fights

"I have to fight.
I cannot run from this."
Cybil felt this instinctively.

She suddenly charged at the girl.

Once again a ball of light began to grow large in the girl's hand.

At the moment that the girl raised her hand high, Cybil knocked her to the
ground before she could fire.

Cybil then forcefully straddled the girl, placed both hands firmly around her
neck and continued to choke her.

Her pupils were paralyzed by the bright light, but now as darkness quickly
filled the area she would only have to wait for her vision to return.

But there is no time.
The girl is putting up serious resistance.
However, the girl's arms are gradually losing their strength as they push
around Cybil's shoulders.

Finally Cybil's eyes become adjusted to the light.
She can faintly see the outline of the girl's bare face.

And then, the girl speaks in a faint voice.

"...but I only wanted to save you..."

Cybil heard the girl correctly.
"Wanted to save?
Save me?

Who are you?
Impossible...? are...?"

She can see the girl's face.
As the image of the girl fills Cybil's eyes her consciousness gradually
grows distant.

Her body becomes heavy...
She has the desire to tell someone about who the girl is, but cannot...

Cybil's consciousness grows distant...

The End.