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Whew, that was some good booze! Now it's time to go home and pass out.

You've got all the motivation and drive of a cow in a field.

We've got work of our own to get back to. It's just the mistress and her sister at the manor right now...

Yes, and when work doesn't get done there, it piles up fast.

I can't believe you actually drank all of that sake... You're all amazing drinkers.

It's normal for us. The tengu and oni were loud drunks, though...

Speaking of which, that oni was a lot friendlier than I was expecting.

Oni are frightening creatures, but they can be very broad-minded and compassionate. They don't have to be dangerous to humans, if you properly develop relationships of mutual trust.

You're as knowledgeable as always. Is that all from Hieda family documents?

Yes. We have several fragmented descriptions in our old literature.

Fascinating. Would you let me borrow it sometime?

Sorry, our literature isn't allowed to leave the house. You're welcome to drop by and see it, though.

Did you hear that, Lady Patchouli?! We should visit her sometime!

I'll think about it.

So, if these oni are so strong, why did they go away? If they were that strong, I don't think anyone could have chased them off...

In a nutshell, they exhausted their goodwill with humans.

What does that mean?

As much as it pains me to say it, the humans used cowardly methods in their fight against the oni. That's why they're gone now.

Cowardly, hm? Sounds to me more like they did what they had to, to survive.

It's normal for humans to fear things they don't understand. But it's more peaceful all around for both sides to live separately.


You sound like you're speaking from experience. You live apart from humans yourself, don't you?

Let's go, Keine.

Ah, wait up, Mokou!

Mokou and Keine leave.

What was that about? Do you have any idea, Komachi?

Nope, sorry. But something's been bugging me. We shinigami can see people's remaining lifespans. But not hers. For some reason, I couldn't see it.

Is it bad to not know someone's lifespan?

Not really. Lifespans can change pretty quickly. But I've never encountered one I just plain couldn't see. It's not a matter of good or bad. I'm just not sure how to take that.

She does have a mysterious air to her. Like she's not alive, but not dead, either...

I see. That is strange. Do you think she's got a secret?

She doesn't seem bad or anything. And if she wanted to share it, she would.

Probably, yeah. I'll just keep an eye on her for now. I'd better head back, too. I'll come back on another stroll sometime.