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What's wrong, Hina? You're spacing out.

Nothing, just studying the scenery.

I guess you ended up separated from the other gods, huh.

It doesn't matter. The Aki sisters were just some people we picked up on the way. Besides, Nitori's with our group.

Komachi, are you sure about letting Mokou go off on her own? You were curious about her remaining lifespan.

It's not like I wanted to keep watch over her. If anything, I'm impressed she's helping out with an incident resolution at all.

It's so neat getting to follow a suspicious character. It's like we're detectives!

Yeah, magic detectives. We could join a martial arts tournament or something.

I don't think the Master Spark is small enough to be a Spirit Gun.

With that said...

We've completely lost track of that swordswoman, haven't we?

I'm sorry. It was my fault for bumping into that tree.

Don't worry about it. We didn't exactly have the best field of vision to start with.

But neither would Youmu, in this weather. I doubt she's gotten far from us.

I don't suppose you can sense anything around us, Star?

Sorry, no. There are no living things anywhere close by. I've been searching for a while now, so I'm pretty sure I'm right about that.

Aww. Guess we'll have to give up and go back to Reimu's group.

No, let's not give up the ghost yet! Maybe she's hiding somewhere.

Yeah! If we go back now, we'll just look stupid. How about under the snow or under the ground? Search anywhere that she might be.

But that's just silly. Of course no one would be-


Something wrong, Star?

Was that my imagination? I thought I sensed someone for a bit.

Bwah? You just said nobody was around!

I did, but I know what I sensed... There it is again! I sensed it from that direction!

You mean whatever it is is taking shelter over there?

Not sure what's going on, but no harm in checking it out, I guess.

Everyone trudges over.

Well, here we are. This is where the fairy sensed it, right?

That's strange. The presence is gone now.

But you're supposed to have that whole radar thing going!

I'm so confused right now. I know I was focusing on it, but then I just forgot about it or something.

Hoo boy, I'd call that a serious breakdown.

Fairies always get careless at the worst possible time.

Well, er, I did find another presence, if that's good enough! I sense something inside that cave over there.

You mean the eerie looking cave?

I'm a misfortune goddess, and even I can tell that's a place that no human would want to go near.

Great! Let's sneak in and investigate.

Wait, you want to go in there completely unprepared?

That presence she's sensing could be Youmu. It's worth checking out.

And even if it isn't Youmu, it's suspicious that anyone is there at all.

Good point. I suppose we'll be wanting to investigate regardless. Let's make sure no one's in there, then we can leave.

Er, okay.

Everyone heads for the cave.
