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Heeeeey, I'm hungry! Bring me some food!

...No one's there. I hope they didn't just lock me up and forget about me.

Well, I guess I could just eat you, Shiro.


C'mon, it was a joke. You don't look that good, anyway.

But I'm sure there's some way you could help me get the key. It's just a guess, but it's gotta be around here somewhere.

Marisa presumably tries to shove Shiro outside of her prison.

...! ...!

Hey, stop struggling! You gotta do this quietly!

Hey, what are you doing here?

Whoa?! You startled me!

Oh, it's you!

It's been a long time, person I've met before. Somewhere.

You were Koishi, right? What are you doing in a place like this?

This is my house, so why wouldn't I be here? So if you're in a cell, then I guess my sister caught you?

You live here? Then your sister is-

Her name is Satori Komeiji. She's the ruler of the Palace of Earth Spirits.

Wait a minute, you were an Underworld youkai?!

And Satori's little sister at that. I guess you do kinda resemble each other.

Yeah, we get all of our clothes in her size. And then, to make them fit me, my sister tailors them herself.

Huh. She's seemed pretty scary when I met her, but I guess there's that side of her too. Wait, then can you read my mind too?

I can't.

Huh? Why?

Because I closed it. My third eye. Reading other people's minds just makes you sad. There was nothing good about it all.

Really? Seems like a waste to me, losing something so handy.

By the way, I wanna get out of here. You know where the key is?

The key to your cell? So you're trying to escape?

Well, yeah. I didn't do anything wrong, but it looks like your sister got the wrong idea.

My sister never gets the wrong idea. But still, keeping a human isn't going to do her much good. Sure, why not?

Oh, so you are going to help! But be careful, there might be crows keeping watch.

Don't worry, no one can notice me with my power. It's the same here as it was when I went to the surface, no one can see me.

That's good to hear. So could you get my broom and stuff while you're at it? I'll take you on a dark flight through the Underworld skies in return.




I see, so you've stopped playing.


Ah, so a new day has dawned. You should try going outside.

Well, please play again. I'll be expecting you.