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Hmm, something's odd here...

Oh, I get it! I could just stop thinking of this as a repair job and try to build something similar.


Sorry, Hina. It must be boring to watch me work.

No, I don't mind. Just being near you is fun. You're making quite a racket though. If some other kappa walked in I'm sure they'd be shocked.

...I doubt you need to worry about that. Huh, so you're the type who'd watch a game instead of play it?

Anyway, what kind of machine is this, um... Trance Reliever thing?

Transceiver. It's a tool to talk to people over long distances. Marisa asked me to fix it up for her. While I'm at it, I'd like to increase its range and make it more durable for danmaku battles.

That would be useful for future investigations.

Well, yeah. Marisa always treats her stuff pretty roughly. Plus, as long as they know how to use the receiver, I could talk to whoever I want whenever I want!

That certainly sounds fun. So, could you teach me how to use it then?

Well, uh... Even super durable machines break down when you touch them, Hina.
