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That's odd, I'm sure I left it here...

Master, I'm home! Oh?

This isn't it, nor is this...

What's wrong, master? Why're you digging through the storeroom?

Oh, Nazrin, welcome ba- Ow!

Shou stubbed her toe on something I think?

If you're looking for something, why not let me handle it?

N-no, it's important so I should find it myself.

But since you're here, I wish to discuss a matter of grave import.

Why so formal?

I... want to break Hijiri's seal.


What's going on? Haven't you always avoided this topic?

For too long now, I've been running away from the fact that I sealed her with my own two hands. I think I'm ready to face it now, and move forward in my life.


I'm sorry, this must seem so sudden to you.

No, I don't mind, I'm just sorting this out in my head. So why now? Is it because you met that swordswoman, Youmu?

That too. Seeing her risk her life in battle like that made me think.

I still don't know if reviving Hijiri is the right thing to do or not, but at the very least, I believe my own "justice" lies somewhere beyond that.

Justice, huh?

I know this is selfish of me after all we've been through, but-

No, you'll never find what you lost if you never start looking. Just give me the word, master, and I'll do what I can.

Really, Nazrin?!

But, first of all, do you have a plan? We've got the Pagoda, but the Flying Silo's been sealed.

That is indeed a problem. The Silo's been buried deep in the earth. But the Pagoda is a problem too.

Huh? I must've heard that wrong. Don't you have the Pagoda stashed away somewhere safe?

Yes, well, I thought I did. I can't seem to find it though.


I'm sorry! I'll turn this temple upside down to find it, if I have to!

Yeesh, you really are helpless without me, you know that? We have all the time in the world. I might as well keep you company until you're satisfied.

Thank you, Nazrin.