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A door opens.

I'm home! Elly, Kurumi, are you back yet?

Oh, it's you...

Excuse me for entering without permission. You seem to be doing pretty well for yourself.

It's been a while, Mima. I think I haven't seen you since you vanished off the face of the earth.

If I were on Reimu's route, Mima's face would be revealed here.

I went on a little trip. It turned out to be more enjoyable than I expected. And what about you? It's a bit surprising to see you traipsing all around Gensokyo.

I get bored easily. I need toys to play with. By the way, have you met Marisa yet? She seemed rather worried about you.

She's not a child anymore. She can wait until our paths cross naturally.

Well, I say that, but we did chat a bit in the Underworld.


She had made quite an enemy. I happened to come across them, so I helped her out. Because of that, I got spotted, and lost more time than I was expecting.

You put such a negative spin on things. Can't you just say you came running when your pupil was in danger?

I don't know about that. That would be no different from the past. I've been trying to put my faith in her own "magic".

Heh heh. Next time you tease her, invite me along too.

Oh yes, recently I found someone interesting too.


Yes, something tells me I'm in for a treat.