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Ooh, it's way cooler looking than it was outside!

What happens when I pull this lever?

No, don't touch that! That opens the emergency hatch!

This may be sudden, but what exactly were you doing out there? Don't tell me you were playing a prank on some youkai you've never met before?

Um, well, we were trying to, anyway.

Teasing works pretty well when they don't know you.

I get it, so that rabbit from earlier was acting weird because you girls surprised her?

Uh-uh. We couldn't surprise her.

I dunno why, but our powers didn't work on her.

Your powers didn't work? Did you mess up again?

I don't think so, but that's easily possible... Anyway, she ran away right after that, so we don't know anything else.

More importantly, tell us all about this ship! Wasn't it all beat up when we dug it up? When did you fix it?

Today was its maiden flight. We just left some overwrought ceremony at the Moriya Shrine.

A celebration? Why didn't you invite us?

We didn't have a choice, we couldn't find you. We never know where you'll be at any given moment.

The ceremony was held on pretty short notice too. We couldn't get ahold of Youmu or Elly or the others either.

Oh yeah, Mokou wasn't there either. Did you invite her, Keine?

Yes, I let her know about it, but...

She doesn't like getting involved with humans because she doesn't age or die, right? But she was investigating with us last winter. Don't tell me she's still worrying about that?

Of course not. She does talk to strangers more often now.

And if she plays with everyone, she might get free food sometimes!

In that case, why haven't we seen her? Did she have some other plans for today?

...Mokou still has an impenetrable wall around herself. Tonight, I'm sure she's...

...It's pretty rare for you to not just come out and say something clearly, Keine.

Ah, sorry about that. Let's save this conversation for next time.

Enter Murasa and Ichirin.

Sorry to interrupt, but you should get ready to disembark soon.

You can see the light from the village's lanterns from over there. Should we land somewhere far away, so we don't startle them?

I don't think it matters. Everyone's used to mysterious phenomena by now.

Gensokyo's humans have a lot of guts, huh?

Welp, might as well get your tearful farewells to Keine and Akyu over with now.

Good work, today. Please come visit again if you find the chance.

Thank you. Be careful on the way home, everyone.