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*pant* *pant*

Reisen throws open a door.


You're late, Udonge. Did you learn anything about the Moon-

Since this might be confusing, Reisen has three separate names: Reisen, Udongein, and Inaba. Her full name is just all three mashed together.



I'm scared... What do I do...? How did they find me?! After all this time...?!

Slow down, what are you talking about?

A lunar rabbit came to the surface!


She even knew that I was the rabbit who escaped to Earth. And she was looking for you, master...!

...First, take a deep breath and calm down. You have to tell me exactly what happened, in order.

Y-Yes! Sorry for losing my composure...

...Earlier, I met a lunar rabbit who'd run away from the moon. She said she was being pursued by a lot of people. So she was looking for you, Lady Yagoroko, to hide her...

Just one rabbit? How did they get to the surface?

Yes, just the one. She had a Lunar Raiment.

Also, I saw a flying ship nearby. I don't know if that has anything to do with this, but...


...What do we do...? If the Lunar Envoys really do come, and if they find us...

Calm down, Udonge. Do exactly as I say, and you won't be in any danger.


A door opens.

Inaba is shaking. Did something happen?

Princess, you've returned?

Listen Eirin, I got to kill her three times today. Lately, it's like she's not even trying. I'll get bored at this rate.

...I beg your pardon, Princess, but this isn't the time for that.

Something's up, then? What is it?

Apparently, a lunar rabbit has come to the surface.


According to Udonge, that rabbit is looking for me. She wants help to escape her pursuers. As such, the House of Eternity is no longer safe.

...I'm sure you have a plan. How are we doing this, Eirin?

We'll get rid of the rabbit. Of course, that alone won't be enough to completely stop her pursuers. To deal with those, we should use a strategy I thought up a while ago.

And that would be?

We'll switch out the full moon, the key that binds the moon and the surface, with a fake moon. With that, no one will be able to reach us, Princess.

I should hope not.

Just leave everything to me.

C-Can that really stop the Lunar pursuers? I'm sure they have some new weapon by now...


How disgraceful, Inaba.

But Princess...!

Eirin said it would work. You don't trust her?

Hiding the real moon, and turning the Earth into a sealed room... Do it, Eirin.

As you wish...