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Welcome back! Today, we're going to (hopefully) survive our first night.

Time to roll a new character:

We're going to be a human this time.

Here's what our stats look like. As a hero, we get more points to play with to (hopefully) help us stay alive longer.

Boom. Let's do this.

We start inside this time. Things are looking up already!

Let's find someone to talk to.

You, give me something to kill!

Yeah, we won't be making that mistake again.

Oh. Sorry to hear that. Anything I can help with?

Vermin seem easy. Let's do that. Where can I find them?

Far to the north, eh? How far could it be? (Famous last words.)

Wanna come with?

That's the spirit! Let's do this.

We leave the building we're standing in and find ourselves in a courtyard surrounded by walls.

A few releases ago, Toady spent quite a bit of time making a VERY detailed generation algorithm for human towns. They're massive, sprawling, and mazelike, and it takes me an embarrassing amount of time to find my way out.

Eventually, I do, though. And we find ourselves at the travel map, once again.

Now, where do we have to go?

Ah... shit. I couldn't get the entire path in a single screenshot, but we're on a small peninsula a decent ways off screen. No matter, it'll be an epic adventure, I'm sure!

After some uneventful walking, I start getting thirsty. I'll just stop and take a drink and...

Seriously? The water in your inventory can freeze? That's fucking bullshit. Maybe I can eat it anyways.

Well, fuck. I'm gonna die of thirst.

Maybe we can find a place to stay for the night and warm up.

We follow a frozen river to the north until we run into a Dwarven fortress.

They're not as interesting as human towns, but at least they're a safe place to put up for the night.

I start descending into the depths of the fortress.

The AI doesn't do a great job walling off the cavern systems... maybe we'll do some spelunking after I get the drink and sleep situation handled.

Ah, the magma forges. This place should melt that ice well enough.

It's also making us tear up, presumably from the heat. Apparently, you can drink tears. That's appropriately badass for this game, and hopefully we'll get to drink the tears of our enemies in short order!

But first, this seems as good a place as any to stop and get some sleep.

I'll leave our itinerary for next time up to a vote: Do we want to continue north and slay some vermin or do we want to try to do some spelunking?