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Omni-Dragoon Flight 1.5: Return to Kitty Hawk

So, in light of several others doing Omni-class runs where they get all abilities for funsies, I decided to get in on that. From now on, this will be an Omni-Dragoon run. My reasons for this are threefold:
1. Sulla has already done a solo-Dragoon run, and pretty much every strategy I had planned for tough bosses was one he ended up using first, so you can just read that if you want an idea of how my run would've probably gone.
2. The Four Job Fiesta begins soon, and I'd rather not burn myself out on FF5 by taking on a potentially annoying challenge. I'm hoping to do more than the 7 runs I managed last year.
3. I've succumbed to the allure of power. I blame talking with Grahf.

Now, I did establish one ground rule: with a few small exceptions, I'm going to stick primarily with passive abilities for my second skill, because if I'm going to use other !Skills, I might as well go with broken shit like !Mix or !Summon or !Zeninage and play not-like-a-freaking-Dragoon-at-all. There are exactly three exceptions: !Lance, since it's a Dragoon ability anyway, !Steal, so I can nab some early lances and actually use them for once (a few are available before you actually normally get Dragoon, so you'd have to be a Freelancer to use them, and screw that), and !Time, so I can Teleport out of dungeons (no using it in battle though) for the sake of convenience.

Got all that? Good, let's hop to it. First, since I had barely started the game, I figured I might as well redo the parts I had already covered. To start with, let's go over a few things I've gained with my new setup, and a few things I skipped over previously.

Right off the bat, there's a benefit to these skills: I can keep my old Broadsword for the goblins that only have 1 HP to begin with.


Anyway, before long I get back to Wing Raptor, now in video form!

(Which has been moved to the main post. Get back over there.)

So, funny story about Dragoons is that they're actually one of the speedier armor-wearing classes. Only Mystic Knights and Gladiators are faster, but they're actually among the faster classes in the game at +14 over Freelancer (tied with Ninja for a 3-way in second place, with Thief coming in first at +16). Dragoons themselves have a mere +5, but that's still an improvement over Freelancer too! I bring this up because that gives Dragoon just enough speed to get three turns in before Wing Raptor closes his wings. Dual-Wielding on his impressive Strength, Jordan makes VERY quick work of the Raptor.

Anyway, once Jordan is done carving up that bird and watching the crystal shatter, I take a look at some of the passives at my disposal. I'll like having these around for grinding. Or for getting around places I might want to get through quickly. I might see Read Ahead getting some use in Karnak or something.

I head back to town and decide to pick up my usual crapload of Potions, as well as the starter spells. Because fuck it, maybe I'll change my mind and use them somehow. Can't hurt to have them.

I also decide to hit the Pirate Cove for free items, delicious free items, and find Not-A-Dragon battered and bruised, having gotten his ass beat by low-level scrub monsters. A DRAGON would've killed those things, you weenie.

So for Karlabos Round 2, I figure more evasion can only be a good thing.

I only get wiped once due to an unlucky combo of Feeler - Tail Screw - Attack, because he's still a dick like that. I only need one rematch this time, though. Blade Catch, you are simply the best.

Karlabos, you sunk my dragonship!

Jordan maintains hope that he'll still get his sea dragon.

Join us next time when Jordan deals with status hell, then finally lives up to his class.