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So this is where you were, Udonge.

Yes, I've been keeping an eye on the sky. I can't sense any waves from the moon. The spell must be working.

Indeed. But not everything is going according to plan.

You mean this night, right?

I don't know who's behind it, but they must have realized that we hid the true moon. I would imagine that their next step would be to come look for us.

Could they be lunar envoys who've already landed?

Doubtful. Even among the Lunarians, very few possess the power to manipulate space-time like this. Most likely, it's some kind of cheap trick being played by the surface youkai.

Wasn't this sort of thing out of their league...?

But what should we do, master? We still haven't found that lunar rabbit yet either.

Naturally, we track down the person getting in our way and eliminate them. I already told Tewi to have the rabbits keep an eye on the bamboo thicket, so-

A rabbit comes running.

Lady Eirin! Lady Eirin!

Perfect timing. So, how does it look?

We're in big trouble! North of the thicket there's this huge ship we've never seen before! If it keeps going the way it's headed, it might even come straight here.

A flying ship? Is it those humans from before!?

...If they're humans, they're almost certainly the youkai extermination specialists Tewi mentioned. I wonder if they're allies of the ones who stopped the night.

Should we do anything? I don't think they'd be able to find this place on their own but...

I'd rather not leave anything to chance at this point. Udonge, take some rabbits and dispose of them.

What?! No way, that's impossible!

It should be simple enough. We know they're on a ship heading straight towards us, so with your power it shouldn't be too much trouble to set up an ambush.

I see, so while they're in disarray from the ambush...

First, snipe the ship to throw them off balance. Then, after they've deployed, aim straight for the head. Take out their leader.

...The rest should scatter once we've taken out the shrine maiden. She seems to be the core of their group.

Understood, I'll do my best!