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Walter the Chemist - Post 7 - Nitrogen

It's worthwhile to be prepared. I've got a lot of things between me and the next time to restock.

We jump into the portal to Galuf's world after some hemming and hawing and hoping Boko will be okay.

No, it sent us to the Void. Yes, it's Galuf's world, and you know what I forgot in my preparations?

Thaaaaat's right. No tents to progress the story. Luckily the only encounter here has a 100% drop on tents. We pop one open, Walter dozes off, and then ATTACK!

Don't just stand there you idiot, use a mix or something!

I'm not even dignifying him with a video or a boss writeup. He tries to use Maelstrom, it misses, I stab him in the face 4 times.

Hot damn.

Fartz in a box! (where's the 1bux, Mega64? smile:

Big Blue is the best. Why?

This line. If you don't think this is the best goddamned line in the game, get out of my face.

I was too lazy to hexedit !Mix onto Galuf, so I cheap out. Deal with it, Sulla did the same thing.

The Last Samurai is dead, and no one cares. We bust out of Exdeath's Castle, head down to Big Bridge, try to open a door and OH SHIT IT'S GILGAMESH.

Gilgamesh (Bridge) (Human, Heavy)
HP: 6500
MP: 1000
Vulnerable to Blind, Old, Berserk, Silence (only in SNES/PS1 versions), Slow.

     {Fight,Jump,Electric Shock}
{Fight,Aero 2,Fight}
{Fight,Wind Slash,Specialty}
React:Death & V00=01{
     Display Text: Gilgamesh:  Hey!
     Display Text: I remembered urgent business!
     Display Text: I'll be back!!
React:HP < 2500 & HP Damage & V00=00{
     No Interrupt{
          Display Text: I was wrong...
          Display Text: I can't fight four people...
          Display Text: I don't stand a chance...
          Display Text: ...did you believe me!!?
          Set V00=01

Whole lotta words, but the TL,DR is: below 2500 HP, he'll taunt us, put up Haste/Protect/Shell, and proceed to start spamming Jump (the enemy magic spell, NOT !Jump). Since he uses a mix of physical and magical attacks, I layer up some defenses with a new mix!

Protect Potion (Turtle Shell + Turtle Shell) applies Protect and Shell at the same time. Very nice!

Once done, I start draining his 1000 MP. I could let him use his panic buffs, sure, but why? I'm a Chemist. I alone determine what may be cast, what may be done, and who may live. Plus, it only takes four Lamia's Kisses.


Anyways, we proceed down Big Bridge, Exdeath panics and activates his Impenetrable Forcefield, and we get caught in the shockwave, blown to hell.

Wait, just Gloceana? Shut your goddamned mouth, Regole is there! WE MUST GO TO REGOLE NOW.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Beyond just Dragon Fangs, Regole has all of the Chemist drinks for sale for 110 gil a piece, and has Holy Water for 150 gil a dose. I really need money bad, but this widens my arsenal by a dramatic degree.

I get what I can afford with the cash I have. Soon, I will have a good cash source. Onward!

Moogle fall down the hoooooole...


I have plans.

Shit, it's a standoff! Wait, I can intervene!

Tyrannosaur (Dragon, Undead)
HP: 5000
Weak to Fire, Immune to Ice
Vulnerable to Death, Blind, Old, Berserk, Slow.

     Poison Breath

Supposedly, this is a boss. This is less of a boss than Manticore was.

New mix time.

Phoenix Down + Potion makes Resurrection. It revives someone with full HP instead of just 1/16th like a normal Down does. Or it horribly murders the undead.



This moogle is warning us to avoid the desert.

Fuck him, I'm a Chemist and have access to Quicksave.

We follow him to his forest, the moogles freak out because "OMG HUMANS! RUN!" and then we find our buddy. Being nice has benefits:

I explore the other houses, and find...

Fucking DUH?

I use the costume to rob another moogle of his(?) elven mantle. I will sell this for drinks/holy waters because I'm a mercenary son of a bitch.

This amuses me because I'm easily amused.

Moogle sense... tingling!

You mean... psychotically?

Anyways, Krile fetches us from the Moogle Forest.

And drops us off at Walter's new base of operations/sales, Bal Castle.

Next time: Money is acquired. Drugs are brewed. Power is obtained.